Vulpine Summer

Chapter Eighteen

Fox was unnerved. Really, really unnerved. This whole place gave him the creeps. Even though it was night, the place was vibrant and well lit. Everything looked oddly blue and there were weird floating lights that drifted about the still air. Fox tried to evade them, ducking and dodging, but some still bumped into him, leaving a soft warm feeling as it carried on its merry way.

Worst though was the hulking wolf, or the Everwood Spirit as it claimed. It plodded some distance ahead with Absolon and several other wood and summer Sprites on its back. The trees and branches would curve out of the way, moving aside as much as they could to let the Spirit pass. It was bizarre to see and it made him anxious. Here, in the Spirit Paths, Fox was out of his depth. This was a place of magic.

Dupont seemed happy. She pranced in the wake of the Everwood Spirit, sniffing at the plants that grew in his pawprints with curiosity. She knew where they were going and she wasn't too nervous.

'Gotta trust the Wizard.' Fox muttered under his breath.

So long as Dupont was comfortable, he assumed nothing bad was going to happen.

Fox continued following the weird troupe with his scowl growing deeper as Sprites would tug at his trousers and lights kept bumping into him. The trees annoyed him too as they would begin to return to their natural shape the moment the Spirit passed, meaning he had to squeeze through tiny gaps or stumble about massive roots. His anxiety and irritation kept growing until, finally, they stopped.

It was a clearing filled with little trees and many flowers. The long grass swayed in the gentle breeze, pulling loose dusty lights and scattering them far. A pond was not far from where Fox stood nervously. The water was so clear he could see the depths and the fish swimming about. The water Sprites that had been singing and playing there were now watching intently.

Fox moved himself close to Dupont. He watched the Everwood Spirit as he turned, shaking off some of the twisted wood Sprites from his back. They fell, laughing into the long grass, before either scurrying off or dancing beside the wolf's feet. Absolon returned to Dupont who stood patiently.

The Everwood gazed at Fox and Dupont with massive watery eyes. 'Bloxham Sprite. This one has brought her to him.'

Fox waited with impatience as Dupont answered. He couldn't hear her but he knew she was speaking or the Spirit was having a very one sided conversation.

'He comes.' The Spirit said and moved his great body aside.

For a moment there was silence. Fox stood, fidgeting. He didn't like this. All the Sprites had fallen silent and has shuffled away from the clearing, choosing to hide amongst the trees instead and didn't so much as whisper. Even the wind had stopped rustling.

He twiddled with his gloves, arming it with lightning that flickered briefly. Whatever was coming, he was prepared.

All of a sudden the earth heaved, nearly knocking him off his feet. Dupont yelped beside him in surprised then hopped back when something broke through the grass. Massive roots tore through the earth, curling about the air hurriedly. Fox watched in terror as the roots twisted and turned, curling and knotting about to form a shape. In a matter of seconds and huge frame was formed before it began to glow. The moss and grass covering the branches changed, turning white and furlike and tore over the frame like wildfire until, finally, a wolf was formed, white as snow and littered with branches adorned with green leaves.

Fox stared. He didn't know what to think. He had thought the Everwood Spirit was big, but this. It was huge. Its head along was bigger than the Everwood.

The beast stared with glowing eyes, like two great moons, and it parted its black lips.

'I am pleased to see you again, Bloxham Sprite.' The wolf spoke.

Fox was confused. The thing was speaking. Not even Spirits couldn't speak and, from recent experiences, they always spoke in third person. This one, whatever it was, didn't.

'Who are you?' Came Dupont's distinct accent and voice.

Fox grew even more confused and stared down at her. How was he hearing her?

'You met me once before. You came here long ago, before the Bloxham Spirit was considered a Spirit. Do you not remember?' The wolf said, his inhuman mouth easily forming human words.

'I remember the previous Everwood Spirit. The white wolf but he passed, he grew too old and bordered godhood, and the grey took up the role.' Dupont said in confusion. 'I don't understand.'

The wolf stared patiently while Fox watched silently with burning questions. The smaller grey wolf plodded forward and came to rest at the white wolf's paws.

'Bloxham Sprite. This one has brought her to him. This one's father.'

