Status: Brand new and in progress!

Rockstar Charm

Aria Smith is a twenty three year old headstrong and stubborn sound tech who has been in the business since she was eighteen. She has become accustomed to rock stars and their egos over the years and frankly isn't shy about her distaste in them. She takes pride in the fact that she is not easily swayed by a smooth talking and charming rocker, her standards are set high and nothing will change that. When she meets the most arrogant, egotistical, and extremely charming man who so happens to front one of the biggest rock bands in the country she finds herself in a war she always promised she'd never fight again. Has she finally met her match?


Okay people y'all know how this goes! This story is FICTION meaning NOTHING in this story is true. The main male character is based on M. Shadows of A7X. I DO NOT KNOW HIM and no one else in the band appears in this story. The PLOT and the ORIGINAL characters belong to ME. SO PLEASE NO STEALING! This story is a rewrite of the old Rockstar Charm story I had posted several years ago.
