The Weeping Woman

La Llorona

The howl of the wind did nothing to mask the mournful wails of a woman's voice. The sound carrying above the wind and the rushing of the river as a the willowy woman waded through the water.

Her black hair was long, dripping with water as it hang in heavy tendrils to her waist; it was stark in contrast to her ashen skin, almost the same color as her white dress.

“My children!” the woman screamed mournfully, her hands splashing against the rough currents, “Where are my children?”

The ghostly figure often roamed the river and its banks, searching for her missing children. Many years had gone by, and many stories had been rumored as to why the woman still searched for her lost sons.

“There you are,” the woman crooned when she spotted the two boys who were cowering behind a rock on the shore, “Come here, my lovies. Come to your mama.”

The elder boy stepped out first, clutching his younger brother's hand so she stayed close to his side. “Come closer. I have been looking for you for so long,” the woman cries joyfully, extending her open arms to the children.

The two children wandered closer, enthralled by the motherly woman, until she was able to encircle them into a tight embrace. “Home. Its time to return home,” the ghostly woman whispered against the crown of the little boy’s head.

The woman dislodged herself from the children, gripping each of their hands in one of her own as she lead them towards the raging river waters. Slowly, they waded into the water, the children following mindlessly until they were overcome by the currents and dragged under.