While Fox didn't quite understand what it meant, Dupont did. She stiffened and her eyes widened. The white wolf parted it jaws, revealing gaping teeth, and laughed.

'She has realised, Spirit.'

'She has.'

'But it can't be! My aunt even had the honour to revert you back to the earth! She was the one who ended you!' Dupont stammered.

Fox broke. 'What's going on Dupont?' He asked.

Her vulpine face turned to him, her eyes alight with confusion. 'The white wolf was the previous Everwood Spirit.' She said hurriedly, not noticing at all that she could now speak with Fox.

'Yeah. So?'

'He is a god.' She said sharply. 'This is the Everwood God!'

Suddenly Fox understood and alarm spread through him. Even he knew gods were bad. The final stage of any Sprite, the Gods were immensely powerful. They could destroy countries on a whim, bring calamity and chaos by simply breathing or bring life and eternal summer. And he stood before one now. A God. Suddenly his glove didn't feel so protective anymore.

'I am the Everwood God.' The wolf said with a laugh. 'I have hidden amongst the Spirit Paths for years while the Everwood Spirit has roamed your world.'

'But why?' Dupont asked. 'My aunt was the chosen heir ot the Grand Wizard at the time. She understood why you could not exist anymore. You did. But you're still here.'

'I am. The Bloxham Spirit, she had a change of heart.'

Dupont paused. 'What do you mean?'

'She saw no threat in me. I am a God of woodlands and forest. I bring fertility to plants, I ensure everything is in balance. My presence is neutral. I am neither a positive nor negative influence in the world. I am simply a force nature.' The Everwood God said. 'She saw no reason to end me.'

'She has ended other Gods.'

'She has. Gods of misfortune, plague and winter have all been ended kindly by her hand. Even neutral Gods, ones who had grown angry and resentful and bring floods and storms. She watched over me and agreed to end me only when she deemed me a threat to her home. I never became one so the Bloxham Spirit left me be.'

Dupont became silent. 'I don't understand. My aunt was a Wizard. She understood the danger Gods can be.'

The Everwood God barked a laugh so loud and deep that Fox flinched as his bones shook.

'Do not try to understand. You will discover in time what the Bloxham Spirit was trying to do and I hope you take up her cause.' He said and titled his great head as he gazed at her with care. 'I wanted to see you, Bloxham Sprite. I wanted to see how you have grown and I wanted to show you the change your aunt was trying to fulfil.'

Dupont was quiet. Her head was hung and her face was dark with thought and bewilderment.

'Bloxham Sprite, I will aid you as much as I can. I cannot leave this Spirit Paths, I promised the Bloxham Spirit I would not until she felt it was safe. But what I can do is this.' He stretch out his neck to move his huge snout closer. 'Hand me the stone the Spirit River Oak gifted you.'

Dupont was instantly looked at Fox with bright eyes, quietly demanding he do it. Fox huffed. He found this whole thing confusing and understood very little about what was being said and the significance of it all. He just wanted to get moving but he did as Dupont asked all the same.

He hunkered down beside Absolon, who was snoring softly, obviously underwhelmed by everything, and Dupont the vixen.

'The stone is in there right?' Fox asked, gesturing to the red pouch nestled against her white fur.

Dupont nodded. He very carefully reached out to grasped the strings, pausing briefly when he felt her fur. It was soft, like it was made from cotton, and ridiculously clean. He felt the urge to pet her overcome him, to cuddle the fluffy beast like he used to with Doe's old cat. He only managed to swallow it when he glanced at Dupont's honey eyes and noticed them glaring. He scowled back.

He looped the pouch over her head and fiddled with the opening, pulling it wide and picking out the pebble held within.

'Here Mr Everwood, sir.' Fox said as he held up the stone, not quite sure what was about to happen.

The pebbled left Fox's hand on its own accord, making him jump in surprise and alarm. He really didn't like magic touching him. He watched warily, wiping his hand against his earth covered trousers, as it drifted up to the Everwood God's eye level. The God blinked, his eyes growing brighter as he watched the pebble turn slowly. It was too high up and too small to see what was happening but Fox swore it was changing shape. It was getting bigger.

'What's he doin' Dupont?'

Dupont simply shrugged, as best as a fox could, and remained silent as she watched intensely. He shot her a glare at her unhelpfulness.

