She's Been Running Through My Dreams

Chapter 2

Jack's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about her. Who was she? When did she move here? Does she live alone? Why won't she talk to me?
That particular question was on my mind a lot. We'd ran into each other a number of times since the time I first saw her. But we never talked. I wanted to introduce myself but she always seemed either upset or busy., which made me not wanna bother her. All we managed to say to each other was a polite ''Hello''.
It was driving me nuts. She was a fucking mystery to me and I loved it.
I would hear her play guitar every day. Usually in the morning. But sometimes she played late at night too. I noticed that her late night guitar sessions came on the days when she was upset. She used music as therapy, just like I do.

She'd been running through my dreams for days at this point and I was getting more and more frustrated. They guys noticed and finally called me out on it.
''So, who is she?'' Alex asked out of the blue. We were just hanging around his home studio not really doing anything anymore.
''Who?'' I played dumb.
''The girl that turned you into a mopey puppy.'' said Rian as he sat down next to me and patted my thigh.
''I don't know wh...'' I tried to deny her existence but in reality I was actually quite glad they wanted to talk about it, because hell I needed to talk about it.
''Dude, it's us you're talking to. We know there is a girl. So, who is she?'' Zack tried again.
''She's my new neighbour.'' I confessed and I'm pretty sure a smirk appeared on my face.
''What's her name?'' Alex asked looking like a curious teenage girl.
''I don't know.''
''What do you mean you don't know?'' it was Rian asking now.
''I haven't... this girl is such a mystery, you guys. I know nothing about her. I haven't talked to her yet. I know she's gorgeous and cute, she goes for a run every morning, she plays guitar and listens to Pearl Jam all the time.''
Rian shook his head in disbelief.
''Why don't you just knock on her door and talk to her?' You're Jack fucking Barakat. You don't admire from afar. When you like something, you go get it.“
Well, that is certainly true. But this girl wasn't 'something' I liked.
''You don't understand, Ri. She's... different. There's something off about her. In a good way. I feel like she'll get freaked out if I just go talk to her.''
''Dude, you gotta at least try.“ Zack said.
Alex grabbed my guitar and looked at me. ''Yeah. And until then, you gotta deal with your feeling the best way you know how.''
I looked back at him questioningly. ''Drunken one night stand?''
They all laughed.
''That could work too, but not what I had in mind. Write a song, man.''
He was right. If I didn't have the balls to do anything about it right now, at least I could use the situation as inspiration.

I grabbed the guitar, said my goodbyes and left. Back in my apartment, after a shot of vodka, the melody came to me easily and, surprisingly, so did the lyrics.

I wish you could see your face right now
'Cause you're grinning like a fool
And we're sitting on your kitchen floor
On a Tuesday afternoon
It doesn't matter when we get back
To doing what we do
'Cause right now could last forever
Just as long as I'm with you
You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose
We would go out on the weekend
To escape our busy lives
And we'd laugh at all the douche-bag guys
Chasing down their desperate wives
I would drink a little too much
You'd offer me a ride
And I would offer you a t-shirt
And you would stay another night
But you're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

I spent the entire evening writing. I changed it so many times, I changed the words, the melody.And I kept tuning my guitar until I couldn't tune it by ear anymore because my brain was too fucking tired, and also a tiny bit drunk.
Then I got the idea.

In a few short strides I was standing in fron of a door and my hand was knocking on it.
''Hi.'' I said with a surely creepy grin on my face when the door opend.
''I'm Jack. I live next door.''
She looked beautiful with her hair up. She had sweatpants on and there were no traces of make-up on her face. It did kinda look like she'd been crying, it made me question my rash decision to come over.
''Hi, Jack.'' she forced a smile and I honestly felt worse than ever for knocking on her door in the middle of the night. She obviously wasn't happy about it. I couldn't turn around and leave though, could I.
''I'm so sorry to bother you at this hour, but I was hoping you might have a guitar tuner that I could borrow?'' Wow, real smooth, Jack. Not weird at all. I mentally slapped myself.
''I heard you play the other day. This walls and all.'' OMFG what the fuck, Jack? Thin walls? You've officially lost your game.
''Sure.'' she nodded and turned around to go get it. I couldn't help but notice how slowly and effortlesly she moved around her apartment.
In a second she came back and handed me her tuner. ''Here.''
''Thank you.'' I said taking it from her hand. ''YOU're a life saver. I'm working on a song and...''
I tried to explain, but she interrupted me.
''Yeah, no problem.'' She really wanted me gone, didn't she.
''Ok, thank you. I'll return it soon. I swear.''
''Don't worry about it.'' a real smile appeared on her face this time and I swear my heart skipped a beat.
''Alright. Goodnight. And sorry about bothering you this late.''
''Goodnight, jack.''
Well, and that was the end of our first conversation.
I didn't even get her name.
♠ ♠ ♠
(Linda's outfit: