‹ Prequel: Tarnished Crown
Status: Fin. <3

Tangled Hearts

Chapter Thirteen

Lara was amazed to find that she enjoyed talking to Rhett. When he wasn't trying to antagonize her he was actually quite funny and almost charming, though she would never confess that to him. He would never let her live it down. Her house had been feeling a little cold and empty lately, not giving her the sort of peace it usually did. It was refreshing to have a little company to break up the silence.

She was even more surprised when the clock in the parlor chimed, signaling that it was midnight.

"I didn't realize it was so late," she said, frowning at the clock as if it were trying to play a trick on her.

"Neither did I," Rhett said. "I really should be in my way now."

Lara couldn't be sure but she thought he almost sounded reluctant to leave.

"I'm taking Gina to the market in the morning," he explained. He looked thoughtful for a few moments. "You could come, if you like."

"What? You mean, go to the market with you and the little sunbeam?"

Rhett nodded. "I mean, if you want. I'm sure you have better things to do but the girls have been wanting to see Baby again. And Gina seems to have taken a shine to you."

"She has?" Lara couldn't contain her skepticism. Rhett nodded.

"She likes you. But if you're busy you don't have to-"

"I'll go," Lara said abruptly. "I may as well try something new."


"Being seen in public with you." Lara smiled and flicked some frosting at him.

"Oh hardy-har," Rhett said, but he didn't seem insulted. Lara walked him to the door, Baby following protectively and eyeing Rhett with an unnervingly human-like suspicion.

"He's quite the guard dog," Rhett remarked. "I guess I'll see you in the morning, then."

Lara nodded. "Yes. I guess you will."

Lara felt strangely nervous in the morning, digging through her closet until she found a dress that was a rich dark green instead of her usual black. She met Rhett and little Gina at the sprawling open air market in the center of Aveling, Baby trotting happily at her heels. He still seemed wary of Rhett but he was more than happy to lope up to Gina and lick her face. She giggled and hugged his neck.

"Hello, Miss Lara," she said politely.

"Hello Gina. Rhett, I'm impressed to see that you're not already stuffing your face with something."

"He had some scones that Sister Katia made on the way here," Gina piped up. Rhett nudged her while Lara laughed.

"Come on, Rhett," Gina said, tugging on his arm. "Sister Katia gave us a really long list."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming."

Rhett allowed himself to be pulled along by Gina, who seemed practically giddy to be out. Lara had never seen anyone so excited to browse the market. Rhett showed her how to check fruits and vegetables for ripeness and entertained her by juggling some apples. Lara bought some candied meat for Baby after he kept sticking his nose into vendor stalls and scaring them half to death.

"Have you always had him?" Gina asked, feeding him pieces of the meat.

"I found him when I was thirteen," Lara said. "He was just a baby then. He snuck into the kitchen while the cook was making dinner one night. Almost gave the poor woman a heart attack. I fed him and gave him a bath. My father tried to take him away but Baby almost bit his finger off. We've been inseparable ever since."

"I wish we could have pets at the temple," Gina sighed.

"You have Rhett," Lara pointed out. "That's pretty close."

Gina giggled again while Rhett made a face. Lara reached up and ruffled his hair.

"These flowers are so pretty," Gina said, staring wistfully at a bundle of sky blue flowers that resembled tiny stars. Lara bought the little bouquet as well as some daisies.

"A lot of noble girls like to wear flowers in their hair," Lara said, carefully arranging the little blue star flowers through Gina's bun.

"I wish I had hair like yours," Gina said. "Mine doesn't curl like that."

"I know a lot of girls who would be incredibly jealous of your hair," Lara said.

"Really?" Gina looked pleased. She insisted on making flower crowns for Lara and Baby, and Lara laughed so hard at the sight of the massive black dog sitting there with a lopsided flower crown and his tongue hanging out that she had to lean on Rhett to keep from falling over. It was late afternoon when they finally made it back to the temple, and this time Lara had a proper introduction to all the priestesses before Naia, Anya and Gina proceeded to stuff Baby with treats.

"He certainly likes them more than he likes me," Rhett noticed.

"Baby is suspicious of most men," Lara said. "He's very protective."

"You know, my offer still stands. If you'd like to see the inside of the temple instead of just the living quarters, I can show it to you."

"Are you sure I'm not going to burst into flame?" Lara asked skeptically. Rhett placed a hand over his heart.

"I swear to you that you will not burst into flame."