All of a sudden the God's eyes dimmed and the pebble plummeted. It dropped rapidly and landed with a soft thud amongst the grass and flowers before Fox and Dupont, startling Absolon into consciousness. Dupont's ears flicked up in interest while Fox hunkered down again. He stared at it with his vibrant green eyes and slowly they furrowed. The pebble had indeed changed shape but it was no longer looked like a rock.

'It's covered in roots.' He pointed out.

'Indeed.' The God replied. 'I have strengthened the magic. It has a wider radius and can dull stronger magic. I have also tied it to myself. So long as I and the stone exist, the magic will not waver.'

Dupont appeared happy. 'That is generous. Dunking it in water constantly was worrying me.'

'The one and the Everwood God also pledge to the Bloxham Sprite to protect her.' The quiet Everwood Spirit said beside his father.

'We will aid you in any way we can. Summon me and I will come to you.' The Everwood God stated. 'When that whistle is blown, think of me and I will hear. Nothing will stop me from reaching your side.'

Fox was happy with the pledge and lifted some of the worries from him. Having a God to back them up at a whim meant getting to the Granite Tower wasn't going to be too difficult. Dupont however looked concerned. She curled herself up in a small ball of worrying thoughts.

'My aunt told you to not leave the Spirit Paths until she felt it was safe for you. The Towers think you no longer exist.'

'Yes, she did, but I will leave them for her Sprite. I will protect you even if it means I will be ended by the Towers.'

Fox frowned, suddenly realising what Dupont was thinking. 'Don't worry about it. He's a God, Dupont. We could use his help.'

Dupont's ears flattened and she bared her tiny teeth at him. 'I will not call him. I will not endanger him when my aunt risked her career and honour to keep him alive.' Dupont turned her snout to the Everwood God as Fox folded his arms in annoyance, hating her for rejecting such a useful offer and making his life hard again. 'I thank you for the offer but I will not call you. I may not understand why my aunt left you alive but she did. I won't risk your life and betray her.'

The Everwood God's jaw widened into an eerie smile, a grin that revealed rows of massive teeth and black gums. 'You are her daughter, her Sprite.' He snapped his jaws with an audible slam. 'Very well. Take the pebble and do not forget my offer.'

'Thank you.' Dupont said as she bowed her little head.

'And sleep here tonight. I have closed the Paths to the Tower Wizards. Leave when you are rested.'

Fox stiffened when, for the first time, the Everwood God's eyes swivelled to him. Kept his arms folded and his eyes glaring, trying not to show an ounce of fear he felt rattling about inside.

'You. The Fox. Reynard Tod. The Thief. I understand you are guiding the Bloxham Sprite to the Granite Tower.'

Fox grudgingly nodded. What did it want?

'Keep her safe. It is important that the truth about the Bloxham Spirit's death is brought out and the Bloxham Sprite is delivered to safety. Do you understand?'

Fox didn't and he didn't care either. He just wanted his Eye and code. Magic, Gods and the Towers meant nothing to him. All the same he shrugged and nodded.

'Yeah, I get it.'

He got the feeling the God didn't believe him.

'And do not betray her. I will leave the safety of my Spirit Paths to bring justice if you do.' He warned, his eyes darkening a shade.

Fox became quite cold at the comment. 'He knows,' Fox realised. The God knew Fox intended to hand her over to the Towers as soon as he got the Eye back. 'She deserves it though. She's a murderer.' He reminded himself.

But then why was a God protecting her?

Fox's thoughts were popped when the great wolf spoke again. 'I will see you again soon Bloxham Sprite. Safe journeys.'

Dupont yapped and promised and that was it. The Everwood God fell apart, crumbling away in moss and leaves as the roots that formed him dove back into the earth. Rapidly, in the great clearing, was an empty space, unharmed by the God's weight.

Instantly life came flooding back in. The Sprites began to sing and dance, clustering about the Everwood Spirit in droves. The wind began to blow once more and the bird song began to filter through the trees.

The Everwood Spirit stood, ignoring the woodland Sprites that now hung off of him with ease.

'Rest now. This one will return when it is dawn.'

Without waiting for a response, the grey wolf turned and plodded off out of the clearing, taking his hoard of Sprites with him.

