Vulpine Summer

Chapter Thirty-Six

Fox woke with a start. For a moment, all he felt was excruciating pain and heard water filling his ears. His breath came in gasps and his body went rigid in the need to run as panic took him until a large hand gentle slapped against his chest.

‘Easy there, Fox. Easy. You’re safe.’

Fox took a few seconds to recognise Warbler sitting beside him, his usual happy smile on his hairy face. His breathing began to settle and his body relaxed, realising the pain he distinctly remembered wasn’t there anymore. Instead he just ached.

‘Where am I?’ Fox croaked out as he settled into the pillows, gazing about the room. It was familiar to him and brought up memories of his visits to his aunt’s house when he was little. When both his parents were alive.

‘At Mouse’s.’


‘Brought you here a few days ago.’

Fox fell silent. His brain was numb, trying to connect the last moments he remembered, the fear and pain and blood, to the room he was resting in; the room he always stayed in when visiting Lydia and his dead aunt and uncle. He felt disjointed and confused. Nothing but a black hole filled his mind between now and then. He shouldn’t be here. He should be in a river.

Groaning, Fox pulled back the sheet and gazed at the bandages covering his waist and shoulder. Two shots. He paled.

‘How did you find me?

‘Vic came to get me.’ Warbler said and leaned back. ‘She helped me getting those bullets out.’

Fox stilled. Dupont. Billy had tried to take her and hand her over to police. Fox had refused and fought him but Billy had already done the damage. He had already called the White Wizards. He and Dupont ran but he got shot. Twice. Then they were in the river. Then nothing.

‘Is she safe?’ Fox asked suddenly, trying to push himself out of the bed. He felt a sudden need to find her, to check her over. Being attacked with knife must’ve been terrifying for her and he had no idea what happened after he fell unconscious.

Warbler however gently pushed him back into the beg and pulled the sheet back over him, silently demanding him to stay still.

‘She’s safe. I’ll go get her soon.’

Fox tried to relax but his body remained tense. It hurt. Then, very slowly, his muggy brain began to work. He began to realise Warbler was calling Vic a ‘she’. Fox stared up at Warbler, his eyes searching for some kind of malice but there was none. Just relief.

‘What happened?’

‘Vic came to me with supposed heatstroke. She knew not to take you to a hospital so sought me out. I came and found you in the care of River Willow oddly. Vic said he was willing to help.’

Fox recalled something now. A song. A deep melodious voice singing as he was wrapped up in secure, warmth. Was that River Willow?

‘We worked on you for hours. Got those bullets out eventually, mopped up most of the infections, and let you rest in the woods. You were feverish though. I had to get you elsewhere so you had a chance. Brought you here in hopes your body could gather strength. That was five days ago.’ Fox opened his mouth to speak but Warbler held up his hand. ‘Fox. I know who Vic is. I know she’s Esme Dupont and I know what you two are up to.’

Fox stilled but he didn’t cut eye contact. He tried his best to stare down the doctor, to challenge his judgement on Fox’s choices. If Esme had told him everything, then Warbler knew about her blackmail. He knew the Eye was in her control. He wasn’t going to show that bothered him.

‘What of it?’

‘What of it? You’re a fool to get yourself involve in a Wizard’s plot, that’s what!’ Warbler snapped. ‘That girl is a pawn. She’s being used as a goddamn scapegoat by someone vying for power! Now don’t get me wrong, Wizards are often playing political games; rumours, smear campaigns, financial manoeuvres. Wizards are worse than bloody politicians at that kind of stuff! But murder? Now that is something big. Someone is playing a very big game for control of the Ivory Tower and Esme Dupont was an easy pawn to use. And what’s scarier is no one is questioning this. This murderess already has control.’

Fox stared at Warbler, his head pounding as he kept thinking of Esme’s poor magic he’d witnessed and Cuckoo’s warnings. Thinking was hurting his head but he didn’t want to show weakness. Not in front of Warbler. Fox snorted instead. ‘You believe her? She’s a Wizard though. She can get into heads.’

‘With what spells exactly? I’ve looked in her Grimoire. She has four spells; light, fire, water, shield. All incredibly weak. She’s barely a Wizard, Fox, let alone one that could summon a powerful plague to murder the Grand Wizard.’ Warbler narrowed his eyes. ‘And if you don’t believe her, why do you help her?’

Fox flushed, suddenly uncertain about what exactly Warbler knew. Did Warbler not know about the blackmail?

‘Just testin’.’ He murmured, back-tracking a little. ‘Dupont and me can’t be too careful. Billy betrayed us after all.’ He paused. ‘What did she tell you?’

