Classificaion: Bloodsuckers

Chapter One

The sun crept from behind the auburn sky just like a pale hand that reached out from the blankets and slammed the annoying alarm clock with a mighty fist. The fist uncurled, to reveal long, bony fingers, with manicured nails, which were painted a dark red. The hand slowly hid underneath the blankets again.

For a moment, the plain room was silent, exept for the train that roared some where in the horizon. Then, suddenly, the dark blue blanket was barbarically thrown on the floor, and a very tall woman, young woman, sat straight up on her already wrinkly, white, cotton bed sheets.

She rubbed her eyes with her hands, before stretching. She hesitated a moment, not sure about opening her eyes, she wanted to fall back into her bed and sleep, but she couldn’t. A whole new morning of training awaits me, she told herself, and I can’t miss it.

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked around. She grimaced as she saw the state of her room. Books, clothes, weapons, beer bottles, cigarette butts, all lay on her floor and around her small room.

She arched her brown brow, and sighed. She never had time to clean her room; she barely had time to tend after her little brother, who was out. Again, like always. The wanabe ladies man that he was.

She got up, her knee long, cotton, purple night gown cascaded down her skinny, yet muscular body until it reached its primal length. She shuffled near her bed for slippers, and not finding any proceeded to her room’s door. On the way, she stopped and looked at her reflection in the mirror that hung to the right of the door.

She grimaced once again, seeing her reflection. Her chin long brown hair was sticking out, and her hazel eyes tried to seem serious; trying to hide the tiredness and the worry. The whites in her eyes were red from all that late night reading that she did. Looking a little bit closer, she could see a bruise on her fore head. She let out a small whimper. The night before, she remembered it. 10 slayed vampires 3 lost humans, not bad, she was improving, but that last vampire was the hardest to get.

She thought she could get him with her wooden stake, but he ran away so she chased him, straight into a pole. Never the less she got him, with a crossbow.

Shrugging, she gripped the handle of her door and opened it, letting fresh air and darkness flush in. She stepped out side.

Her brother’s room door was opened, indicating that he was home. Splendid, she could use him as a punching bag, like always. Downstairs, she heard noises. After a second, she classified them as TV noises. Good, so he was awake.

Slowly, making sure the stairs didn’t creak, she made her way down to the living room.

The room was dark, exept for the light the television emitted, so she couldn’t see really well. But she could see some one on the couch. Well, actually, she wasn’t sure if there was one person or two people. She tip-toed over to the light switch that was some ten feet away from the couch, flipped it up and leaned against the wall.

Instantly, two pairs of eyes were fixed on her. One dark green pair of eyes belonged to her brother, the other grey pair of eyes belonged to a pretty girl that was sitting on her brother’s lap.

“Cree,” the girl said suspiciously, “Who is that?” She pointed at his sister, who was shaking her head, trying to hide away her smile.

“My sister.” ‘Cree’ replied; he was startled with the whole light thing.

“You never told me you had a sister!” The girl got up, flaring her white-undergarments, picked up her blue sundress off of the floor, slipped it on and headed for the front door. On her way, she picked up a white messenger bag, and finally slipped on a pair of white flip flops.

“Babe, baby wait!” Cree exclaimed as he in one motion got off the couch. He was tall, skinny, yet sort of muscular, with sunny blond hair. He sprinted after the girl, wearing only hot pink boxers. “April, babe please wait!” He took a hold of her arm.

“April? Who in the seven hells is April? I’m Paula!” The girl screamed at him, as she tried to free her arm from Cree’s grip. “Let go! Let go!” She continued on screaming.

Shrugging, Cree let go. He silently watched his ‘girlfriend’ storm out, and didn’t even flinch when the door slammed back into its position. For a moment everything was quite, and then his head slowly turned his eyes ablaze as he stared at his sister.

“MURANKA!” He suddenly exploded. “You always do this! You always spoil everything!”

Stifling a laugh, his sister made her way into the kitchen. “Not my fault, really,” she replied, “You shouldn’t go around flirting and wooing every girl that looks good to you.” She opened the small refrigerator and took out an apple. After washing it in cold, unbearably cold water, she reached for the knife rack that was near the sink and took out a small knife.

“What is your business about my life?” Cree continued as soon as his sister walked out of the kitchen. He backed up a little bit seeing a shiny knife in her hand.

“My business would be being your older sister, and making sure you don’t get your empty head eaten by vampires, lycans and other demons.” She poked him with her cold knife and continued towards the TV. Muranka jumped over the couch back and plopped down in front of the TV screen. Using her knife, she cut out little apple pieces and plopped them into her mouth.

