‹ Prequel: Tarnished Crown
Status: Fin. <3

Tangled Hearts

Chapter Eight

Rhett hated tournaments. It was just a way to parade your wealth through expensive training from private tutors. Rhett never received formal training. His training came from the streets, and was almost entirely defensive. They can’t hurt you if they can’t hit you. However, that wasn’t exciting to watch in a tournament. People wanted to watch men assert their masculinity by slamming each others heads into a wall. Besides, Rhett was born among gutter rats, not the nobility. Rhett was thinking about leaving when Lara suddenly took control, making those men go home with their tails between their legs.

He slipped away shortly after, not really wanting to deal with the mess of testosterone. He didn’t get very far before he felt himself being followed. He stopped and turned, and sure enough Greyson was right behind him. The man patted Rhett hard on the shoulder, with that ever-charming smile on his face. Rhett sighed, trying not to roll his eyes.

“General Howard!” he greeted. “You rushed off so quickly, I didn’t get a chance to say hello!”

“Hello,” Rhett said.

“It’s a shame you can’t compete,” he said. “You would’ve been a great competitor, I think.”

“You already had some good competition, I’d say,” Rhett pointed out. “I wouldn’t want to mess with her, personally.”

The smile dropped off Greyson’s face and he looked like he wanted to throw up or punch a wall. Or both. However, it quickly returned, plastered back on his stupid face. He chuckled, shrugging.

“Beginner’s luck. But don’t tell her I said that,” he laughed.

“Oh, I will,” Rhett promised.

“You know, I’d say we could catch up to her if we sped up a little,” he suggested, taking off on a steady jog.

“I’ll stay back here,” Rhett said.

“Nonsense!” Greyson said, a playful grin on his face. “If you don’t come with me, I’ll tell her that you said all she had was beginner’s luck!”

Rhett stopped in his tracks, staring at Greyson in disbelief as he ran to catch up to Lara. And Rhett thought he was the childish one. He shoved his hands into his pockets and quickened his walk, face scrunched up in frustration like a child forced to dress up in frills and go to a fancy dinner party. He eventually caught up to Greyson and Lara, and she looked equally annoyed. The moment he made eye contact with her, there was an immediate understand between them that neither of them wanted to be here.

“Ah, I knew you’d make the right choice,” Greyson said. “We must be a sight right now, eh? A knight, a princess, and a rogue bandit. Oh, pardon me… an ex-bandit who has decided to take a turn for the greater good.”

“Greyson,” Rhett warned. “I really am not allowed to hit you. Don’t make me do it anyways.”

“You’re funny,” he laughed, punching Rhett in the shoulder.

“Funny,” Lara repeated, with a slight smirk at the mention of Rhett’s face.

“My dear Miss Everhart, I admit you put on quite a show for us today,” he said. “Perhaps you’d like to come by my home sometime, where I have a private field for my archery practice. I can show you some of my best tricks.”

“From the looks of things, I already know all your tricks,” she said. “Don’t act so confident. You were pissing yourself a minute ago.”

“She’s right,” Rhett shrugged.

Lara glanced up at Rhett, and there was an ever-so-slight look of amusement in her eyes. Greyson noticed this immediately. His expression hardened slightly, but he kept that easy smile on his face as he turned the tables against Rhett.

“I was just telling our good General here that it was a real shame he couldn’t compete,” he told Lara. “Because of his background, you see. Where were you born again, General? The name escapes my mind.”

Rhett pursed his lips, keeping his gaze straight ahead as he walked, wondering why home seemed so far away and why they wouldn’t come to a fork in the road so he could just change his path.


“Brineville,” he finally answered, tone harsh. “Brineville prison. That’s where I was born.”

Lara’s expression didn’t change, but the new fact was news to her, that was for sure. It was news to everyone. Rhett didn’t ever tell people that his mother was pregnant in prison, and that he was born on the dirty floor of a prison cell with no one helping the poor woman in labor. Greyson smiled and nodded.

“Right, that’s the one,” he said. “Funny how names just escape you like that. It’s impressive how far you’ve come Rhett. Most people start at the top and end up in a prison. And you started in a prison. Isn’t it funny how the world works?”

Rhett wanted to make another snarky comment, but shook his head and slightly slowed his pace. Greyson didn’t mind. He continued pestering Lara until they got to the gates marking the exit of little Aveling. Rhett lingered behind as Greyson and Lara were stopped by the guards.

“Identification, please,” one asked.

Lara just stared at them with a look that suggested she could take their souls, if she wanted to. Rhett noticed Greyson sort of shift his weight as well. His face and expression was cool and calm, but Rhett noticed a few nervous ticks that only someone who observed others as closely as he did would have noticed.

“What for?” Greyson asked.

“That’s confidential,” the guard told him. “Just take out your identification papers.”

“I don’t just carry it around in my corset,” Lara retorted.

Rhett finally stepped forward, and the guard stiffened at the sight of his superior.

“What do you need identification for?” Rhett asked.

“Apologies, General,” he said quickly. “We’ve been given orders by Captain Silva to-”

“Silva,” Rhett repeated. “Again with this Theodore Silva. How have I never met, nor seen him?”

“I’m not sure, sir,” the guard said.

“This isn’t about the black market again, is it?” Rhett asked.

“It’s growing, sir. Much like back when… well… nevermind.”

Rhett narrowed his eyes at the guard, then jerked his chin towards the gate.

“Open it. We don’t need identification. They’re here with me.”

The guard quickly nodded and did as he asked. Rhett had never seen the gates closed or guarded. Not since the reign of Queen Angelique, at least. Greyson gave a relieved chuckle as they got out of earshot, forcibly taking Rhett’s hand and giving it a firm shake.

“Thank you, friend,” he said. “I thought I’d be stuck in there, since I don’t have papers on me.”

“Yeah. We’re not friends.”

“Anyways, this is my stop,” Greyson said, turning down a different road. “I do hope to see you soon, Miss Everhart. Perhaps when I give you those shooting tips.”

“I don’t even want the tip,” she mumbled.

Rhett didn’t wait for Lara, continuing on his way with his hands shoved in his pockets again and a sour mood. Lara caught up to him, punching his arm to get his attention.

“What is it with you and walking away from me without saying anything?” she asked.

“Look, you and I both know that we’re not friends,” he said. “Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're a great person, but I don't have the energy to deal with it. And now Greyson has taken a liking to you, and he thinks that I'm something he has to get out of the way. And I really don't want to deal with any more embarrassment.”

“Embarrassment?” she asked, arching a brow. “What, you mean the prison thing? Come on, who cares about that?”

“There's a certain history that I'm trying not to let drag me down,” Rhett told her. “You may not care, but there are people who will. And if it gets out and rumors start up, I have to deal with that.”

“Certain background?” she repeated.

“Have a good afternoon, Lara,” Rhett said, rolling his eyes. “Have fun with Greyson. Leave me out of it.”

“Drama queen,” she mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

Rhett just looked over his shoulder and batted his eyelashes at her with a slight shrug and an innocent smile on his face. She could frown if she wanted to. He couldn't be bothered.