‘She told me her events of the Ivory Tower, that Suellen Denver is the murderess, not her. She told me about her curse, something I witnessed myself the night we operated on you. She told me how you’re helping her trying to get her innocence proven.’ Warbler shook his shaggy head. ‘Which I don’t understand, Fox. Why put your neck on the line? You’ve always hated the elite and magic-folk.’

Fox stared at Warber. Dupont hadn’t told him. She really hadn’t told him. He just didn’t get why. Was it save face for herself or for Fox? He instantly assumed it was to make herself look better but a small bit of him hoped she did it for him. That she understood how important his title was and protected him. He flushed a little at the hope. It was stupid.

‘Just helpin’ out. Murder is no good, Warbler, and Dupont’s not so bad. Getting shot for something you didn’t do though…I can’t sit by.’ Fox lied, his tongue growing thick as he tried to make himself look nothing more than a good samaratin. But if Dupont was painting herself in a good light, he’d do it too.

Warbler grunted. ‘Well you’ve chosen a poor opportunity to do some good will. This thing is big Fox. We’re talking about a plot to take control of the Ivory Tower, for whatever reason I don’t know. Dupont muttered something about Denver wanting to destroy the Tower.’ Warbler sighed. ‘Dupont and I came up with a plan. Once you’re better, I’ll tell you more. For now though, I’ll leave you be and send her to you.’ Warbler stood, groaning as his body ached.

Fox watched him move across the room and grab the doorknob but he didn’t leave. Instead Warbler turned to him, his eyes glittering.

‘The girl never left your side for long, Fox. Kept holding your hand, getting involved in taking care of you. She was very worried about you.’ Warbler smiled before he left the room.

Fox glowered as best as he could at the shut door but his heart fluttered oddly at the thought. His face heated up and he glanced down at his hand. He swore he could remembered something warm holding it regularly. Something smooth, small and soft.

‘She was just worried about her guide dyin’.’ Fox snapped at himself which just upset him further. The idea she only saw him as a thing made him depressed. But why did that even matter to him? It was ridiculous.

He flinched when the door suddenly opened and his name was called out. There, at the door, was Dupont. She looked different to him. She was wearing a working dress covered in dirt and grass but oddly it looked good on her, showing off her curves. Her unnatural blond hair was dishevelled and covered by a straw hat. But her face was oddly animated. More alive. Her pale skin was touched with a pink glow, her eyes wide and her lips parted into a smile of relief. His heart instantly felt a small tug, something that made him scowl.

‘What?’ He snapped in annoyance.

‘You are awake!’ Dupont gushed in relief and rushed to his side, clearly tempted to fling herself at him but held herself back and awkwardly smoothed down her dress instead. The pink shade had deepened and her eyes were filled with embarrassment which she tried to cover up with her usual haughty frown. Her usually uppity-self was back in an instant.

‘I am sorry for yelling, Fox. I should not have done that. You are wounded still.’ She muttered. ‘I am just very happy to see you awake. It has been several days since…then.’ She hesitated.

Fox, trying his best to control the odd pleasure at seeing her safe, shrugged indifferently. ‘It’s fine.’ He grumbled. ‘Just tell me what’s happened since. I don’t remember anythin’.’

Dupont bobbed her head and sat in Warbler’s old chair and instantly went into everything. She told him about when she woke up, her call for help from River Willow and then finding him up the lake, bleeding out and feverish. He noted how her face fell when she explained how she assessed his wounds and tried to stop the bleeding. She clearly didn’t like that memory. But when she then told him how she dove back into town to seek out Warbler, he felt a twitch of anger.

‘I nearly died gettin’ you out of there! Why go back in?’ He snapped.

Dupont looked taken aback. ‘I needed to. I had to find Warbler and had no way of treating you. You were going to die, Fox. I had to do something.’

‘Why? You should be takin’ care of yourself.’

Dupont’s standard stubborn scowl returned swiftly, replacing the small frown on her face. ‘I was! Taking care of you means I am taking care of me!’ She snapped, straightening herself in annoyance. ‘I cannot go anywhere without you!’

Fox glared at her. Her words confirmed he was just her guide still.

Not that I want anything else, Fox thought moodily.

Now Fox had fallen into sullen silence, Dupont continued. She told him how she managed to get through town and that oddly no one seemed to notice her, found Warbler and got out. With Warbler’s help, she managed to prevent his immediate death and expand his chances of survival.

‘But then…Sodden turned up.’

Fox stilled and his eyes snapped back to her. Warbler hadn’t told him this. ‘He did?’

‘Yes. The Fellwood Spirit was guiding him to me. I am guessing it is not an easy way to hunt for Sodden as he took a while, but yes, Sodden turned up.’