Cree rubbed his forehead. Oh well, he thought, at least she doesn’t storm off when I do something bad. “Hey, Mur,” he started as he walked around the couch and sat down next to Muranka’s legs. “Excuse me, you know for the whole tantrum.”

Muranka lay still for a moment before sitting up. She looked Cree squarely in the eye. “I will, if you can be my punching bag today.”

Cree sighed, shaking his head. This was the only way she ever forgave him. His body was bruised from all her kick boxing, but it added mysteriousness and manliness to him, and plus, the ladies loved it. He put out his hand. “Done and Done.”

Muranka cautiously shook his hand and continued to eat her apple.

After some more time and proper breakfast, Cree and Muranka gathered at the parking lot of their apartment community. Muranka was standing alone, next their white Hummer H-2. She was waiting for Cree, who took an awful long amount of time to fix his hair.

Now, instead of her purple nightgown, Muranka was wearing knee long camouflage short, a white tank top-with the straps of her black bra visible-, and white ROCKETDOGs, on her feet. She was holding on to a black duffle bag that read ADIDAS in white letters on it.

“Took you long enough Christoph!” Muranka noted making sure she used Cree’s full name, to aggravate him of course.

Cree just gave her a look and continued out of the main door. He was wearing a black muscle shirt, trying to show off his muscular arms-which were plastered with scars and bruises-, black baggy pants and black combat boots. “Sorry, had to fix my hair. Can’t have my hair messed up when I’m driving to the gym.” He run his hand through his spiked up sunny blond hair to show her the proof.

“Dude, you do know your precious hair is going to get messed up?” Muranka asked him, arching her right brow and tossing him the keys to car. “Fine you drive, but I pick the CD this time. No more ‘MANN GEGEN MANN!’” She smacked him on the back of his head as she heard him open the car. She got into the front passenger seat, set down her bag between her legs, buckled up and waited for her brother to get in.

Some moments later, Cree also got into the car. He put the keys into the ignition and turned them to full. The car roared like it always did, and started. He gripped the steering wheel with his left hand, while he buckled up with his right. After buckling up, he put the stick shift into DRIVE and sped off.

Muranka, during that time was shuffling through their CD book. She had a lot of choices, but in the end chose the CD “ROSENROT” (Meaning ROSE RED), by a German band, Rammstein. As she skipped through the CD she came across the song called “ROSNEROT” (which is the song the album was named for) and turned up the volume. Soon after and awesome bass and guitar intro, Till Lindemann’s deep voice sounded in the car. Muranka began to sing along, seeing that she was the best singer out of her and Cree.

“Rosenrot, oh Rosenrot,” she sang along, as Cree sped through the high way, trying to make it to the gym before it opened.

“So what are the plans for tonight?” Cree questioned his sister as the two of them got out of the car and head towards the entrance door of the gym. “Slaying, slaying and more slaying?” He winked towards his sister, who nodded her head. “Good, because I wanted to join you, because I’m getting bored waiting for you at home.” Muranka remained silent.

Once inside the gym, they continued towards the boxing rings.
Muranka opened her duffle bag, revealing sets of boxing and sparring gloves, boxing shoes, mouth guards, helmets, in-step guards, helmets and bandages to wrap around their knuckles when they went on to the heavy hand to hand combat.

Cree grabbed a red pair of small ADIDAS gloves and jumped over the ring barriers. He quickly put them on and waited for his sister to do the same. Then he motioned for her to give him his shoes and she did.

After they were both inside the ring, and dressed in proper equipment, the begun their training. With short quick punches there, and some evasion of Cree’s hotheaded punched here, Muranka was able to knock Cree down in a matter of minutes.

Rubbing his neck, Cree got up off his back and sat up. “Mur! You’re like a killing machine! You’ve gotten so much better since the last time we sparred! What’s up?” He exclaimed in astonishment, as he gazed up at his sister. “Wow. Just wow.”

Muranka looked at her beaten up brother, sitting on the ring mat, rubbing his sore shoulders. She felt sad for him. “Okay, Cree. Training time is over. I don’t want to pummel you anymore. Go do whatever you want. I’m moving on to punching bags.” She jumped over the barrier and headed towards the punching bags. Once in position, she began to, well there is no soft way of putting it, but she began to beat the shit out of it. Couple of times she stopped to breath, and then resumed.

