Sequel: Forever.

My Heart's Melodie


“Melodie!!” I heard someone yell from the dance room. I walked inside, still sorta freaked out from the feeling of being watched or followed, but gave my best friends a smile.

“Hey Cass! Hey Hannah!” I said with a grin, hoping that my act would not be seen. I was still burning with hatred for that stupid cheerleader.

I put down my backpack next to theirs, and grabbed my dance uniform. They continued to stretch out as I walked into the changing rooms to, well, change. After I walked out, they were just finishing up their leg stretches as I began mine.

“Still fuming from earlier?” Cassidy said as I went into the splits.

“Sorta. But am I really that easy to read?”

“Most definitly,” Hannah laughed as I rolled my eyes.

“We can read you like a book, Mel,” Cassidy added as we got up to do our warm ups.

“Oh, shut up,” I said, trying to hide the fact that they were right. “Just becauase both of you have known me for like seven years doesn’t mean anything!!”

“Sure,” my two best friends said at the same time, with knowing smiles. I rolled my eyes again and got to the rest of the class.

“Alright girls,” I began, “lets start with warm ups.”

I turned on Five Colours in Her Hair by McFly and started shouting out routines and moves to the fellow dancers around me, as we danced.

As the song finished, I felt like someone was watching me again. Why did I have that feeling all the time now? It just totally creeped me out.

“You ok?” Hannah asked me, out of breath.

“Yah. I just feel like someone is watching me. That’s all,” I replied, looking out the window in the door.

“You sure?”


I shook my head, trying to get the feeling to go away. All it did was made it stronger.

“Ok. Lets get started on that new dance routine,” I said to the class as everyone groaned. Mrs. Clark, the dance teacher, chuckled to herself as I smiled. I liked the dance, I don’t know why everyone else didn’t. I guess it was because I had natural born talent or something.

I turned up the music and started in the pose, right in the front of the class, as usual. As the opening moves started, I saw someone walk through the door, and up to Mrs. Clark.

I didn’t pay much attention as the girl handed a slip to the teacher, until she turned around. I then realized it was the stupid cheerleader that Joe was sucking face with during lunch. Stacy Lucas.

I so hate her.

Mrs. Clark walked over to the stereo and paused the music. All of my classmate immediately stopped where they were, and waited for Mrs. Clark to speak.

“Girls, this is Stacy. Many of you should know her; she is the captain of the cheer squad.”

Stacy smiled a totally fake smile at that, as if she loved us all.

Hah! Over my dead body.

You see, the cheer squad and the dance team are rivals. We all hate each other. I don’t know why, but that’s the way it’s always been.

“Hey!” the she-devil said with that fake smile that made me want to punch her.

“She is going to be bringing her squad to some of our dance rehearsals. We have a competition together, so we all need to practice together. Melodie, you will be co-leading the troups,” Mrs. Clark said with an obvious fake smile. Even she hated the cheer squad.

We all groaned at hearing the news. It really wasn’t fair; Stacy probably was planning to sabatoge me, and take over the leading of the ‘troups’ by herself.

Personally, I really didn’t want to work with the squad. But at the same time, I wanted to see how bad those losers could dance.


“Melodie, please come speak to me,” Mrs. Clark said after Stacy left. I pressed the play button on the stereo, and sent the girls around me back to the routine. I quickly walked up to Mrs. Clark, wishing that all of this would just blow over.


“I want you to know that the cheer squad think they can do anything. Remember when Lauren switched over?” Mrs Clark paused as we watched Lauren dance. She had once been on the squad, and was a total brat when she first switched. But now she was a nice girl, and a good dancer.

“Yah,” I replied shortly.

“You are to not let Stacy stomp all over you. I know that you are an emotional person. I just want you to keep doing what you do best. I will kick them out if any funny buisness arrives,” Mrs. Clark explained. I nodded, and went back to the front of the room, just in time to hear the bell ring.

Crap. AP English. I sit next to Joe's stupidvile girlfriend.

Kill me now.
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Go to my profile, and you'll notice a picture of Cody Linley and a girl. I really need a banner made with that picture!
Can I also get a banner for this story? Melodie is played by Emily Browning.