Me and Ms. Watson

Me & Ms. Watson Part 2.

Sherlock cursed under his breath, what was he going to do with Lexi?. Sure he could text Mycroft to get him a nanny but texting his brother was not something he was fond of. He decided he would just bring her along.

"What the bloody hell is this!?" Lestrade said when Sherlock showed up with Lydia in the baby bjourn strapped to his chest, which was quite hard to put on. Babies are not his area of expertise

"Its a infant, honestly Lestrade i expect this amount of stupidity from Anderson but not you" Sherlock said and Lydia giggled and chewed on her finger

"I know its a baby, but where did she come from and why is she here-. Oh god she's not yours is she!?" Lestrade said scared for the tiny girl

"Of courses she's not mine!. This is John and Marys infant. Im watching her for them for a few days" Sherlock said and Lestrade looked shocked

"They're trusting you with their baby!?" Lestrade asked shocked

"Yes. It is quite unfortunate. But John is a good man and Mary is a lovely lady so i offer to help in any way i can" Sherlock said and Lydia started whining and Sherlock frowned at her and pat her on the head before returning his attention back to Lestrade

"Well thats very nice of you but you can't be bringing babies to a crime scene!" Lestrade said

"Well what should i have done with her. There was nobody to take her" Sherlock said

"You could have let me know you were busy with her and i could've just brought evidence to you" Lestrade said

"You need me here. We both know you and your insufferable team can't find what i can. Now if you'll excuse me i have work to do" Sherlock said and nodded to Lestrade and walked off

"Sherlock! at least hand the girl to me while you- oh forget it!" Lestrade yelled and then gave up before he finished his sentence

Sherlock walked over to the car that was now open and began his process. He could see Lestrade and Anderson talking out of the corner of his eye but he ignored them, the DI and the idiot were just talking about him anyway.

"So John really left his daughter with you?. Wow he has a bad judgement of character" Anderson said coming over

"Anderson, this baby's brain isn't fully developed yet and I'm sure John and Mary don't want you talking around her and dropping her IQ before she has one. God knows if i weren't far more intelligent than anyone here, just hearing your voice would make me drop IQ points immensely" Sherlock said examining the bodys hand with his magnifying glass

"Whatever" Anderson said and all of a sudden the two of them could smell something foul

"Anderson, what is that horrid smell?. Is your stupidity leaking out of your pours?" Sherlock asked

"I think its little Watson" Anderson said amused and Sherlock gave him a look and he pointed to the baby strapped to Sherlock and Sherlock sniffed her before cringing

"Anderson please take care of this" Sherlock said standing so Anderson could take Lydia from him

"Sorry. Not my responsibility" Anderson said smirking and he walked away

"Anderson!" Sherlock yelled after him

"She's leaking all over herself, better clean her before she contaminates the crime scene" Anderson yelled back and Sherlock reached down and felt her leg was covered in poo. He groaned and saw Lestrade come over to him angry

So Sherlock was booted from the crime scene and he couldn't have been more furious with the police, and baby Watson. He walked through the front door lecturing the baby while she cried with his scarf wrapped around her from the waist down.

"Leena, why did you do that!?. You messed up a important opportunity for me. When are your parents going to train you better?" he asked

"Sherlock dear, is that you?" Mrs. Hudson called out coming to the hallway

"Yes" Sherlock sighed and Mrs. Hudson appeared and smiled brightly when she saw the two of them

"Oh Lydia!, come here precious baby girl!" Mrs. Hudson said taking Lydia from Sherlocks arms

"Lydia?" Sherlock said confused

"Yes thats her name dear" Mrs. Hudson said bouncing the baby

"I thought it was Lana" he said

"No Sherlock. Honestly i thought you would know your best friends daughters name" she said

"Well she isn't of any use to me. Once she is i'll make sure to store her name in my memory" he said and she rolled her eyes

"Sherlock, if you don't call her by her name you'll confuse her" she said

"Meh" Sherlock said

"And why is she wearing your scarf?" she asked

"She soiled herself and it go on me. I didn't know what to do so i improvised" he said shrugging

"Sherlock! you should know better than to go out with a baby without diapers" she said

"Well how was i supposed to know she'd defecate all over me. She got me kicked out of the crime scene by the way" he said

"Oh goodness you took her to one of your cases!?" she said

"Of course, nobody was around to watch her" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Come on Lydia lets get you cleaned up" Mrs. Hudson said starting up the stairs and turned to motion for Sherlock to follow her

They went up to Sherlocks flat and he watched as Mrs. Hudson bathed Lydia in the sink and put a clean diaper on her. He figured it would be something he should learn how to do, she was gonna be here another two days and plus John would probably ask him to change her one day. Once she was cleaned up Mrs. Hudson handed the baby back to Sherlock.

"Mrs. Hudson!, where are her clothes!?" he said astonished that Mrs. Hudson didn't clothe the baby

"She's a baby, she doesn't need to be in clothes all the time. As long as she has a diaper she's fine" she said turning on the kettle

"Im so glad i don't remember infantry, i hate to think of myself at this stage. Useless and pooping on people" he said

"Im sure you were a cute little thing" she said

"Mmm. Cute but stupid" he mumbled placing the baby on the pillow he had her on before

"I saw that, place her in the car seat" she said and he groaned and rolled his eyes before picking the baby up and putting her in the car seat
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Sorry this took me so long, I'm a slacker these days when it comes to Mibba. Did anyone else see the Sherlock season 4 trailer today?!, i couldn't function for a good few minutes and was close to tears haha I'm sooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 :D
Comment! :)

Currently listening to: Relient K- Be My Escape