After nearly ripping the punching bag from the ceiling, she collapsed on the benches. That’s when he caught her eye. He was boxing with Cree, and beating the crap out of him. Muranka’s heart jumped as she gazed into his soulless, abyss blue eyes, which seemed to hypnotize her, and pull her in. His handsome, face looked like it was carved out by the angels themselves, his smile was unlike any other smile she had seen. His coal black hair, spiked up and glistening with sweat and gel, added a more hypnotic look to his eyes. His shirtless body, muscular and sweaty from work out, moved as he punched Cree, sending the skinny blond boy in different directions. Muranka bit her lip as she looked him over. She defiantly liked what she saw. A sexy man, that was beating the shit out of her brother. Nice, she thought to herself, very nice. She slowly got up; making sure her hair looked fine, and continued towards her brother. Once there she leaned against the barriers as her brother fell down.

“Nice day today, no dear brother?” Muranka asked him, squinting her eyes.

Cree just looked at her, shook her head and than looked back the mysterious man. “I bet my sister could beat the shit out of you!” He stated, winking at Muranka.

The man laughed, and then smiled-which made Muranka blush a little bit. “So now you have your sister fighting your battles for you?” He replied-his voice hinting a German accent-as he helped Cree up, and leaned his back against the barrier, really close to Muranka. She had to use all of her will to keep herself from getting into the ring, pinning him to the barriers and kissing him. Instead she just looked at her brother.

“No, but she beat the shit out of me, and I just thought maybe she could beat the shit out of you, just, for, pure, revenge!” Cree replied.

“So, now,” the man looked at Muranka, “you want me to fight your sister, so you can have your revenge?”

Muranka looked closely at him. His looked no younger than 25.

“Cree! Are you out of your mind?” Muranka exclaimed, masquerading her true intention of wanting to fight him. “He’ll kick my ass!”

“Muranka!” Cree whined, “Please! You know you want to avenge me.” Muranka's face almost exploded in the shade of red, because she knew that her brother knew that she liked the man and his emphasizing the word ‘want’ only made it clear to her.

The man seemed to notice that and chuckled. “Now, Ms. Muranka, are you sure you don’t want to try?” He asked her coyly. Muranka went red, but turned her head away in time so he didn’t see her.

Muranka turned her face back to him. “Why not?” She was ready to jumped over the ring, when the man put out his hand, helping her jump over. Cree smiled and was going to whistle, but seeing Muranka scowl at him, he quickly got out of the ring.

Muranka and the man both took off their gloves, and proceeded to fight ‘empty handed’. The man was good, but Muranka wasn’t bad either. She received several punches in her abdomen, replying with a kick to the man’s head, arms and a back kick to his stomach. With her back kick, the man flew across the ring, hit the barrier and fell onto the ground. He shook her head, sweat drops flying off his hair spikes, which made Muranka’s stomach produce butterflies. She couldn’t take it anymore, but she had to control herself. She went over to the man, got on her knees beside him, and touched his eyebrow, which was bleeding. She made sure, to lean more forward, so that part of her chest was visible.

The man touched his right eyebrow-his hand brushing against Muranka’s-and winced in pain. “Wow, you are good Ms. Muranka.” He whispered, smiling.

Muranka swallowed. “Please. Call me Muranka,” she replied slowly, barely breathing. “I am really sorry for hurting your eyebrow like that. I didn’t mean too.” She added as she began to wiping off the blood. He placed his hand upon hers, and slowly guided her as she did. They eyes gazed into each other, and they barely breathed. Muranka was lost in his eyes, his face, she was lost in him. They began to lean towards each other to kiss when they heard a cough above them.

“Ah, so Mur,” Cree said, stifling a chuckle, “should I get the spare clothes out of the car?”

Cree’s voice brought Muranka out of her trance, and into a dark shade of red. “Yeah, sure and make sure you get something for,”

“Richard*,” the man replied, “Richard.”

*Author’s note. The name Richard is not pronounced Richard. It is pronounced without the C. making it Rihard. Rihard is the German version of the name Richard, like Christoph is the German version of the name Christopher.

“For Richard,” Muranka concluded.

Cree snorted, “Okay.” And began to walk towards the door of the gym.

It was around afternoon, and not a lot of people were in the gym itself, more were out in the spas, and in the pool areas.

After Cree left, Muranka turned her head away from Richard. She was blushing like crazy, her face turning deeper and deeper red. She was burning up, but she could get up, because Richard was holding her hand.

“Muranka,” he whispered.

