‹ Prequel: I'd Lie
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Chapter VII

Maddie & Nick's Outfits: http://www.polyvore.com/innocent_chapters_vii_viii/set?id=201472521

I awoke the next morning, the sun shine peaking slightly through the thick purple curtains. I smiled as I rolled over, hitting the solid rock known as Nick beside me.

“Hmm?” Nick groggily questioned, lifting his head slightly before plopping it back on the pillow.

I chuckled slightly. Turning again to reach for my phone, I realized it was 9 o’clock in the morning. Nick’s party started at 2 o’clock. I have plenty of time to shower and get ready.

I grabbed my clothing and headed to the bathroom, turning on the warm water for my bubble bath. I started my meditation playlist and undressed. I pulled my hair up on top of my head and plugged in the white Christmas lights which were streamed across the tops of the walls. I turned off the main lights and sank slowly into the eucalyptus tea bubbles, pulling the shower curtain closed in the process. This was my routine every Saturday morning.

I heard Nick get up from the bed, his bare feet skidding across the hardwood floor sleepily. I ignored him, closing my eyes as I continued to breathe deeply. I thought I heard the bathroom door creak open, but I figured I was imagining it, until I heard what sounded like rain drops.

Please don’t be what I think it is, I begged with myself. Against my better judgement, I asked, “Nick?”

“Holy shit!” came his voice from the other side of the curtain. “What the hell are you doing, Maddie?”

“Taking a bubble bath, dumbass!” I yelled back. “Did you not hear the meditation music?”

“No, I don’t hear anything until, like, half an hour after waking up.”

“Well, get out!”

“Are you sure?” he asked, slowly peeking through the shower curtain, which I quickly pulled back.

“Out, Nicholas, and feed Dasher!”


After my relaxing bubble bath had concluded, I dressed in my usual attire, a t-shirt and shorts. I walked down stairs to make myself breakfast, but I smelled my favorite breakfast wafting throughout the house. I ran to the kitchen to find Nick, shirtless once again, eating chicken and waffles.

“You made chicken and waffles?” I smiled happily.

“Yeah, it’s the least I can do for walking in on your bubble bath,” he smirked, going back to flipping through his Instagram.

“Or is this just your way of saying, ‘Maddie, you turn me on and I really want you?’” I laughed, taking my plate of food from the counter and pouring the warm maple syrup over top.

“Actually, it’s my way of asking you if you would like to go on a date with me tomorrow night,” he smiled. “But, your explanation is entirely true as well!”

I smiled. “It depends. Will this date be formal or informal?”

“Most definitely informal,” he responded. “I know you like dressing up once in a while, but you’ll be doing that for my party, so I was thinking you would like to wear something more comfortable.”

“After all these years, Nick Jonas still knows me,” I smiled, hitting him lightly. “So, where are we going?”

“I was thinking hiking,” he explained. “We can walk to that spot with the deep creek we went to with our brothers and go swimming.”

I smiled broadly. “I love it! But, I do need food.”

“I got you covered, babe,” he smiled, but his smile quickly faded after he realized what he had said. “I’m sorry, Maddie. That wasn’t exactly appropriate.”

“It’s fine,” I quickly reassured him placing my hand on his. “I mean, I know I’m a babe,” I joked.


My alarm went off for 1:30, signaling me to wake Nick from his nap to shower and dress. I threw a pillow at his head, making him jump awake.

“You’re definitely more evil than when we were young!” he exclaimed.

I laughed and noticed his eyes had become wide, staring at me. “What? Is this dress not appropriate for your party?”

Nick shook his head slightly, smiling. “No, it’s just right. It shows off your innocence, which is what I always loved about you.”

I smiled back and stared after him as he walked to the bathroom to shower. I bit my lip, thinking how hard I really am falling for him.