‹ Prequel: Tarnished Crown
Status: Fin. <3

Tangled Hearts

Chapter Nineteen

"You can't just barge into a temple and arrest someone!" Lara's voice had taken on a steely quality, revealing none of the confusion and panic she was feeling. One of the soldiers clapped iron cuffs on Rhett's wrists, jerking him around roughly. The man who had given Sister Katia the warrant for Rhett's arrest reminded Lara of an over-fluffed peacock, his chest puffed out and an unpleasant smile on his face. She almost thought he might burst into gleeful song and dance.

"I think that warrant means I can do anything I please, sweetheart," he told Lara. She stepped forward and boldly jabbed him hard in the chest.

"Don't. Call. Me. Sweetheart," she bit out. "You're nothing but a greasy warthog stuffed into a uniform."

His eyes darkened. "Watch your mouth, girl, or I'll arrest you too."

"For what? Calling you ugly? Please, do try to take me in on that charge. I'd love to see you explain that you dragged an Elbian Duke's daughter into the dungeon for calling you names."

His arm twitched, like he was going to strike her. She saw Rhett tense but it was Sister Katia who stepped between them, keeping Lara behind her.

"I can't stop you from arresting Rhett, but you will not raise a hand against this young woman in my temple," she said, not flinching in the slightest when he glared at her. Disgusted, he turned away.

"Bring General Howard in," he barked. Lara was tempted to clobber him with a candelabra but Rhett caught her eye and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Everything will be all right," he mouthed to her. Lara felt helplessness and fury clamoring inside her chest as she watched them haul Rhett out of the temple. Sister Katia rested a hand gently on Lara's arm, making her jump.

"Rhett is innocent," Katia said. "And he has good friends. This will all get straightened out."

"No offense Sister, but this entire situation is bent into knots. It's going to take a lot of work to straighten it out again."

Katia nodded, looking a little troubled despite the assuredness of her words. Lara could hardly comprehend what had happened in the last two days, and she hurried home in a daze. Then she spent nearly half an hour pacing restlessly in her room, Baby watching her like he was concerned for her mental health. It was a valid concern; Lara was starting to wonder about it herself. She couldn't bring herself to hold still for more than a few seconds at a time.

Finally she grabbed her cloak and whistled for Baby, heading outside. She couldn't sit at home wringing her hands and waiting to see what would happen. She was going to find that Bentham monster and try to get to the bottom of this mess. She was so preoccupied that she didn't even notice Greyson Dampierre step onto the path until she'd nearly collided with him.

"Good evening, Lady Everhart," he said with a charming smile.

"I'm really in quite a rush," Lara responded coldly. "I'm afraid I can't stop to chat."

"Ah, yes. Terrible news, about your little General friend. He seemed like such an upstanding man."

"He is," Lara snapped. Greyson chuckled.

"Things are not always as they seem, my lady. If you find yourself in need of company during the long nights, you know where you can find me."

"Yes, I know where I can find you. And I'll be avoiding it like the plague."

She pushed past him and kept walking.

"You might soon find yourself changing your mind, Lady Everhart," he called after her. Lara ignored him but he sounded far too confident for her liking. She and Baby made their way from the glittering streets of Little Aveling to the more decrepit neighborhood of Esper, since Lara figured that was the best place to begin looking for Rolf Bentham.

She may not have had street smarts to the extent that Rhett did, but she knew that men could typically be persuaded by three things: a smile from a pretty girl, threat of bodily harm, and money. Lara had the trifecta. If batting her eyelashes didn't get her what she wanted, bribery was the next plan and Baby was there to snarl and bare his fangs as a last resort.

Plenty of people in Esper seemed to know both Rhett and Bentham's names, though they were hesitant to tell her anything. She had to use her most winning smile so much her face was sore. And even Baby seemed almost bored with all the ferocious growling he'd been doing. It took three days, but she wound up being sought out by some of Bentham's cronies. They eased out of the shadows of a tavern as she walked by, planting themselves in front of her like two thick-headed trees.

"You're the little mouse that's been asking around about Rolf, ain't you?" one of them rumbled.

"What's it to you?" Lara asked, jutting her chin out defiantly.

"He wants to see you, that's what. Wants to know why you're sticking your cute little nose into his business."

"Then take me to him."

That seemed to surprise them a little; they must have been expecting her to put up a fight. They led her to a different tavern, and she spotted Rolf right away, since his hulking frame seemed to take up half the room.

"We found Howard's little...whatever she is," the rumbly man said, gesturing to Lara. She kept one hand on Baby's head to keep him calm. He was on high alert, his ears forward and his tail up and not wagging.

"I heard you've been asking around about me, and about who that little urchin Rhett used to hang around with," Bentham said.

"I have."

"What could a girl like you possibly care about the likes of us?"

"About you, I don't care at all," Lara informed him. "I'm here because of Rhett. I know he isn't involved with this. He's been set up, and now he's in prison. I don't intend to let him stay there."

"So you care about the little twerp." Bentham shook his head in disbelief.

"I already told you, he couldn't have made that shipment of leech whatever the hell the other night," she went on stubbornly.

"Right. Because he was with you that night."

A few of the men snickered and elbowed each other. Lara rolled her eyes.