Muranka didn’t reply, she slowly pulled her hand out of his grasp and got up. She swiftly jumped over the barrier, and started towards the showers.

Richard jumped to his feet, and seconds later was right behind Muranka. He took her by her upper arm. “Wait.”

Muranka turned around, to face his eyes, and began to loose herself in them again. She felt him pulling herself towards her, when to her luck her brother’s voice broke her trance again. “You guys get a room. This is a gym, not a bedroom. ‘Kay?” He handed Muranka a black plastic bag from BCBGMaxAzria, which had her clean clothes in it. Muranka pulled away from Richard, and took the bag. “Thanks Cree.” She said silently, her face dark red from embarrassment, and started towards the showers again. When her back was turned to the guys, she smiled to herself, biting her lower lip. She cursed Cree in her head from barging in like this, but she was still thankful to him. She grasped the handle of the door that left to the showers and stopped. She wanted to turn around, but she was too afraid. In the end, she just opened the door and slipped inside.

Cree raised his eyebrow as he looked at Richard. Richard was taller than Cree, by maybe one inch. He stood 6’ 7” from the ground; Cree was 6’ 6”.

“Dude, if she wasn’t my sister, I’d be so totally jealous of you.” He nodded his head and handed Richard a small box. “There’s a first-aid box in the bathroom too. But, this one has this freaky ointment in it, which stops blood flow in like a millisecond.”

Richard raised his eye brow at Cree. “Thanks. Dude.” He grabbed the box and started into the opposite direction from the women’s showers towards the men’s showers.

Muranka quickly undressed and stepped into one of the shower stoles that lined against the wall. She turned on the water, and began to shampoo her hair. Today’s practice was, well interesting. The man, Richard was stuck in her head now. Great, she fell in love and now won’t be able to see him ever again. Just great.

Some time later, Muranka came out of the showers dressed in a white blouse with an orange corset atop it. Black skinny pants. She saw her brother standing outside the women’s showers room, holding a pair of black laced combat boots.

“Here, love bird.” He joked as he handed them to her. Muranka quickly put them on. Cree was dressed in black, baggy knee long shorts, a black tee-shirt which had a pink skull on it, with Rammstein’s logo in the middle. Pink letters read RAMMSTEIN on the back.

She looked up at Cree, with questioning eyes.

“I can’t see him anywhere. We’re safe to go.” He put his arm around his sister’s shoulders. “See, this is why I prefer to, um, change girlfriends.” He said in a low voice to her as the two of them walked out of the gym.

Cree was driving again. The music was shut off, the windows were down, and the breeze ran through their wet heads.

Muranka’s right arm was hanging out of the window, her eyes were closed, she was thinking. She was hoping that Cree would break the silence.

“You know, while you were taking a shower, your cell rang, and there was a report that a cemetery near here was the sight of many disappearances. Want to check it out?”

Muranka smiled, as her eyes shot open. “Of course.” That’s it! She thought Slaying will take my mind off of him!

Cree looked at his sister, and how her eyes lit up. This is going to be a long drive, he thought, might as not bother her with questions.

Outside the car, trees grew larger, becoming greener, and scary. They sky began to darken as the white Hummer sped through the streets, and freeways.

Finally, when the sun was beginning to set, they arrived at the said cemetery.

“Pet Cemetery,” Muranka read, making a mental contrast to a song titled PET CEMETARY by Rammstein. “How convenient.”

They started towards the cemetery. They found it locked and returned back to their car.

“Take the ‘bow, and you take the axe!” Cree exclaimed as he popped the trunk of the car. Muranka gave him a look. “Okay, I get the axe, and you get the crossbow.” He swung the trunk door open and took out a big battle axe. It had a long handle made out of Redwood, with an unbreakable steel blade. A lot of amulets dangled from the axe, making it more powerful, and supplying a faint amount of magic into it.

The crossbow was right next to the axe, along with the arrows, and a pouch. Muranka took the crossbow out and sway it on her shoulder; while she packed the arrows into the pouch and tied it to her side. “Ready?” She asked her brother. Cree nodded and headed towards the cemetery. He swung the axe at the lock; knocking it off, and entering the cemetery.

The place itself was damp, dark, and smelled of dead people. But than again, it was a cemetery.

Muranka was walking in front of her brother. Everything was quite for a moment, until they both heard a male British voice behind them.

“Well, well, well! If it isn’t the famous Muranka the Slayer.” Said the voice.

Mur instantly recognized it. “Shawn!” She hissed as she spun around, her ‘bow at ready.

