She's Been Running Through My Dreams

Chapter 3

Linda's POV

So his name is Jack. I thought to myself.

He'd been on my mind for days. We passed each other in the hallway a few times before and I couldn't stop thinking about his smile ever since.

There were times I wished I was brave enough to say more than just Hello to him. You know, to start a conversation... ask him about the apartment complex or the neighbourhood, anything really. But no... typical me. Nothing. I just adore from afar.

As soon as the door closed, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. He's even cuter than I thought. And now I know for sure that I'll see and talk to him again.
It is exciting but at the same time it's nervewrecking. See, I am not good at any kind of social interaction. Especially when it comes to talking to people I don't know. My social anxiety usually takes over. That's why I prefer to spend time alone, or with my brother or Tammy. I don't go out, I don't party. I'm a nerdy introver. The loner. I have my books, my tv shows, my guitar. Sure I do talk to people if I have to, but it takes a lot of effort. So knowing that I'd have to talk to Jack again, the guy I'd been kind of smitten with since the day I first met him, was indeed nervewrecking.

Days passed and I actually forgot about the tuner. I was busy working on my next project and didn't really have time to practice my guitar skills whatsoever. But then my brother Charlie called and asked if he could borrow my tuner and I knew I had to go get it. I downed a rather big shot of Jameson... for courage, you know... and headed to knock on his door. I was kinda hoping he wouldn't be home but before I had the chance to turn around and run back home, he opened the door.
''I thought I heard a knock. Hi....?'' he grinned and I realized that I never told him my name. Time to make it right.
''Linda. My name's Linda. Hi.'' my lips curved upwards as well.
''Linda. What can I do for you?''
''I was wondering if I could have my tuner back? My brother, he called... asked about it and...''
''Oh my god, of course. I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to... hold on. I'll get it. Hey, come on in, can't have you standing in the hallway.'' he said and ran to the other room. I stepped into his apartment and closed the door behind me. When he came back he found me nervously staring out of his window chewing my lower lip.
''Here it is.' he handed the tuner to me. ''Thank you so much for that.''
''You're welcome. Glad I could help.''
''Hey, can I pay you back with a cup of coffee or... a glass of wine or something?''

I stopped breathing for a second. A part of me really wanted to say yes and stay. Another part of me, though, really wanted to run away. I started thinking of all the reasons why I shouldn't say yes, why it was a bad idea, why I shouldn't try to get to knowing because my chances with him very basically nonexistant.The fear started taking over and I was ready to come up with a good enough excuse and leave. But then he said ''Pleeeease.'' with the biggest grin on his face and for the first time in a very long time I said Screw it and decided to do what I wanted to do instead of doing what the negative voices in my head were telling me to do.

''Yup. Sounds great.'' I smiled back at him.
''Awesome. Come, sit.'' he ushered me to his living area and I sat down. Oh boy, what am I doing? This is gonna be a disaster. What are we going to talk about? Why did I stay? With so many thoughts in my head I completely spaced out for a second.

Jack's POV

I was watching her from the kitchen. She was sitting on my couch staring at a wall. It was kinda weird but she looked beautiful anyway. What is she thinking about? How do I snap her out of it without scaring her? Eventually I decided on just talking to her from the kitchen instead of approching her.
''Is red wine ok?''
''What? ... Yeah. Sure. Thanks.''
So I poured us both a glass of wine and sat down next to her leaving a fair amount of inches between us to make sure she's not uncomfortable.
''Sooooo, new neighbour, you play guitar, huh?''
''I wouldn't say that I play. I try, yes. I started teaching myself a few months ago.''
''Whoa! You're teaching yourself? That's cool. From what I've heard through this wall right here, you're doing a pretty good job.''
Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away. God, why was she so cute?
''Thanks.'' she whispered and I thought it was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

I can't tell you how it happened but before I knew it, it was dark outside. We'd been talking for hours at this point and I learned so much about her. That she had an older brother, her parents lived in Italy, she was an published author... Pearl Jam was her favorite band, the furtherst she traveled was to London. She told me stories of her boring college life and I told her stories of my crazy high school life. I learned why she started teaching herself to play guitar and she wasn't surprised when I told her I was a professional guitar player. It was the most normal, relaxed conversation I'd ever had wih a girl. So easy.

''What is your favorite movie, Jack?'' she asked when we started playing the 20 questions game.
''Oh that is so easy. Home Alone. Hands down.''
''No, it's not! Really?'' she laughed.
''Yeah. It's epic. What is your favorite movie?'' I kind of expected her to say something like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or even a girly flick like Dirty Dancing. What I did not expect was...
''Home Alone! I was obsessed with that movie growing up. It's the best.'' she said.
''Ok, it's official. You are my soulmate. You're moving in, we're getting married and having babies together.''
We bothed laughed for a while and then we fell into a comfortable silence than led to both of us falling asleep on my couch.
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Linda's outfit: