Vulpine Summer


The months trickled by. Lakeside cooled with the end of autumn and rains began to settle, casting grey clouds in the sky and spreading a wet sheen upon the city. Esme felt settled. She had bought a small apartment in a respectable area of Lakeside, one painted white with planters built into every window and balcony. She enjoyed it. She kept to herself and was finally independent. She was just sad her aunt wasn't alive to see her little place, to give her advice on the furniture she had chosen and the colour of the walls. But she didn't feel lonely. She had picked out an impressive bookshelf to house Cassandra's collection of tomes, kept a couple of dresses Esme's hoped she could fit into one day, a little stand where both of their Grimoires sat, Esme's whistles dangling at the corner, and several paintings her mother had sent her over the years. It felt like home and felt like Cassandra was still with her in a way, especially as Ms Penelope had readily agreed to help her clean and teach her how to cook. She had been coming along well with her cooking and wasn't as hopeless as before.

'Esme.' Doe snapped from her usual position by the counter. 'A little less daydreamin', girl.'

Esme smiled, bobbed her head apologetically, and set to work in shifting the stock of the antiques shop, swapping out old items for new. Fox hadn't lied to her when he said she was going to stick near him and that the Doe had work for her. She had been hired to help at the shop front, taking full control when Doe's attentions were called elsewhere. The shop was part of her income as well as a front, so Esme didn't feel so bad about helping out the guild of thieves. They'd proved to be honourable anyway, helping her despite the level of trouble they got themselves into. She owed them her life.

'When's Fox back?' Ronald whined as he flopped about in the armchair.

'A couple o' days, boy, now why ain't you workin'?' Doe snarled. 'This is why I need this prissy girl to work for me, you lazy sod.'

Ronald flinched, paled then hurried to help Esme, hauling boxes she'd packed up back into the basement. Doe watched him go with a sneer, wrinkling her old face.

'He should be on the streets, pilfering small odds and ends for me. Should be, be won't be for a while. Lacks motivation.' She growled, more to herself than to Esme.

'Maybe send him out on little tasks.' Esme suggested.

'Ha! The boy would sooner find a place to sleep and hide than do any thievin'.' Doe laughed her sharp laugh. 'No, but I'll send him out with Fox. He'll listen to the kit.'

Esme smiled to herself at the nickname. She hadn't known Doe called him Kit nor how important Doe was to him. Fox admired her, even if he dug his heels in and became quite rude around her, but she saw it came from a good place. He wanted her respect and trust and it warmed her. She loved learning about Fox, about his family and where he came from, seeing sides she had never seen when traipsing through the country with him. It made her love him more, which in turn made her hurt more that nothing had happened between them.

The bell tingled as the shop door opened. Esme put on her brightest smile, stepped out from the ailse to welcome the customer but froze. Standing there, beautiful and radiant despite dusted with light rain, was Elenore, the girl she had seen Fox with. The whore and Occultist. Since Esme came back and Fox integrated her into the Fingers, Elenore hadn't been happy. She had chewed Fox out, declared Esme should've been left for dead, regardless of innocence, and was generally hostile, especially when Fox was with Esme. While Esme didn't show it, she was a little intimidated by her hostility and her close relationship with Fox. He clearly held her in high regard and Elenore was usually all over him, holding his hand or arm, planting kisses on him while shooting glares at Esme. It bothered her, although she bit her tongue about it. Fox wasn't hers. He could do what he wanted, see who he wanted. He hadn't really done anything about their kiss nor asked why she had done it so clearly, despite her best efforts, he wasn't in love with her. The thought made her chest ache slightly.

Elenore sniffed at the sight of Esme and snapped her umbrella shut. 'I forgot you're here.' She snarled.

'Not havin' that, Elenore.' Doe said sharply. 'The girl is one of us now.'

'She don't thieve and she ain't an informant; she ain't one of us Doe.' Elenore said haughtily as she strode by Esme, not bothering to look at her.

'She's my shopkeep now. She's one of us by keepin' this place runnin' when I'm busy.' Doe warned.

'Only 'cause she owes Fox for bein' nice enough to bail her out of trouble. She's a flake. She'll squeak. If I was Fence, I wouldn't have her running about, her nose and ears near anythin' we did.'

'Last I checked, I was still Fence!'

