Sequel: Forever.

My Heart's Melodie


I was trying to sit in English, trying to concentrate, but obviously concentrate is not in her vocabulary.

“So I hear you like my boyfriend,” the she-devil hissed at me.

I turned around in my seat so I could face her. She had a smug look on her face, which I returned with a sarcastic smile.

“Who did you hear that from?” I whispered back in a all-too-cheery voice.

Stacy glared back at me, as if she knew I was faking my enthusiasm.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in a faked-shocked voice. She rolled her green eyes at me. “I thought cheerleaders like cheerfulness!” I kept my fake smile until I shifted my attention back to the teacher, who was explaining Shakespeare, and let the smile drop completely.

“Look,” Stacy hissed at me. I turned back to her with an irritated face. “you’re never going to get Joe. Just because you two used to be best friends doesn’t mean anything. He was obviously around you for too long. It was a good thing I came along; you were filling his head with nonsense.”

That last sentence she whispered in an innocent voice, like she was talking to a five-year-old and actually pitied me. My butt she did.

“Maybe if he loves you so much, it was a good thing you took him.”

I turned back around before she could say anything back to me. I really didn’t want to get in trouble for talking, especially with her. I would be the only one to get in trouble since every teacher but Mrs. Clark loves that vile girl.

The teacher continued to drone on and on about Shakespeare’s MacBeth until the bell rang. It was finally time to go home, so I could actually stop thinking about him.

“Mel! Wait up!” I heard someone behind me call. I stopped walking to my locker and turned around, almost to be toppled over by Cassidy.

“Cass, you seriously need to watch where you’re going,” I spat. Boy, I serisously needed to go home.

“Jeez, chill. You’re acting like Stacy,” she replied.

“Yah, whatever.”

“She talked to you during English, didn’t she?”

“No duh,” Hannah said as she walked up to us. I simply rolled my eyes and turned to go.

“I got to go guys, see you tommarrow!” I called over my shoulder as I walked away. I heard two ‘byes’ from behind me, and continued walking.

I walked up to my locker, dialed the combination, and got my books that I needed for homework. I closed it, turned towards the entrance of the school, and started to-


“What is with people crashing into me today?” I muttered to myself as I gathered my books I dropped. I just happened to look up, for no reason I will ever know, and found myself face to face with Joe.

I swear, my heart stopped beating, Those goregous chocolate brown eyes just bored into me.

“Melodie?” his face turned into a shocked expression that matched his tone.

My eyes turned into slits as he recovered from his shock. I was furious.

“Well it’s nice to know that you remembered your ex-best friend all these years,” I spat as I started to walk away. Everyone in the halls stopped what they were doing as they watched me and Joe.

“Wait Mel!” he called after me as he tried to catch up.

“Go away, Jonas. I really don’t need that stupid act right now.”

I walked as fast as I could towards my car in the parking lot, sure that I was going to fall right on my face. Surpisingly, though, I was swiftly walking as Joe stumbled over his feet in order to catch up to me.

“Melodie! Please wait! I’m sorry!”

I ignored all of what he was saying. As I approached my car, he started to run. He finally got in front of me so I couldn’t go anywhere.

“Why do you hate me now all of a sudden?”

“Because every since you started going out with that stupid Stacy it was like I never existed! The more famous you got, the more I felt like I was being pushed out of your life!” I yelled right in his face, which seemed to shock him. The Melodie he knew was quiet and passive.

I walked around him as he stood, planted to the ground in shock. Once I slammed my car door however, he finally got out of his trance. Just in time of jump out of the way of me running him over.

I looked in my rear view mirror, and saw Joe watching me as I drove out of the parking lot. I sighed heavily, knowing my stupidity.

But he really had forgotten me. It wasn’t just my imagination, or Stacy lieing. I don’t know if it was just me. but it seemed that he was sad that I drove away without a final word.

I sort of regretted it, but he deserved it. Right?
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Hope you liked chapter three! I guess it's ok, not my best work. Yet, not my worst.
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