Fox finally relaxed. His shoulders sagged and a gush of air escaped his mouth. Being around the Spirit and the God of the Everwood was exhausting.

He sat heavily amongst the grass, disturbing Absolon who woke with a start again before drifting off back to sleep when he realised there was no threat.

'Still think you should call the God. He'll help us.' Fox grumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Dupont didn't make a response. She'd didn't speak but stared at him with hostility. He sighed. It appeared he could no longer hear her anymore. Guess that was a good thing though. Having a break from her harping was a nice change.

'Let's sleep.' He said as he shuffled back into the roots of an oak and tried his best to get comfortable amongst the garnlled wood and rocks.

Eventually, after much wriggling, he closed his eyes but not before checking on Dupont. She remained as she was, curled and watchful. He was curious about what was going to happen in his journey to the Granite Tower and after. As he watched the wind rustle her soft fur, he thought back to what the God said, about the truth coming out. Was Dupont really innocent?

But he shrugged the thought away as Elenore harped in his head about sticking to the plan and how weak he was when it came to pretty women. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.


When Esme and Fox woke, they found the clearing occupied by the Everwood Spirit waiting patiently before a well laid out picnic. Esme ate happily, enjoying the company, while Fox looked suspicious of everything and not very trusting of what was going in his mouth. Before long they were moving, venturing to an end of the Spirit Paths.

The world had taken a warm yellow sheen, marking the strength of day, and more Sprites were now roaming, flitting between pines and oaks with laughter. Esme followed after the Everwood Spirit as he plodded ahead with long but slow strides. Wood and earth Sprites tumbled off of Everwood as the shear number who tried to clamber on his back overflower. Absolon was amongst them, singing and laughing as they played pile-up.

Esme had had a decent sleep, when she finally managed to drift off. She had too many thoughts drifting through her head. Why had her aunt allowed the Everwood God live? What was she planning? It made her gut churn. Had Suellen realised? Was that why she killed her? Esme wasn't certain. Suellen had stated she wanted to tear down the Towers, not uphold them. Nothing still made much sense, in fact it made less after meeting the Everwood God.

She clumsily came to a stop, nearly tumbling forward when the earth suddenly vanished into a carved out slope. Fox managed to grab her arm, holding her steady before yanking her back.

'Use those eyes, Dupont.' He said sharply.

She glared at him, wanting to point out she wasn't used to wearing such thick boots or climbing about trees and rocks but chose not to say anything. He had been in a bad mood since he woke up.

'It is not far now, Bloxham Sprite.' The Everwood Spirit said as he loped down the hill covered in knotted roots and protruding rocks. 'Be careful. The earth is steep.'

Esme stared at the hill. It was steep and she couldn't see that many footholes. Climbing hadn't been her strong point as a child as she was laden with awkward clothes that didn't quite fit her and boots that felt heavy and clunky.

She could feel Fox watching her intently and her cheeks burned much to her embarrassment.

'I'll go first then, shall I?' Fox offered in a mocking tone.

Stiffly, Esme nodded and stumbled back a few steps. 'Lead the way.'

Fox stepped forward confidently and barely took a glance at the slope before he mounted the task. Esme watched with surprise at how easily he traversed it. He found footholes she never noticed and nimbly moved from one to the other, not once showing the strain of holding up his own weight. In a matter of seconds, he was beside the Everwood Spirit with a grin smeared over his features.

Esme frowned, sensing the challenge. As much as she wanted to show she could do it just as easily, she wasn't going to risk her health.

'Everwood, may you help me?' She asked.

Everwood didn't hesitate. In a few strides he climbed the hill and was by her side, lowering himself so his belly touched the grassy floor.

'This one will carry the Bloxham Sprite.'

The Sprites riding him all heard his words and there was a collective sigh of disappointment as they flooded from his back.

With his back free from every Sprite apart from Absolon, Esme clambered on. Instantly she felt ten years younger. When she was a child, Cassandra would bring her to the Everwood and they'd run and play with the young Spirit. He'd carry her about, bounding through the paths with her clutching his back while Cassandra loped after them in the guise of a wolf. It was something that always cheered her up when she struggled with the loss of her parents and previous home.

'It is like old times, Bloxham Sprite.'

