‹ Prequel: I'd Lie
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Chapter VIII

Maddie & Nick's Outfits: http://www.polyvore.com/innocent_chapters_vii_viii/set?id=201472521

By 1:45, Nick emerged from the bathroom, a scent I couldn’t recall wafting to my nose.

“You smell good,” I stated looking down as I tried to put my heels on. “I don’t recall you wearing that scent before.”

“I just started not too long ago,” Nick replied. “It’s Tim McGraw’s Soul 2 Soul Vintage.”

“Tim McGraw?” I stated. “Nick, you know I love that man!” I looked up slightly, only seeing his shoes across the large gap between us.

Nick chuckled. “So, it’s an advantage.” I heard him walk closer to me and bend down to help strap my heel I was struggling with. I noticed he had even shaved, the sexy scruff now gone.

“Damn,” I whispered under my breath.

“What was that?” he asked, strapping my other heel.

“I said ‘Damn,’ as in ‘Damn, how did you get so good at strapping heels?’” I awkwardly chuckled.

Nick laughed, looking up at me. We stayed there, staring at one another. I had a strong urge to kiss him, but I couldn’t. Thankfully, Dasher ran into the room barking, signaling to us it was time to go.

“Nick,” I yelled, “we’re going to be late! You know I hate being late!”

“Relax, Maddie, it’s my fault. I wanted to sleep more, to rest up for tonight. Kevin and Joe will have me up until midnight, at least.”

I flew down the stairs and into Nick’s car, Dasher hopping onto my lap. Nick got in beside me, grimacing.

“What?” I asked as he started the car.

“Nothing,” he stated.

“Tell me, Nicholas!” I demanded.

He leaned over close. I could smell the spearmint in the gum he just popped in as he whispered in my ear, “You’re the most beautiful girl I know. It’s a shame we have to go to this party.” He put his hand on my knee and squeezed it, giving me a cow bite. My leg flailed.

“Damn it, Nick!” I yelled. “Just when I thought you were starting to be a good guy again!”

“’I may be a real bad boy, but baby, I’m a real good man,’” he sang in the tone of Tim McGraw’s Real Good Man.

“Funny, Jonas. Funny.”

“I know, Uhler, I know.”


We arrived at Nick parent’s house with one minute to spare. Nick jogged to my side of the car, opening the door and holding out a hand for me to take. I did and slowly rose as Dasher bounded up the driveway, running for the backyard.

“Maddie, if you don’t want to, it’s fine, but I was just hoping we could-“

“Hold hands?” I questioned as I cut him off. He nodded shyly. “Of course, Nicholas,” I smiled, interlacing our fingers. He smiled down at me, taking our hands to his lips and kissing mine. I blushed.

“You’re even more beautiful when you blush,” Nick whispered, making me giggle.

“Come on, Jonas,” I laughed, pulling him to the backyard. “Let’s get to your party!”

“Welcome home!” everyone yelled as we rounded the corner. Kevin, Joe, and Alex let off confetti poppers in our direction.

“Welcome home, honey!” Denise chimed as she hugged her son, kissing his cheek. I smiled at him, letting go of his hand to go and talk to Kelsey and Danielle.

“So, how is everything?” Danielle asked.

“Honestly,” I said, biting my lip to hold back my smile as Nick smiled at me from across the crowd of people, “I’m falling back in love with my best friend.”