Fall for You

Ally Danny make up time!

Do you know how much I hate airline chairs? It doesn’t matter whether or not you are in coach or first class, the chairs are uncomfortable as heck! Well that and the fact that my dad wouldn’t let me roam around for a whole ten hours was getting to me too. Though that is mostly my fault after all the complaints that the stewardess’ have left on my father’s voicemail wouldn’t help the cause.

So here I was, sitting as still as possible for a girl who possibly has ADHD, chewing on my I-Pod wire counting down the minutes before landing.

“Alex, calm down. We have ten minutes left and then you can go and run off,” My dad patted my leg to stop from bouncing.

“Dad, I have been strapped down for ten hours with nothing to do. Even with all the drinks I had I couldn’t even walk to the bathroom because you didn’t trust me not to make something explode! So I am here, sitting, and I REALLY have to go to the bathroom!” I exclaimed and commenced with my leg bouncing.

“Ally! I told you that you could go to the bathroom when we flew over the ocean, now go. It looks like you are going to explode,” he chuckled and I gave him a glare.

Sometimes my dad acts even more like a kid than I am. I didn’t say anything but whip off my seat belt and run to the bathroom. Bad idea.

The minute I reached the bathroom area I just HAD to run into someone.

Crash count: 1

Ow, a pain suddenly spread all over the back of my head. I think I smashed my head against the cabinets when I fell.

Crash count: 2

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” the guy that crashed- okay that I crashed into- exclaimed and helped me up.

“It’s alright- really. This sort of thing is virtually impossible for me to evade... Whoa! That was like the smartest thing I have ever said!” I laughed at myself then spun in a circle doing the cabbage patch. Yup, happy dance time.

Though what brought me out of my little ‘Happy Time’ was the sound of someone’s laughter. I forgot the little detail that someone was there. I looked up through my bangs and put a sheepish smile that was quickly wiped away and replaced by a disbelieving look.

“Danny?” I asked hesitantly.

“Who else would it be?” He smirked and looked down at me.

“Well, it could be a pervey old guy, or middle aged pedophile that happened to see me on my- ahem- Victoria secret spread,” I couched into my hand and looked away from the amused and interested blue eyes.

“Ah, talking about Doug?” I laughed. “Yeah, we saw that. Though I still think that Dougie kept those pages in his ‘box’,”

I shook my head. That boy needed some serious help. He had the best girl that could deal with anything that he could throw at her, but still resorted to his dirty little secret. I should tell Nat about burning his stash.

“Well then I just might have to burn those images- I just don’t want to deal with looking at those other women or men in those boxes,” we shared a laugh.

“So what are you doing on a plane back over here?” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“You mean Nat didn’t tell you?” Sometimes he is slower than I am, but that’s what makes him cute.

“Nope. I think she said something about a friend coming back weeks ago, but I was beating Haz in some Halo and didn’t hear anything she said,” Just like the boys.

“Well I’m coming back with my dad. He has to work with some new band, so I’m going to be spending the rest of the month here till my mom gives me word of the next country she is in,” I shrugged.

“Awsome! We can go and wreck Harry and Dougie in another game of soccer!” I shook my head.

“Is that all that I’m good for, beating others in soccer? Danny that breaks my heart, really, it does,” I pouted.

“Aw you know I missed you,” He wrapped me in a hug.

“Now that is more like it. So where are the others?” I leaned against the wall and faced him.

All the washrooms were occupied, so I might as well talk to Dan as I waited.

“In the back. Haz is asleep, Tom is trying to stay calm, Dougie and Nat are keeping occupied, and I decided to walk around because I was bored,” he shrugged.

“Sounds like fun. I think I might have to give Dougie and Nat the ‘talk’,” we shared a laugh.

“Lord knows he needs at least one scaring lecture,” I excused myself for a little while when I saw a washroom open.

Doing the business, I saw Danny still standing there. He was leaning against the wall blowing bubbles.

“You need to teach me how to do that!”

“It’s not something you can just learn Lexy. It’s my super power,” I pouted.

“Excuse me, but I need to ask you two to go back to your seats. The plan is just about to land,” we nodded at the air hostess and gave each other one last hug before walking back to our sections on the plane.

“What took you so long?” my dad asked when I buckled my seat back up.

“Ally Danny make up time!” I smiled large and took another sip of my newest chocolate milk.