‹ Prequel: Tarnished Crown
Status: Fin. <3

Tangled Hearts

Chapter Six

“Greyson Dampierre. More like Greyson Damper-On-My-Day.”

Belle rolled her eyes at Rhett as she picked up one of her twins, setting Carina in her lap while Davis played on the floor with one of Caspian’s shoes. The twins had mountains of expensive toys to play with, but for some reason, they always went for random things like shoes and wooden spoons. Carina rested her head against Belle’s chest and watched Rhett with her thumb in her mouth, big eyes studying his every move.

“You’re being dramatic,” Belle told him.

“How is it that I seem to be the only one who’s never heard of this man?” Rhett asked.

“You don’t like to be around the nobility,” she reminded him. “You don’t come to balls and banquets - where Greyson can be found - unless you have to. Of course you haven’t heard of him.”

“I don’t like him at all,” Rhett mumbled. “The way he preys on Gina and Lara… it’s disgusting.”

“You’re exaggerating,” Belle told him. “He’s not preying on them. He was just being friendly. He’s a friendly man.”

“Who’s preying on who?” Caspian asked as he entered the room and shed his coat, leaving it on the chair.

“No one,” Belle shrugged.

He didn’t ask more questions, kissing Belle, then kissing the top of Carina’s head and sitting down on the floor next to Davis.

“That’s mine, you know,” he said, pointing to the shoe and looking at Davis as if he could understand him.

Davis just gave him a big smile and rolled into his waiting arms. Rhett often studied the twins, amazed by how the children acted. They rarely ever cried. There was no need, because somehow you always knew what they wanted. They’d look at you and you knew if they were hungry, or sleepy, or if they needed to be changed. However, if they were pulled apart and forced to be in separate rooms, they’d scream bloody murder until they could be together again. Rhett once put Carina in another room while Davis was distracted, and watched as Davis crawled out of the room, exactly to the spot his sister was without any hints or direction. Rhett liked to think they were somehow psychologically attached to each other. Belle just told him that you’d have that sort of connection with anyone you have to share a womb with for nine months.

However, he found himself looking at more than just the children. Belle had changed since she got married. She was much happier, and the way she’d look at Caspian was like she’d lost a piece of herself, he’d found it, and she’d asked him to keep it for her. And he had the same look in his eyes. It was almost comforting to know such a thing existed in the world. He stayed a little while longer before he decided to head home.

He didn't get very far before a couple of city guards stopped him in the street. Rhett didn't recognize them. They must've been much lower than his position, and didn't fight with the military. However, they didn't seem to realize who he was, either. He narrowed his eyes at them when they shoved him back against a wall.

“Stay put,” one of them said. “We have a few questions to ask you, civilian.”

Rhett raised a brow, leaning back against the wall and deciding not to bring any attention to the fact that he was their commanding officer. For the time being, at least. Watching these two make fools of themselves was worth being talked to with disrespect.

“Ask away,” he told them.

“What are you doing out here, at this late hour?”

“Going home.”

“Going home, or going to meet your underground business leader?”

“Pardon?” Rhett frowned. “Are you two seeking out illegal merchants? Who is your captain?”

“You're in no place to be asking us such questions,” the other guard snapped.

“Actually, I am- Hey, hey, watch the goods!”

Rhett scowled as they turned him around against the wall and started feeling his pockets. Rhett didn't like walking around in uniform, but he kept the medal with him at all times. Just in case. And sure enough, they found it. It took them a moment to process what the medal they'd found meant. The two men’s eyes widened and they backed away, stammering apologies. Rhett turned to face them and straightened himself out again, glaring at them.

“I'll ask you again,” Rhett said. “Who is your captain.”

“C-Captain Theodore Silva,” he stammered. “I apologize, General. It's dark, we didn't recognize you.”

“Why is Silva asking you to attack people in the street?” Rhett asked, ignoring the apology. “Who even is he? How come I don't know him.”

They exchanged confused looks, then shrugged. They had just been given the order, and hadn't thought much of it first. Rhett rolled his eyes, brushing past them. They exchanged worried glances, but Rhett said nothing to ease their minds about their jobs. He certainly wasn't going to have them sacked, but they didn't have to know that. He did look a little bit sketchy after all, with his disheveled hair and old clothes.

On his walk home, he noticed another darkly dressed figure walking up ahead. He'd recognize the back of Lara's head anywhere, with how she was always walking away from him. He didn't bring any attention to himself, but she turned around and saw him. At first she was startled, but then seemed to realize who he was and got annoyed.

“What, now you're stalking me, too?” she scowled.

“Nope,” he said. “You are extremely irrelevant in my life.”

“Then quit following me, you creep,” she snapped.

“I'm not.”

“Yes you are.”

Rhett just chuckled and shook his head, moving past her to prove that he had been going that way anyways.

“I'm going home,” he told her. “I live just up ahead.”

“In Esper?” she asked. “You don't live in little Aveling like everyone else?”

“No, it's a little too flashy for me,” he told her. “Esper may be a poorer area, but it's quiet. No one cares or gossips if you slept with the miller’s wife.”

“Did you?”

“Sleep with the miller’s wife?” he asked. “Of course not. Their daughter spent the night once, though. She's a nice girl. Wonderful artist.”

“You're so weird.”

“Why are you going to Esper all by yourself, anyways?”

“That's none of your business,” she said.

“Not really,” he shrugged. “But I'd still like to know. I've been nothing but friendly tonight, Miss Everhart, I don't see a need for attitude.”

“If no one else is going to put you in your place, General Howard, I'll have to be that person,” she said. “You're garbage. It's about time someone told you.”

“Ouch,” he chuckled. “Really, what're you going to Esper for. Maybe I can help you find it.”

“Fine,” she sighed. “There's a bookstore. There's something specific I'm looking for, and I was told I can only find it there. And I- Hey, don't just walk away from me while I'm talking to you!”

Rhett raised a brow as she protested when he made a sharp left to his little house, leaning back against the door.

“You told me not to follow you anymore,” he said. “Now you want me to follow you?”

“Why are you so weird?” she scowled.

“This is my house,” he laughed. “I live here. I just wanted to go home. Like I said earlier, you are terribly irrelevant in my life, despite what you like to think about every man in the world just dying to up your skirt. With all due respect, you're not my type. But I appreciate your interest.”

Lara didn't even say anything, just shaking her head and turning on her heel to continue on her way. Rhett thought for a moment, then whistled at her to get her attention.

“What?” she asked, annoyed.

“If you need somewhere to stay until the rain stops, all you have to do is knock,” he called out.

“Rain? What rain?”

Sure enough, just a few moments later, droplets of water started to fall from the sky, though it was just a light sprinkle. It didn't look like it would last very long, but Rhett had noticed the clouds in the night sky the moment he stepped outside. Now he was safe and dry, and Lara still had another block or so to get to her store. She glared at him, then shook her head in frustration again, storming off on her way. Rhett just shrugged. He wasn't too worried. Esper was poor, but it was a safe place in terms of people. Whether or not she wanted to walk home in pouring rain was entirely up to her.