

“I don’t understand why we have to move in the first place.” I whined.

“I’ve told you plenty of times, your Father was relocated to Mystic Falls for his job.”

Mystic Falls? It even sounds like hell.” I rolled my eyes.

In my 17 years of life, we lived in New York City, the big apple, as some called it. I never imagined living elsewhere. Especially in a place called Mystic Falls. I wasn’t ready to move from a great, big city to a small, desolate town. I felt as if my life was falling apart and I didn’t want to give Mystic Falls a chance to put it back together.

“I’m not going.” I stated.

“And where might you stay?” My Mom asked with a chuckle. She thought I was kidding.

“I’ll stay with one of my friends and finish out the school year here and then find a great college to go to. I’ll be out of your hair.”

“That’s out of the question, you’re coming with us whether you like it or not.”

I groaned, "Mom, it isn't fair."

“Not everything in life is fair Aubrey, now go finish packing. We leave early tomorrow morning.”

“You’re trying to make my life hell, aren’t you?” I asked.

“If your father’s job didn’t need him in Virginia, we wouldn’t be leaving New York honey. I love it here just as much as you do. We’re going to make Mystic Falls our home, but the only way we can do that is if our family stays together.”

I guess she had a point.

“Fine, I’ll go but I won’t be happy about it.”

I spent the rest of my evening packing up my room, packing up my memories, my life. I couldn’t believe my family was making me do this. I had to switch schools in the middle of my senior year! It just wasn’t fair. After I had finished packing, I decided it was time to go to sleep. After all I had to be well rested for my early journey to Mystic Falls.

“Aubrey, wake up. We have to leave in an hour.” I heard my Mom say.

I groaned, but woke up anyway. 5:30am my clock read. I wasn’t ready to go. By the time it hit 6:30, my Dad came to make sure I was ready.

“Alright the car is all packed, are you ready to go?” My father asked

“Ready?" I scoffed, "I'm definitely not ready, but I have no choice it seems."

“Look, I know you don’t like this right now, but this could be an amazing thing for us!”

“Right.” I said sarcastically.

“Let’s go.” He said as he gave me a pat on my leg.

And just like that we were on our way to Mystic Falls… aka hell.