'Yes.' Esme laughed as she tangled his long grey fur into her pale hands and clutched his back with her legs.

Absolon sang as he stayed close to Esme and chirped when Everwood twitched with movement. Esme lay low quickly, readying herself. His muscles felt as powerful as always, filled with a wild strength, and in a few bounds he was back beside Fox. Esme laughed as Fox looked a little put out.

'Why didn't he carry me?' Fox demanded.

'This one did not feel the desire to.' Everwood responded with no intent to insult but succeeding still by the glare that came over Fox's face.

'Just a few steps forward. Stay, Bloxham Sprite. This one will carry you the rest of the way.' Everwood said when she moved to climb off.

Followed by a hoard a Sprites, Everwood plodded forward with Absolon and Esme still on his back. Fox was not far behind and, when Esme glanced to check on him, he looked decidedly unhappy with the Sprites that surrounded him. Some even tried to ride his shoulders, which were quickly shooed away. Esme smiled at the sight.

'It is here.' Everwood said as he came to a sudden stop.

Esme didn't recognise the entrance. Two pines stood side by side, bowing slightly to create a gentle oval shape. She'd never been here before which made her feel anxious. She was definitely out of Lakeside now.

Everwood lowered himself to the floor as Esme slipped off, correcting her garments as she smiled.

'Thank you for carrying me.' He lowered his head and butted her chest, allowing her to pet his large head. 'I'll visit when I return.

'Do so.' Everwood said in return.

'This gate work like the other? I just...jump through?' Fox asked, interrupting their farewell as he gazed at the two trees suspiciously.

'Yes. I'll go first if you want.' Esme said.

Fox looked a little offended. 'I'll do it. I can check for trouble.'

Before Esme could say another word, Fox has stubbornly marched through and vanished without a trace.

'Be careful of that one.' Everwood warned. 'He will betray you.'

Esme smiled softly, not fully surprised. 'I have something he wants. He can't betray me.'

Everwood didn't look so certain and pulled away.

'Absolon. Come on.' Esme called.

The Watchful Sprite detached himself from the Everwood and happily drifted into Esme's arms. She shook him lightly, just to make sure the Eye was still in his belly. The tell-tale rattling and glimmer told her it was safe still.

'Good luck, Bloxham Sprite. Bring out the truth.'

'I will.' She said with a soft smile and kissed his wet nose before she finally parted from him, waving at him and his hoard of Sprites as she stepped through the gate.

The world changed in a flash. Gone was the essence of power, gone was the yellow hue and insessant laughter. Normalcy returned and more mundane colours.

Fox was beside her and standing in grass that reach his knees and buzzed with bugs and insects. He was still from surprise while Esme herself was nonchalant about the scene.

Before them lay sloping hills, sleepy windmills that turned their wings and fields of yellow grain and cotton sheep. A town stood in the far distance, clustered together tightly, with a large road flowing with traffic. Behind them was the foot of the low mountain and sweeping valleys the Everwood had claimed as its own long ago. Behind that was Lakeside, her home and her city. It was gone from her sight, vanished.

'We're though.' Esme said with relief. Her plan had worked.

'We're beyond the mountains.' Fox stammered as he took a step back and stared up at the looming jagged rocks dusted with snow.

'I told you. The Spirit Paths take minutes to walk through.'

'Well I know you said that but...but it's different to experience. This journey was goin' to take us a few days and was going to be the worst bit.' He fell silent as it settled in that they had moved miles in a matter of minutes.

'Well I don't know any other Spirit Paths out there and they'll be inhabited by Spirits that will not know me. This was a one time use.' Esme said as she let Absolon go, pushing him into the air to let him drift about happily in the summer breeze.

Fox seemed to snap himself together. 'Well that's Clockton way out there. Will take too much time on foot. Come with me, we'll thumb a lift.' He said as set off to wade through the metre long grass.

Esme didn't follow at first. She took in the view and the knowledge Lakeside was long behind her now. Her home was gone. Her aunt. Everything had now changed.

She sucked in the warm air and set off after Fox, calling Absolon to follow.

The journey to Granite Tower had just begun.

End of Part One
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I shall be having a break next week to focus on my current project and editing. Will be back the week after to pick up part two! See you all in a couple of weeks!