‹ Prequel: Tarnished Crown
Status: Fin. <3

Tangled Hearts

Chapter Twenty-Three

Lara was on lock down. She couldn't set foot anywhere without one of Greyson's henchmen or girls following her around and watching her every move. She had been disgusted to find all the scantily clad servant girls, and what horrified her more was that they all seemed to think "Master Greyson" was doing them all a big favor by employing them.

Greyson hadn't taken her back to his mansion, instead bringing her to this fortress-like building on the outskirts of Aveling. Most of it was literally underground, so from the outside it didn't look like much. But inside and down the winding stone steps there was a room with a vaulted ceiling, which Greyson seemed to use as a meeting place for all his elaborate scheming.

He kept Lara in one of the bedrooms, which is where she spent most of her time because she didn't like being followed by his hordes of servants and muscle. She only really came out when Greyson summoned for her. He would parade her around in the slinky dresses he insisted she wear. She hadn't been able to pack very much before she left, and had brought none of her own clothes. So she was stuck with what Greyson provided her.

She was sitting in her room winding the chain of the nine-pointed star necklace Rhett had given her through her fingers when Greyson barged in unannounced. Instinctively her hand tightened around the star, keeping it hidden.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this intrusion?" she asked.

"I can't exactly intrude in my own secret lair." He came to stand behind her, rubbing her shoulders. She tried to move away from him but he gripped her shoulders tighter and spun her around to face him.

"You're not going anywhere, Lara," he said in a low voice. "You agreed to this and you better uphold your end of things."

"I'm here, aren't I? What else do you want from me?"

"You know exactly what I want from you. And I'm going to get it. Tomorrow night, in fact. I had thought about waiting a while longer before having a wedding, but I think I'm done waiting. I'm eager to inform the world of our 'elopement.'"

Lara felt like she'd been doused in ice water. She had known this was going to happen, of course. But it hadn't really sunk in. She jumped as Greyson took her hands, prying the necklace free.

"Well, well. What have we here? Holding onto trinkets from your beloved Rhett."

"It's all I have," Lara said. "Surely you're not intimidated by a necklace?"

Greyson smiled, then promptly backhanded her across the face.

"I'm not intimidated by that lowlife," he said. "Let me make that abundantly clear to you. I've won."

He threw the necklace back at her in disgust. "I'll send one of the girls in to fix the bruise on your cheek. I want you looking your best for the wedding after all."

He kissed the spot where he had hit her and Lara had to choke back the bile that rose in her throat. Then she thought maybe she should just vomit all over his polished shoes. He left without another word, and soon after one of the servant girls came in to remove the bruise with some enchanted ointment.

"Still think he's a good, respectable man?" Lara asked sarcastically.

"You shouldn't have provoked him," the girl replied automatically. Lara sighed, going silent. It was pointless to try and convince these girls Greyson wasn't a saint. Lara couldn't sleep at all that night, just lying awake and staring forlornly at the ceiling. She had put the nine-pointed star around her neck, and kept her hand protectively over it as if it would disappear in the night. It really was all she had of Rhett. There was a sort of dull ache in her chest hat she was sure would never go away. She had never felt more caged and hopeless than she did then.

A swarm of young servants entered her room early in the morning, murmuring excitedly about the dress Greyson had chosen for her. It was luxurious silk, tied behind her neck in a delicate bow. The neckline plunged nearly to her navel and the fabric turned from shimmering gold to deep red at the bottom, with a slit in the left side that went halfway up her thigh. She thought it an odd choice for a "wedding" gown, but she should have expected nothing less of Greyson. She was his prized catch, after all. He needed to flaunt her. Besides, it's not as if this were a traditional wedding. It was a claiming ceremony. A show of dominance.

Lara sat still and silent, gazing flatly into the mirror as the girls piled her hair up with ruby and gold pins and lined her eyes with kohl and gold glitter. They painted her lips and nails dark red and dabbed her neck with a sweet smelling perfume before putting a ruby teardrop necklace on her. She sparkled like a jewel when they were done.

"You look so beautiful," one of them sighed. "Master Greyson will be very pleased."

"That's all that matters," Lara replied hollowly. The girls filed out and Lara was left alone with Baby, who was lying on the bed looking as miserable as she felt.

"My parents would be thrilled with this match," Lara said to him. "They seem to really like the idea of me marrying a raging psychopath."

Baby whined in response. The door opened and Greyson walked in, his eyes roaming over her hungrily.

"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," Lara said coldly.

"I don't believe in bad luck. You look quite delectable."

"Thank you. I always do strive to look like a food item."

"Still haven't lost your fire. I like that about you." Greyson pulled her to her feet, making her turn in a circle for the full effect.

"Yes, this dress was the perfect choice," he said, nodding.

"A golden bird for your gilded cage?"

He chuckled, running his fingertips up and down her bare arms. Baby growled softly from his place on the bed.

"I suggest you keep that animal of yours under control," Greyson said.

"He'll behave."

"Good." Greyson bent his head and brushed his lips against her shoulder, and Lara's stomach churned. She was never going to be all right with him touching her. Greyson left and she sat down again, taking Rhett's pendent from her drawer of the vanity. She hadn't wanted Greyson to see her wearing it, in case this time he took it and didn't give it back. But she wound the chain around her wrist, keeping the star tucked under the chain links so that it wasn't visible. It was gold and matched the rest of her silly outfit.

She sat wallowing in misery for some time, before the door opened and a smirking henchman appeared. It seemed a bit too soon for the mock wedding.

"Dampierre requires your presence. Immediately," the man barked. Lara whistled for Baby and then stood, keeping her hand on the dog's head as she followed the man through the halls, wondering what fresh torment Greyson had in store for her now.