"What if I bring too much darkness inside with me?"

"Then I'll keep lighting candles until it's all gone," Rhett assured her. Lara knew they were joking around but she felt oddly touched by his words anyway.

"Okay," she relented. "I'll go inside, if it means that much to you."

She was still hesitant to step inside, but she followed Rhett anyway. They went down a short hallway and emerged in the innermost part of the temple. Lara had to stop and take it all in. It was exactly as Rhett had described, with light pouring in through the stained glass, casting golden images of suns and moons across the floor and walls. Hundreds of candles were lit around the gold and crystal altarpiece, making it so dazzling coupled with the sun through the windows that it rivaled the sun and Lara couldn't look at it for too long at once.

She stepped cautiously out of the narrow hall into the open, cathedral-like room. She still wasn't sure that her presence wouldn't abruptly make all the light go out. She did carry plenty of darkness inside herself.

"So what do you think?" Rhett asked quietly.

"It is beautiful," Lara admitted, keeping her voice whisper soft. She couldn't deny that there was a remarkably peaceful atmosphere inside the temple and she didn't want to disrupt it. "I can see why you like it here so much."

Rhett moved toward the altar to light a candle of his own. Lara hovered just behind him, staring up at the large stained glass window. Rhett touched the nine pointed star around his neck absently, his head bowed as he looked at the candles. He looked as content and peaceful as Lara had ever seen him.

She wasn't sure she had ever felt that way in her entire life, and she did envy him his faith a little in that moment. Though she still couldn't bring herself to believe in an all-knowing, benevolent force that watched over people. Rhett finished his candle lighting and turned slightly to smile at her.

"See? No spontaneous human combustion," he teased. The warm golden light spilled across his face and Lara was startled to find that her heart was beating faster.

"Yeah," she murmured. "You were right. No flames."

Though she still wasn't entirely sure about that, because the room did seem suddenly warmer. Despite the gentle breeze that made the gold curtains flutter lazily, Lara felt slightly lightheaded.

"Are you okay?" Rhett asked.

"It's just really warm in here. It must be because of all these candles."

She tried to edge slightly away from the altar, forgetting that there was a small step. She almost lost her balance and Rhett caught her before she fell. She found herself locked in a sort of half embrace with him, her gaze locked on his. When Greyson had tried to hold her in a similar way she had wanted to claw his face off. With Rhett she just found her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She noticed that he had faint flecks of green in his eyes.

"You're right," Rhett said, his voice as quiet as hers. "It is unusually warm in here."

"I probably shouldn't have worn the velvet dress," Lara said.

"I think it's a nice dress."


The door on the far side of the room opened and the two of them sprang apart, Lara's head spinning. Sister Katia smiled, crossing the room to give Rhett a hug.

"Lara, it's so nice to see you again. What do you think of our temple?"

"It's lovely," Lara said. She hoped the Sister couldn't see the flush in her cheeks. It couldn't be considered proper for a girl to start swooning over a guy inside the temple, after all. And Lara was too confused by the fact that she had swooned at all to worry about offending Katia on top of it.

"Feel fee to come back any time you like," Sister Katia told her. "Our door is always open."

Lara promised the girls she would bring Baby back again sometime, and this time Rhett fell into step with her without Sister Katia forcing him, and Lara didn't mind.

"You were really great with Gina today," he said.

"She's a sweet kid. And I think that's the first time in my life I've ever uttered those words."

Rhett chuckled. "So are you glad you finally came inside?"

"It was even prettier than you described."

"But you still think I'm silly." He seemed amused. Lara shrugged.

"I think you felt something that day, and it's impacted how you live now. People have pivotal moments like that in their lives. You're just lucky that yours was positive. It doesn't always work out that way."

Rhett studied her but Lara kept her gaze focused ahead and didn't elaborate.

"You should come visit again soon," he told her when they reached her front door.

"I'll try," Lara said, and found that she meant it. He bid her goodnight and started to turn away.

"Rhett?" Lara blurted. He turned back to face her.


"If you find that your thin walls aren't good enough company, you can come over, if you like. My kitchen is overstocked anyway."

She felt suddenly shy, and was worried he would scoff at her or think she was pitiful. Instead he gave her one of his crooked smiles.

"Yeah. I think I might just take you up on that."

Lara nodded, keeping her expression neutral so he wouldn't see her relief. Feeling completely unlike herself she abruptly stood on her toes and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before saying goodnight and hastily retreating back inside her house.