

Moonstream was once again sitting out looking at the moon. This time she was worrying about what would happen when she got her body back. She was excited, but at the same time she was terrified. So many things could go wrong. The feeling of unease that was caused by Blackarachnia's presence didn't help either.

The con hadn't tried anything since she'd been thrown in the brig. The only thing she had done was make Prowl glitch, but that wasn't difficult. Since then Optimus had personally taken on the duty as guard. He hadn't taken a break, but he would tomorrow. He would when he shoved the matrix in Moonstream's frame.

Sides rolled up behind her and transformed down, activating his holoform. He sat in the grass next to Moonstream. "What's on your mind, Moony?" He asked.

"Just thinking about tomorrow."

"What about it. About the fact you get your frame back, your very beautiful frame."

"You're full of slag." She laughed, looking away to hide the slight blush that appeared. 'Damn this human body.'

"I am not." He said indignantly.

"Ouch!" They both said at the same time. Sunny and Starlighter had both managed to hit each other hard enough that they couldn't help but let it spill over into the bond.

"Fragging Starlighter went for the slagging neck cable!" Side complained.

"Stupid aft Sunstreaker went for the knee joint."

:. Sorry. .: Starlighter sent.

:. Don't let him kick your aft. .: She looked at Sides. "My twin's smarter. Neck cable is far more sensitive than a knee joint."

"On the other hand she's dumb enough to mess with his paint."

"She's smart enough to get away with it."

"Fine you win." He caved.

"So what about to tomorrow were you thinking about?"

"Just the actual transfer. It's kind of scary. What if I get trapped in the matrix? What if we both get trapped. What if the matrix pulls her spark into my body and I'm stuck in hers? What if it doesn't work? What-"

Sides put a hand over her mouth. She went to bite it, but he pulled away. "You worry way too much." He said. "Just have a little faith and everything will go alright." He said honestly, looking her dead in the eye. He leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back with no hesitation.

"Now the other two!" Blaster said.

"Why are you here?" Sides growled. Ratchet wants to see the femme.

"Blaster you keep your Primus damned processor muted!" Moonstream hissed.

"I make no promises." He said.

She lifted her arm aimed and twisted the stone. Blaster fell to the ground, now in stasis.

"He's not going to say a single thing." Sides said, chuckling.

Moonstream hugged Sides. "Thank you." She said.

Sides hugged her back. "It's no problem." He said. "And Moony?"


"I'm not full of slag. You're frame is gorgeous."

:. Come on love bird. The Hatchet needs us in the medbay. .: Starlighter said.

"Both the Hatchet and my twin call." Moonstream said.

"Wanna lift?"


Sides deactivated his holoform and transformed. He picked up Moonstream and set her on his repaired, but still healing shoulder strut. He rolled into the medbay. Starlighter was standing there rocking impatiently on her tires,

"What's up?" Moonstream asked.

"I want to take the second holoform generator and install it in Moonstream's frame." Ratchet said.

"So you want us to share my frame until tomorrow?" Starlighter asked.


"Fine." They both said.

"See ya Sides." Moonstream said deactivating the holoform. She found herself in the back of her sister's processor once again.

'Someone is happy.' Starlighter thought towards her twin as she sat down on the berth, Ratchet directed her towards.

'Duh. I get my frame back tomorrow.' Moonstream tried to play it off.

'You're frame. Sure.' Star said knowingly.

The next morning Starstream found herself sitting on the same berth as the day before. Ratchet had run scan after scan making sure that everything was just right.

'He does realize that I have to stand over you for this work?'
Starlighter asked.

'He's worrying.'
Moonstream said.

"Ratchet?" Moonstream said.

"This isn't gonna work if you don't let Lighter off of this berth." She said.

"I need to-"

"Calm down." Moontream said. She looked over at her frame. As soon as she was cleared to transform, she was ditching the dark blue armor. Instead she was going for a lighter brighter shade, the same alt mode as her sister though.

Optimus removed the matrix from the compartment in his frame and held it in his hand.

Starlighter, stood up.

"Wait, we have to-"

"Jolt, please refrain Ratchet from continuing. If he continues to protest shock him." Optimus said, surprising the CMO.

"I'm going to get offlined." Jolt muttered.

Starlighter stood up and walked over to her twin's frame.


"Do it." Their combined voice said.

Optimus shoved the matrix into Moonstream's chasis. Although they were empty and unmoving, her optics came online.

'Ready?' Starlighter asked.


Starlighter lowered herself towards the matrix. Her chasis opened and just like she pulled in the beginning she latched onto the bond. This time though instead of pulling, she pushed. Her sister's spark lashed before them for a moment before disappearing into the matrix.

Starlighter felt hollow for a moment before falling into stasis. Just then Moonstream's optic began to focus, then she as well fell into stasis.