Status: In Progress

Grayish Purple Eyes

Chapter 6

"We didn't even eat lunch..." I stated as an after-thought when I got into his truck.

"Oh... I'll make sure that you eat something." Kolbe tapped my hand.

"Where are we going exactly?" I wondered.

"It's a surprise, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," I was at a loss of what else to say.

We drove a while, a long while. Passed all the things I duly recognized.

"A far away surprise," I muttered.

"Not too far," he grinned. "You'll love it."

"I'm sure," I shook my head.

"How hungry would you say you are?"


"Food first then."A couple minutes later we pulled into a parking lot to some restaurant called Shorely? "Shorely," he turned off the car. "Shorely you'll love it."

"Ha! You're funny," I got out.

"To your pleasure," he followed suit.

"Mmm how delightful." I followed him in.

"Kolbe!" A short, blonde haired girl ran up to him and jumped up into a hug with her arms wrapped around his neck. "You're back," she stage-whispers.

"Hey Sagi," he hugs her back.

"Who is this? Oh my goodness! Is that her?!?" She springs off of him and starts bouncing up and down, pointing at me.

"Yes," Kolbe replies.

"Ah!!" She scream, runs over, and bear hugs me. "I've been waiting for you!" She squeals. "Kolbe said he found you! And he surely waited long enough to bring you home!"

"What?" I ask Kolbe awkwardly hugging 'Sagi' back.

"Ooh we have so much to catch up on!" She releases me from the hug and starts tugging on my hand instead.
"Do I know you?" I shouted.

"Hey Sagi," A slim guy with dirty blonde hair comes up behind her and grabs her hand that is attached to mine and attempts to dislodge it. "She doesn't know what's going on yet. How about we give her some space?"

Her eyes widen, "Oh yes of course!" She drops my hand like it's covered in spiders. "I'm sorry I wasn't even thinking." She grabs guy's hands and pulls him away quickly.

"What?" I look at Kolbe.

"Um you know what let's sit down. That was our hostess but we're like family here so we can sit wherever you please."

"Okay..." I swing into the nearest chair. "What?" I repeat.

"Didn't you want to eat?" He looks around and waves a guy with brown hair over before sitting down.

"No I don't want to eat," I say it aggressively. "Why was that girl hugging me? What was she talking about? What was that guy talking about? I don't know what's going on yet? What's that suppose to mean? Are you like voluntarily kidnapping me and going to sacrifice me in a cult?" I don't pause even when the brown haired guy comes over.

"Boy, you've got your hands full of a whole lot of girl there." The beckoned guy comments.

"What? Did you seriously just call me a whole lot of girl? As in fat? What is wrong with you?" I demand.

"Whoah, sassy. I sense oncoming drama."

"Enough Leo. She just got here. She wasn't suppose to know yet."

"Jesus you always wait until she's got gray hair," Leo plucks some of my tresses loose of my ponytail. "I mean look at this."

"I do not have gray hair!" I smack his hand away and completely redo my ponytail while continuing to fume. "What do I not know?!?"

"Ha! Spunky. I always love messing with you Mrs. Perfect." He punches me in the arm.
"Leo just get her an iced tea okay? And a CLT-" Kolbe orders.

"What the hell is a CLT?" Leo interrupts.

"Chicken Lettuce Tomato," I'm quick to interject.

"It's a BLT but with chicken not bacon, Leo. Understand? Have it put on toast," Kolbe prescribes

"Geesh. Got it, Mr. Perfect," Leo rolls his eyes and takes off.

"Wheat toast!" Kolbe shouts after him and shakes his head.

"What the hell?" I steam.

"He's got a bad attitude. He's a cocky little bastard isn't he?"

"Not him! What the hell is going on?"

"That'll take a lot of explaining and time," Kolbe explains. "And trust," he adds. "Do you trust me?"

"How the hell do I know?!? Just tell me!"

"Not now."

"Yes now!"

"You don't understand."

"Damn right."

"You know what maybe I should just have you meet some people."

"I don't want to meet anybody. I want you to tell me what's going on."

"You've already met Sagi."

Ugh! I slam my fist on the table. "I don't care who she is! I want you to tell me what's going on!"

"Trust me this is how it starts."

"How what starts?"

"The explaining. It helps with the transition. It sure would've helped if
ditzy Sagi hadn't opened her idiotic mouth but we are where we are."

"The transition? What transition?"

"I'll get to that. First we'll have you eat. Then we'll have you meet." He smiles at his play on words.


"You've met Sagi, the ditzy red head. And Leo the asshole. And Ari that guy who dragged Sagi out of here."


"So yeah."

"Is that suppose to mean anything to me?"

"Well not really. I mean Aqua's not around so eh." He shrugs. "Either way they'll help you out at least through the transition, after that... Eh we really just like to spend our time by ourselves."


"You'll get it later. Anyway you've got Rus to meet and Gem and Pisces. Lib and Capri aren't around either so yeah... I'll tell you what happened to Cancer later-maybe."

"Where are Capri and everybody else?"

"To be explained later."

"Iced tea. It's as cold as you are girl." Leo slides the glass on the table.

"Funny. It's not cold at all," I remark.

"Damn girl. I wasn't hoping you weren't going to catch that. Refrigerations down again," He turns to Kolbe.

"What the hell's Rus doing?" Kolbe questions.

"He's in the slums. Having a love fest with his food."

"Better tell him to clean up Virgo's back," Kolbe looks at me when he says it.

"Why don't you?" Leo sneers and sleazes away.

"Jag-off," Kolve rolls his eyes. "I'll have you meet them after you eat."

"Am I suppose to be understanding this?" I huff.

"You will."

"Why aren't you eating?" God the food's probably drugged, he is going to kidnap me after all.

"Ate before my shift," he shrugs.

"Figures. So... you guys are like family? What's that suppose to mean?"

"We just are. You'll get it later."

"Is there anything you can tell me now?"

"What I could is what I did."

"Fine." I cross my arms and flop back in the chair. He relaxes. God what is going on? Why the hell did I let myself go with him, by myself! To some place where I have no idea where it is? This isn't right. The way they speak, they must be crazy. Some crazy cult! Great.

"Do you like me?" Kolbe asks.

"What kind of question is that?" I launch.

"Woah, you already trying to work her panties in a twist? For godsake put your penis down, use some god damn words and they'll be falling down themselves. Trust me it's much easier to fuck 'em with the panties all the way off. Self-experience," Leo delivers the CLT.

"Fuck off," Kolbe tosses the words at him.

"Aw am I ruining sexy time?"

"Go to hell you sick perv," I am sick of his attitude.

"Oh why would you like to join me? I have my own personal chambers down there and I promise to take your panties all the way off."

"Leo," Kolbe grits his teeth. "Please?"

"If you insist. How about I come by later to watch the show? You know us pervs really enjoy our sexy time." He twitches a smile and leaves.

"I'm not going to eat that," I claim.

"Aw Leo doesn't cook the stuff."

"I don't care who cooked it, I'm not eating it."

"Suit yourself," Kolbe got up and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" I demand.

"You're the one who wanted to meet them." He walks backwards a moment and then turns to walk normally. I quickly get up to follow him.