
Chapter 3

Emma stood at side stage watching the boys perform. They were quite amazing if she did say so herself. Though she still wouldn’t say that she liked their music, it wasn’t terrible and she could see it growing on her. Not to mention that it is catchy as fuck and will get stuck in your head. Harry was absolutely amazing on stage. It looked like he was born to be up there. He was so relaxed and had a confidence that Emma could only admire because she would never be like that. He also had an absolutely amazing voice. Emma was entranced by Harry. Watching him sing and interact with the crowd. Every once in a while he would look over to her and give her the cheekiest smile in the world. She could tell that he loved what he does.
Four songs into the show Emma received a text. She pulled out her phone and saw that there was a text from Brian. Shit, she thought, she forgot to call him when she got there.
Brian: Thanks for calling me when you got there Em!
Emma: I’m sorry Bri, I completely forgot. But I’m here, I’m safe.
Brian: It only took your brother about 5 minutes to realize you were gone and I have to tell him where you went but told him that I trusted you and you were going to call me when you got there. Now he’s absolutely freaking out, thinking you’re dead! You better get your ass back here.
Emma: No Bri, please tell him I’m fine and I will be back when the concert is done. I don’t want to leave without saying goodbye to Harry and I’m having fun.
Brian: Too bad Emma. All it would have taken was for you to call, but you can’t even be responsible enough to do that. Maybe your brother is right to be so overprotective. Leave now!
Emma: Ok, I’ll be on my way soon. I’m sorry Bri.

Emma waved at Harry trying to get his attention which didn’t take long. He singled for her to wait a moment and at the end of the song came running over to her, giving her a small kiss on the cheek.
“What’s up love?” Harry asked.
“I have to go, I’m sorry.”
“No, you can’t go. Please just wait until the end of the show and ride back to the hotel with us. I don’t want you walking at night alone and what if we don’t see each other again, I have no way to get ahold of you.”
“I can’t stay. I’m sorry, my brother is freaking out and I got screamed at for not calling when I got here and was told I have to leave right away. Believe me, Harry, I don’t want to leave but I have to.”
“Harry is too interested in his girl right now to sing for you all…” Emma heard Louis say through his mic.
“Sorry Lou, I’ll be right there.” Harry laughed, slightly embarrassed.
“Don’t worry we will see each other again,” Emma said leaning forward and giving Harry a kiss on his lips.
Harry grabbed her face and deepen the kiss, he pulled away a few seconds later gave her another quick peck and ran back on stage.
Emma watched for a few more seconds before walking away and out of the venue. To her surprise, Brian was sitting on the front steps when she walked out the door.
“Bout time kid,” Brian said. Emma knew he was mad, he only called her kid when he was mad.
“I’m sorry Brian. I really am. You didn’t have to come get me.”
“I obviously was wrong about being able to trust you, so who knows if you would have even come back to the hotel and I don’t care how mad I am I would never make you walk through New York City at night by yourself.”
“Brian, I said I’m sorry. What else would you like from me? It’s not like I did something bad, all I did was forget to call you.”
“Yeah, and you could have been hurt and I would have never known Em.”
“I know and I really am sorry.”
“Ok, I guess I forgive you,” Brian said putting his arm around Emma’s shoulder as they walked back to the hotel.
When they got back to the hotel Emma tried to convince Brian to let her stay in his room with his girlfriend Michelle because she didn’t want to face her brother, but he said no and sent her to her room. She quietly walked in the door, keeping her head down.
“Really Emma?! How fucking irresponsible are you? Everyone wants to tell me I’m too protective of you, yet you think it’s ok to walk New York City streets by yourself. Are you fucking stupid?” Matt yelled at his sister.
“I’m sorry Matt. I was safe, I swear. Please, don’t call me stupid you know I hate that shit.”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t act like you are then. Go to bed, I really don’t even want to deal with you right now. You are so lucky that Brian feels the need to defend you or I…. just go to bed.” Matt fumed.
Emma laid down in her bed with her back to Matt as he tears slid down her face. She hated when he got like this. He says it’s because she loves her but if she even makes him the slightest bit mad he goes into a rage and calls her all types of names.
It wasn’t long after that that Emma could hear slight snores coming from Matt. As soon as she did she jumped out of bed and left the room, making her way to Zacky’s.
She was almost to Zacky’s room when she turned a corner and ran straight into a very firm chest.
“Sorry love didn’t see…. Oh hey, Emma, this is Liam.” Louis bubbly self-said pointing to the boy standing next to him, one of the two left that Emma hasn’t met yet.
Emma said hi quietly while keeping her head down. She tried to walk away but Louis stopped her.
“Emma, love, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
Emma ignored his questions and tried to walk away again. Once again Louis stopped her.
“Emma. You can talk to me. What’s wrong? Do you want me to take you to Harry?”
“No!” Emma exclaimed. “Please just let me go, leave me alone. Please.” Emma said pushing past Louis and Liam, Louis letting her pass this time.
She ran the rest of the way to Zacky’s room and started pounding on the door. It was almost like he was expecting her because he opened up right away wrapping her in a hug. He whispered to her to calm down, which she did almost instantly. He picked her up and carried her over to his bed, laying her down and covering her up. He walked around the bed and got in on the other side, moving over until he was cuddling Emma against his chest.
“I knew Matt was going to do this. I told him not to. To take it easy on you but of course, he can’t stop being an overbearing asshole for two seconds. He will calm down though and you’ll be back to normal in no time. I’m here for you, though.” Zacky said.
“thanks, Z, love you.” Emma sniffled.
“I love you too, Emma,” Zacky said, leaning over kissing her on the lips.
Emma gasped in shock. Zacky has never kissed her on the lips. She was slightly confused because this was something that Emma had dreamed about and now that it happened she doesn’t feel anything. She can only think about Harry.
” Zacky, what the hell was that?!” Emma exclaimed.
“What Em, I know you have feeling for me and I do for you so why not? Who gives a fuck what your brother or anyone else thinks?”
“Zacky…. I love you for everything you do for me and for always being there for me but…. I really like Harry. I’m sorry.” Emma said as she got up and ran out of the room.
Emma mindlessly walked through the hotel for a while, trying to clear her head. She didn’t want to go back to her room yet, and definitely didn’t want to go back to Zacky’s. She could go to Brian but she didn’t want to bother him with Michelle there and there’s always Johnny and Jimmy but they are usually too crazy for her.
After about an hour of mindless walking, Emma headed back to her room. She really wished she knew where Harry was. She wanted more than anything to be with him right at that moment. She made it to her room a few minutes later. She gave her brother a quick kiss on his forehead before slipping into her bed.
She instantly fell asleep.