Status: *title will probably change


Day One

“Mom!” I scream as the loud boom of a bomb exploding wakes me from a deep slumber.

“Logan, I’m coming!” My mother calls from down the hall. My room is illuminated by the red light of the explosion outside. I turn look at the bedroom door as my mother’s heavy footsteps approach. She bursts through the door holding a lit flash light, our dog, Luna close behind her.

“Are you okay?” Mother asks as she sits on the edge of my bed and takes my face in her hands. I nod in response. “It’s time, Logan. They will be here soon.”

“I’m scared, Mom.” I respond, touching my mother’s hands.

“I know, Lo, but we practiced for this and I need you to be brave.” She says her eyes threatening tears. I nod and she quickly blinks away the tears. “Grab your bag. We have to be fast.” She says standing from my bed. I push the duvet cover off of me and slip on my black combat boots. I pull a grey hoody over my head and grab my backpack from the closet.

“Come now, Logan. We have to hurry.” Mother urges as she grabs the leash from the wall and hooks it onto Luna’s collar. She looks to me and I nod, letting her know I am ready.

The power has gone out, the house is pitch black besides the little light coming in through the closed windows. I follow close behind Mom as she heads down the stairs to the foyer, Luna by her side. She leads us through the kitchen to the door of the stairs leading to the basement. She opens the door and hands me the flashlight, ushering me down first. She closes the door behind us as we make our way through the maze of furniture and boxes that fill the basement rooms. We head straight to the back room.

“Take Luna.” Mother says, handing the leash to me. I hold onto it tightly with one hand, and use the other to shine the flashlight in her direction. She pushes a heavy metal shelf to the side and lifts a string that is attached to the underside of the secret door. “Remember, Logan. Don’t make a sound. Your brother will be here in three days. The generator is ready downstairs, and there are a few extra jugs of gasoline - should last you that time. When Caleb gets here, you will go to the cabin in the mountains, just like we talked about. Everything has already been prepared for you there, you just need to get there. The map and compass are in your backpack…”

“Mom, I know. We’ve been going over this for months. I’m ready.” I respond taking my mom’s hand in mine.

“I know, but I could never forgive myself if something bad happened to you.”

“Nothing bad will happen to me.” I try to reassure her, but we both know that is no guarantee.
“I love you so much Logan. And I am so proud of the woman you have become.” Mother says pulling me into a tight hug as she begins to cry. “You will do great, great things in the new world.”

“I love you too, mom.” I say taking in her scent. I would miss the comfort of her hugs. A loud

“Go, now!” Mother says ushering me down the stairs of the secret door. I nearly trip over Luna as I go. “Pull the string.” She says as she shuts the door above us. I do as she says, and pull the string through the rack so it is no longer visible on the other side, then I begin locking the padlocks. I can hear the shelf being scraped across the floor above us. I walk down the long staircase until I reach the next door and push it open.

The room is dark. I urge Luna through the door then shut it, locking the multiple locks. I flash my light around the room, though it is unnecessary as I have the layout memorized. I drop my backpack next to the door and sit on the edge of the cot. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds above me. Heavy footsteps walking down the basement stairs.

“Down here!” A deep voice booms. More heavy footsteps.

“There you are.” A different voice chuckles.

“Let go of me!” My mother shrieks. I can feel the tears swelling in my eyes. Luna begins to whimper, threatening to bark. I wrap my fingers around her snout and pull her head close to my chest. I stroke her soft fur, trying to keep her calm.

There’s more heavy footsteps, and screaming from my mother. “Where is she?” The booming voice questions.

“She’s not here.” My mother responds.

“Lying will only get you hurt, lady.”

“We got her out of here and away from you weeks ago.”

“Well, I guess there is no more use for you then.” The voice says, chuckling. I listen as a gun fires and there’s a thump on the floor. I have to place my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

“Grab the body.” The man says then the footsteps disappear upstairs.

I continue to listen until there is nothing but silence, and that's when the tears pour from my eyes and I bawl quietly. Nothing could prepare me for the reality of never seeing my mother again. Not the hours, or weeks, or months of training could ever have prepared me for having my heart ripped out of my chest knowing my mother’s soul is no longer on this earth.

I don't remember falling asleep. Luna is curled in a ball beside my head. I sit up and rub my bald head.