"Yes. He was with me that night," she said. "He's been with me quite often lately, and I can assure you he's not running anything illegal. Not anymore. And once he's been dealt with, do you think whoever's framing him will stop? They clearly have a good thing going here. They'll find a new scapegoat to take the fall. Who do you think it's going to be?"

A mutter went through Rolf's men, and the massive man leaned back in his chair slightly, looking thoughtful.

"I suppose you do have a point," he agreed. "Assuming you're right about this and it's not Howard running things. Plus it's been bad for my business."

"Between you and Rhett, you must have plenty of connections. Plenty of spies and grunts. You can find out who's really behind this."

"I'm not in any hurry to help Rhett Howard."

"Then don't think of it as helping Rhett. Think of it as helping yourself."

"This requires a discussion. Dwight, go find those idiot friends of Howard's. The ones we caught snooping. And get all the rest of the men here, too."

Dwight hurried away and Rolf offered Lara a seat. She sat stiffly.

"You have a spine of steel, girl," Rolf remarked. "Strolling casually into a place like this and making demands."

"You do what you have to do, Bentham."

"I'll drink to that," he said with a chuckle. Lara grew impatient as men trickled into the tavern, sitting in a huge circle as Rolf presented Lara's theories to them. A raucous debate ensued, and at first the scales were nowhere near tipped in Rhett's favor. It seemed a few of his old men were a little bitter about his new life. Lara decided enough was enough. She let out a low whistle that brought Baby to his feet in seconds, barking and growling to get everyone's attention.

"It's amazing to me that you bunch of morons have managed to successfully run anything but your mouths," she snapped. "I'm not going to appeal to your better natures, since it seems clear you don't have any. So I'll appeal to your sense of greed, pride, and probably bloodlust. Someone is making fools of all of you, running circles around your little empire. They've tricked you, and they've tricked Theodore Silva. Tell me, wouldn't it give you immense satisfaction to bring both the mysterious new kingpin and the good General Silva down? They both think they've won. Don't you want to show them that you're not men to be trifled with?"

There were a few mutters and nods among the assembled.

"Like I told Bentham, once Rhett is out of the way whoever is running his old operation is going to be looking for someone else to pin the blame on next time. Pretty soon you'll all have your turns in the gallows. Isn't it worth it to help Rhett if it means you'll also be helping yourselves? You run this town, don't you?"

More nods, and a swelling of agreement.

"So, are you going to sit here and wait to be flushed out like rats, or are you going to do something about it?" Lara crossed her arms and stared them down, the challenge lingering in the air.

"Impressive speech," Bentham said. "Let's put it to a vote, then. Those in favor of joining forces, temporarily, to get Howard's stupid face out of jail, say aye."

There was a loud chorus of ayes.

"Those opposed?"

The tavern was silent.

"Well. I guess we've reached our decision. Well played, milady."

Lara smiled. "Maybe you're all not as stupid as you look."

After leaving the tavern, Lara went to the dungeons to see Rhett. Of course the guard posted tried to stop her.

"My Lady Everhart, General Silva specifically said General Howard isn't to have any visitors," he said, seeming to grow a little nervous at Lara's frigid glare and the presence of Baby beside her.

"He's only a temporary prisoner," she said. "And you're going to let me in there to see him."

"My Lady-"

"Look, worm, I've had a rough week and I am extremely cranky. If I have to ruin one of my good boots by shoving it up your ass, I'm going to be a lot more cranky. So open the door and let me in this minute, or I'll have Baby here eat your family jewels for dinner. Do I make myself clear?"

Baby snarled a little for good measure and the guard finally caved, unlocking the door with shaking hands. Lara almost felt bad; he was pretty young and probably new to the position. But she couldn't quite bring herself to care. She shoved past him before the door was even all the way open and hurried along the rows of cells until she found Rhett. He was standing by the bars already, giving her one of those crooked smiles she liked so much.

"I thought I heard you up there, whirling dervish," he chuckled. Lara stood close to the bars, scanning him for signs of injury. She reached through the bars to touch his face and he covered her hand with his.

"I'm going to get you out of here," she whispered vehemently. "I know you didn't do this, and I'm not going to sit by and watch you be jailed or executed. And don't give me any lectures about how I should just accept whatever happens, because I absolutely will not accept this and-"

"Shh," Rhett said gently, taking her hand from his face and kissing her palm. "I would expect nothing less from Lara Everhart."

"I already talked to Bentham, and-"

"You what?" Now he was gaping at her like she'd gone mad.

"I went to Esper and I found him." Lara shrugged. "I've convinced him and some of your old friends to help track down whoever set you up."

"You should be running the black market," he said in wonder. "I never thought I'd like to see the day Rolf Bentham and I were, more or less, on the same side."

"Desperate times, General." She hated seeing Rhett behind bars and she wanted so badly to curl up in his arms. Rhett was still holding her hand, and he brushed a kiss across her knuckles. Baby whined and pawed at the bars. Rhett chuckled softly.

"I guess he misses me too."

"You're not staying in here," Lara said.

"With you as my advocate, I'm not worried in the least. I'm glad you're on my side."

"My Lady," the nervous guard called. "Please, you need to go now, before you're caught down here."

Lara brushed her fingertips through Rhett's hair and across his cheek before giving him a last lingering look and reluctantly leaving the dungeon.