‘Did Warbler chase him off? He’s good at magic.’

‘No.’ Dupont murmured and toyed with her long fingers. ‘I did.’

Fox stared at her. If what Warbler said was right and what Fox saw was true, then she shouldn’t have had the capabilities. ‘How?’

‘I am a Wizard so I do not understand how, but River Willow bonded with me.’ She held out the new whistle. ‘He protected me and gave me the strength to use my fire spell. In fact, the fire spell I called far exceeded what it should’ve been capable of. I do not quite understand how it all worked but we defeated Spirit Fellwood and Sodden.’ She said, glowing with pride. ‘I fell unconscious after that then woke up here.’ She smiled warmly. ‘Your cousin is very kind and I have been helping her with the vegetable patch. I am not good at gardening but I am learning.’

Fox glanced at Dupont’s clothes. That state of them suddenly made sense. ‘But why are you dressed like a woman?’

‘Mouse insisted. She says I am safe here for now.’ Dupont respond, glaring defensively.

Fox grunted and changed the subject before he commented on how weirdly attractive she looked in grubby work clothes. ‘You told Warbler a lot of things.’

She frowned, lowering her eyes. ‘He knew everything already, Fox. There was no benefit in lying.’

‘Well it turned out okay this time, just be careful.’ He rubbed his jaw irritably. ‘Like I’m one to talk. I’m the one who screwed it up before.’ Fox grumbled, recalling Billy and his knife. He glanced at Dupont, checking over her bare arms and neck. There were no obvious wounds. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Yes. Fine.’ She replied in surprise.

Fox grunted and sat up slowly, snatching at Dupont’s hand when she tried to stop him. It was oddly familiar in his grasp. The feel, the size, the softness. He didn’t let it go even as Dupont’s face reddened and she grew noticeably nervous, her eyes drooping to avoid his. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t.

‘I meant, did Billy hurt you?’ Fox pressed urgently. ‘I can’t understand anythin’ you say as a fox. You just yip and make noise.’

‘He did not. He pulled at my tail but I bit him and hid under things. Absolon was hurt more. He tried his best to protect me.’

Fox was silent as he stared at her face, eyeing the smudges beneath her eyes and her soft frown on her mouth. She wasn’t telling the entire truth. He could see it.


Dupont hesitated. ‘I was scared. Really scared. No one had ever come at me with a knife before. Since we got here, I have nightmares of it sometimes.’ She admitted. ‘But you came, like I knew you would. And you chose me over him. You did not abandon me.’ She said with a bright smile.

Fox dropped her hand suddenly like it was made of fire. ‘Yeah.’ He mumbled.

Her words hit him hard as he realised his friendship with Billy was dead. He glanced at Dupont, at her soft features and warm smile. He wasn’t sure if it was worth it yet. He hoped it was. Billy had been a good friend to him. Even in the end, he had Fox’s interests at heart. The thought was making him feel worn out and guilty. Such an old friendship, gone, all because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about Dupont and the title she was withholding from him.

‘Look, I need sleep.’

Dupont stood and nodded swiftly. ‘I know. I did not intend to stay long. I just wanted to see you awake. It has been a long wait.’

He nodded and waved her away but, just as she reached the door, a thought popped into his head and curiosity got the better of him.

‘You didn’t say anythin’ about the blackmail.’ He blurted out.

She frowned firmly. ‘Of course not. It would be bad for you, would it not?’

‘Yeah.’ Fox mumbled. He didn’t like how warm he felt from the comment. She hadn’t withheld the blackmail for herself. He felt the urge to thank her burn in his throat but he swallowed it thickly and waved her off. She left him without another word.

Fox huffed a sigh and settle back down into the bed. He had a lot to figure out and take in. He was alive, which was good, but wounded. He wasn’t going to be a full strength for a while yet but they had to get moving soon, especially with Sodden still trailing after then. He was interested to hear what Warbler’s plan was.

And then there was Dupont and the Ivory Tower. Hearing Warbler’s conviction confirmed Fox’s gut feeling. Dupont was innocent. She was being framed. Which made him wonder, once he had his Eye back, then what? Ensure she gets off the hook or run off? He knew what Elenore would say and he knew that was the best answer. Get out as soon as. As small whisper in his head detested this plan though. A whisper that had been growing the longer he spent time with her. He didn’t like that voice.

As he closed his eyes, Fox slowly drifted off to sleep. For the first time in days, Fox dreamt. He dreamt of his life before; his parents, Doe, Elenore, Billy. And then Dupont came crashing in, all haughtiness and smiles. It was odd that he didn’t mind so much anymore.