Sequel: Forever.

My Heart's Melodie


Why does he have to kiss her in the middle of the cafeteria, right where I can see them? Seriously, she makes me sick. I just want to go up to her and slap her right in the face.

Can a teacher just stop them already? After all, they are practically freaking MAKING OUT while everyone is eating lunch. And anyone does is just smile, watching the two young lovers. It disgusts me.

Oh, here comes a teacher. Maybe he’ll—

Stupid Mr. CarrMicheal. All he does is walk by and smile, as if it’s cute that there are two seniors sucking face. That’s just lovely.

I clinched my fist, causing my nails to dig into my skin, which resulted in me almost yelling out in pain. But someone’s hand made their way over mine, trying to make me relax.

“Melodie, you're staring again,” my best friend, Cassidy, whispered as I felt tears come to my eyes. I simply aggresively wiped them away, picked up my books, and left the cafeteria.

You’re probably wondering why I’m making such a big deal over a guy. Oh, it’s only because it’s Joe freaking Jonas. No big deal, right?

Wrong. Oh, so, wrong.

You see, Joe and I used to be the best of friends. We did everything together. That is, until he became famous. We used to be the freaks that no one cared about. But that all changed when he was signed to Disney and Hollywood Records. Now he’s the most popular guy in school.

I guess you could say that I’m in love with my ex-best friend, who doesn’t even know that I exist.

I just have two words for yah. Love sucks.

I guess I sorta changed too. I am popular as well, just in a different way. I was the first junior to be the captain of the Advanced Dance Team. So, naturally, I sat with the seniors at lunch. My best friend was a senior (along with another best friend who is actually a junior). I took all AP classes, so pretty much senior level stuff. So I’m pretty much a senior in all ways, except for my age.

Anyways, back to the present. About that, I seriously need to stop living in the past, and get over the fact that he doesn’t even care about me. And never really did. It’s just a simple fact that I need to understand.

“You ok?” I heard someone ask as I sat down on a bench in the courtyard.

In my heart, even though I was popular, I still felt alone. Without him, I feel like nothing.

“Yah,” I sighed as I looked up, wiping away any last tears. There, standing before me, was my other best friend, Hannah. And it’s pronounced HON-ah. She was also a junior on the ADT (that’s what we call the Advanced Dance Team), so we were like sisters. It also helped she was my neighbor.

“You looked like you wanted to kill back in there,” she said, taking a seat beside me.

“Oh, how much I want to strangle that girl. Too bad I’ll be expeled. And there goes my scholarship to UCLA,” I answered.

She smiled, “That’s the real Mel I know.”

“Yah, yah, yah. But seriously, why can’t she just go and die in a ditch or something? She isn’t good enough for him.”

“Who is then?”

I didn’t have an answer. I knew that Joe wouldn’t be too happy if he found out I was talking about someone behind their back. And frankly, I didn’t care. I just hated that girl that much.

“That’s what I thought.”

“But it’s so obvious she wants something he will never give! We both promised that day that we would be pure till marriage!”

“I know. But Joe’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.”

“You always say that,” I muttered as Hannah smiled.

“I know. Now let’s go. I don’t want to be tardy to sixth period.” She pulled me off the bench and started heading towards the East Wing, where we both had AP Calculus.

And of coarse, who do I just happen to sit behind? Oh, just JOE himself.



I was TRYING to concentrate in class, but how can someone concentrate when someone so HOT is right in front of them?! It’s like waving candy in front of a five year old, and they can’t have it! GR!

Honestly, I never wished so much that I had never met him. I wouldn’t be put through this agony.

Stop drooling!

The note that landed on my desk surprised me. But I knew it was Hannah when I saw her neat cursive on the paper.

Is it that obvious?

Well, it is to me!

So you’re not exactly paying attention either, huh?

SOMEONE had to tell you when to stop.

I laughed softly to myself, causing the teacher to look up from the over head at once.

“Did you say something to me, Ms. Payne?” the teacher asked, her ‘specticles’ (that’s what she calls them, don’t ask) sliding down her nose.

“No, Mrs. Galliger.”

“Then please pay attention.” She went back to the notes as I quickly wrote my response to Hannah.

Very funny. Now when I get detention, I get to blame you (:

Thanks a lot.


“Finally!” I said softly, gathering my books and heading out of the classroom to ADT. My favorite time of the day.

As I left the classroom, however, I felt like either someone was watching me, or following me.

Creepy much?
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First chapter! Please tell me what you think!