Cree backed up. “Whoa! Sis, you know this dude?”

Shawn’s face was covered with a black hood, but the second person that accompanied him, left their, or it is better to say, her, face unhidden. It was a pretty young girl, raven black hair, dark grey eyes. Curvy, with flashy clothing. Cree cocked his head to the right. He liked what he saw. “Who are you gorgeous?” He asked her, licking him lips, and winking at her.

“Valeria,” she replied with a thick Transylvanian accent. She taunted Cree towards herself with one slender finger. Cree took a step forward. Muranka pushed him back,

“Stay focused. She’s trying to hypnotize you!” But it was too late, her brother didn’t hear her, he was lost in the girl’s beauty. He pushed her to the side and proceeded towards the raven haired girl. Muranka struck him on the head with the handle of the ‘bow, but really gently.

Shawn, the vampire quickly took advantage of the situation, and attacked Muranka.

Muranka was surprised by the attack, and didn’t realize what was happening until she caught herself in mid air. Giving up on helping her brother, she started to fight with Shawn.

This vampire was a cult leader, and as it was appropriate for cult leaders to be quick, strong, and evasive, Shawn wasn’t an exception. He skillfully blocked Muranka’s punches and kicks, sending hard blows to her. Muranka was being beaten up, and she couldn’t do anything about it.

Cree was entranced by the vampires's beauty. He was moving closer and closer to her, in seconds he would be an arm’s reach away from her. He reached for her, taking her into a strong embrace. He took in her smell, she smelled so lovely, of lavenders and pears. Her skin felt cold, but her breath seemed to show signs of life. Cree slowly raised her chin up, and started to lean towards her full lips which seemed to delicious to him at the time.

Seconds later, he was kissing this so called ‘Valeria’. His arms wrapped around her like a snake around a human, and held her tight. Suddenly, he felt pain in his, um lower are. He bent into two, holding on to his manhood.

“AH! That bitch kneed me! Damn!” He gritted through his teeth. Besides his pain, he could hear Valeria laugh, and then as if she never did star laughing, she stopped, grabbed Cree by his shoulders and plunged towards his neck.

Cree saw her change. Her beautiful face, turned into a vampiric on. He had seen many female vampires, but never one that beautiful, and now so ugly. He couldn’t do anything as he was paralyzed. He could only feel razor blade teeth sinking into his neck, and he felt all energy drain him.

Just when he thought that his life was over, he felt the teeth leave his neck, and the next instant he felt sweet, warm fluid penetrate his lips. He quickly understood. Blood, her blood. She was siring him, turning him into one of the undead. Making him a vampire. For some reason, he didn’t even care. He has read all of the books and seen all of the movies, male vampires were always flirtatious, and after girls and girl were after them. Satisfied with those thoughts, he bit into the wrist of the girl, drinking with big gulps.

“Stop,” she panted, “stop! You are going to kill me! Stop!” She started to squirm, trying to break free.

Cree didn’t want to stop, he kept on drinking, until he felt something sharp against his head and he blacked out.

Out of the corner of her eye, Muranka saw the whole scene. She broke free from her beating and started towards her brother, but Shawn was faster. He caught her by her legs, making her fall down, and him fall down atop of her.

“Hello, poppet!” He greeted Muranka, his breath; fouls as ever entered her nostril making her gag. “How about, a loving for old Shawnie boy, eh pet?”

“Screw you!” Muranka mouthed. Afraid to let her voice out.

“Oh! So we like to play rough, now don’t we?” Shawn began to unlace her corset with his right hand, pinning Mur to the ground with his other one. After finishing un-lacing her corset, he started to unbutton her blouse.

He’s going to rape me! Muranka cried out in her head, closing her eyes, unable to do anything else.

Shawn smiled, when he saw her torso. He didn’t completely undress her, her pants; boots and bra were still on. No, he wasn’t planning on raping her. He was planning on biting her. And when other vampires found about Muranka’s death, he would tell them how he killed her.

He sniffed her neck, trying to find the perfect spot to bite. He traveled down, and stopped above her right breast. “Perfect,” he snarled, as he turned, and plunged into the spot he picked.

Muranka cried out in pain, unable to move, unable to do anything. She was wrong, he wasn’t going to do anything with her, and he was just going to drain her of blood.

As he drank more and more, Muranka began to lose consciousness, the last thing remember before passing out, was a familiar pair of blue eyes, warm liquid entering her mouth, and Shawn turning to dust.