I shine the flashlight around the room until I spot the generator. I walk towards it, stick the end of the flashlight between my teeth, and begin pulling on the string of the generator. It takes a couple pulls before it roars to life. A light above me flickers on and I flip off the flashlight.

I look around the room, there are some new items that weren't here last time I was. On the top shelf of the metal rack to the back right corner are cans of preserved fruits and vegetables. There are bags of rice and various dehydrated meals and vitamins. On the shelf below that is a few gallons of water, a small portable filtration system, and a small bag of Luna’s food. Below that is first aid supplies, toiletries, and the camping supplies I will need to pack for my trek to the cabin. I search through the toiletries until I find the puppy pads and lay one out for Luna to use when needed.

There's a glass case to the right of the door at the front of the room, the weapons case. I open it and gaze at the different guns. It was stocked with a double barrel shotgun, a 9 mm pistol, and a hunting rifle. There were packs of bullets and different sized knives. I pick up the 9 mm pistol and aim it at the wall, pretending to pull the trigger before replacing it back in the shelf.

I look at the watch on my wrist, 6:17. It is too early to eat, but too late to go back to sleep. I stand up and walk to the left of the room where another, smaller shelf sits. On this shelf are some neatly folded clothes and stacked books. I look over the titles of the books, I've read them all. The books are stacked in groups. One stack about wilderness, survival, and edible wild vegetation. Another stack is about gardening and farming. And the third stack of books focus on building, natural energy, and plumbing. One day, not far from today, my brother and I are to begin rebuilding the new world.

Caleb is six years older than myself, and has been serving in the military for the past five years while also working on getting his doctorate in pathology, hoping to follow our father’s footsteps. He just finished his first year of med school last year. He was supposed to return to school this fall, but would never be given the chance.

I pick up the book titled “The Vegetable Gardeners Bible” and flip it open. I’ve read this book three times through, but with nothing else to do to pass the time, once more won’t hurt. I flip through the pages, studying every line and word, until my watch beeps, signaling 7:30. I set the book on the cot next to a now awake Luna. I smile and scratch her head before standing and walking towards the shelf of food. I pick up a can of peaches from the top shelf, then reach on the bottom for a fork and can opener. I open the can and begin eating the slimy peaches.

I finish the peaches and toss the can into the small garbage can next to the shelf. I grab a jug of water and the box of vitamins and sit on the cot, setting the jug on the ground and the box in my lap. I begin emptying a pill from each baggie into the palm of my hand. Remember to take your vitamins daily, it is very important for your body, Logan. The essentials are A through K, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, and Zinc. I swallow one pill at a time, chasing it with a small sip of water until they are all gone.

I return the box to the shelf and pick up the bag of dog food. Luna jumps off the cot and walks towards me, wagging her tail. I eyeball about a cup and a half and pour it on the floor where Luna begins to eat excitedly. I search through the supplies to find a small aluminum bowl and fill it with water for Luna to lap up.

“It’s going to be a long couple of days.” I say, kneeling beside Luna and patting her back as she drinks.

I glance at my watch: 8:06. I begin my exercise routine doing jumping jacks, sit ups, and pushups. Exercise daily. You need to maintain your strength. You won’t have any exercise equipment so use what’s available. I lift two jugs of water off of the shelf, one in each hand, and begin doing lunges. I continue to do them until the muscles in my arms and legs burn and I work up a decent sweat. I replace the jugs on the shelf and return to doing jumping jacks to cool down.

Practice your knife technique. If someone gets close enough to grab you it will be difficult to shoot them without hurting yourself. You are small, any man can overpower you, you need to be fast and accurate. I gaze into the weapon case. I had practice with all of the knives in the case, but I am most skilled with the push dagger. I open the case and take the two daggers in my hand and practice my form and technique with the knives.

When my body decides it is done with exercise for the day, I replace the knives back in the case and turn to the shelf. I shuffle through the toiletries until I find some baby wipes and work on cleaning myself off. Routine is important. Get in the habit of doing the same activities every day. This will not only help to utilize the most of your time, but will keep you aware. You will notice if anything is out of place. 11:25. I sit on the cot, Luna jumps up and snuggles next to me. I pick up the gardening book and continue reading.
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Edits have been made - excited to see where I take this!