She fell silent, snapping her mouth shut, but her eyes still burned and her back still remained rigid.

'Now, do you have that information I wanted?' Doe asked, steering the subject back to their work.

'Yeah.' Elenore grumbled and pulled out a sheet of paper. ''ere.'

'Good, now go away.' Doe said, having her hand sharply. 'And don't you go commentin' about Esme again. The girl does a good job. You hear?'

Elenore glowered but she didn't nod or utter agreement, simply turned on her heel and stalked out of the shop. Doe clicked her tongue with annoyance, grumbling to herself.

'Esme, leavin' things to you. Gotta file this.' Doe said and shuffled off into the basement.

Esme sighed then set back to work with organising the stock, urging Ronald to help out when he tried to curl up in the old leather chair to sleep. By the time she had finished, swept and dealt with a few customers, it was time to lock up and Doe hadn't resurfaced. Esme didn't bother to try find her. She was only allowed in the stock part of the basement, not her study where she was likely holed up. Instead she just scrawled a note, wishing her a goodnight, then left with Ronald bellowed a bye behind her.

The skies were gloomy but still, the thin rains having subsided for now, leaving behind a cold air that swept goosebumps across her skin. She tightened her coat and marched onwards, hailing a taxi to take her towards River Oak.

The drive was silent, up until Aboslon turned up. He popped into existence next to her, jiggling and whistling merrily.

'Good evening, Absolon.' Esme welcomed.

Absolon yawned widely, wiggled an arm in hello then settled on her lap to sleep. She had been concerned about his need for sleeping recently, fearful he had damaged himself in recent events, but the Spirits had assured her it was nothing of the sort. Aboslon was simply getting ready to grow up, to become a Spirit himself, which had surprised her. She had never known how old Absolon was but it took a long time and a lot of nurturing for a Sprite to grow into a Spirit, but, apparently, he had done a lot of growing every time he protected her and by being bonded to her. Her reserves of Entity apparently had also been acting as nutrition, feeding him through the roots of their bond. She didn't quite believe she was a Witch still, but she was happy Absolon was growing stronger. She wondered if he'd look like Lord Bulwark and take the form of a cat, and it excited her that she'd be able to talk with him.

The car pulled into a small picnic park that sat beside a swell of River Oak, dotted with tables and barbequing spots. Asking the drive to wait for her, she stepped out of the car and carried Absolon towards the River, noting her was heavier than he'd been yesterday.

'River Oak?' She called out.

Instantly, River Oak responded, rising out of the waters with her scales shining and Sprites laughing as they tumbled from her, failing to hold on.

'Bloxham Sprite.' River Oak said, bowing gently as she floated in the air, surrounded by wobbling globs of water.

'How are you today?'

'Well.' She replied. 'Lake Tranquil however is still suffering from that black ink. He sleeps.'

Esme frowned. One of the factories lining the lake had had an huge oil spill after several barrels of petrol had been failed to be secured properly. The Tower was trying to clean it up but Lake Tranquil had been furious, becoming dangerous for the little fishing boats and ferries who harmlessly traversed his waters. So far, no one had died during his rages, but the Tower was watching him closely and all sailing or swimming in the lake had been banned.

'I'll talk to him tomorrow, when he's awake. I'll see if I can do anything for him to make him more comfortable.'

'This one is grateful. Lake Tranquil is a calm Spirit. This one does not like him angry and in pain.' River Oak said, bowing her head then baring her sharp teeth in a grimacing smile. 'Does the Bloxham wish to go to the Everwood?'

'Yes please.'

River Oak said nothing more, just held out a scaly hand for Esme to take. Holding Absolon tightly, she accepted River Oak's cold, damp embrace as she was submerged into the water. For a moment, she felt cold and the song of hundreds of Sprites filled her ears, until, quite abruptly, she was above water again. She was no longer at the picnic park but instead further up the river and, by how thick the magic was here and how off the colours were, she was within the Spirit Paths.

'Everwood God?' Esme called out, remaining where she stood, carefully propped up by River Oak. She gripped Esme's shoulder, ensuring she did not sink back into her river and remained standing on the water's surface.

Esme didn't have to wait long. Out of the woods, trees bending and twisting out of the way of his massive bulk, came the giant white wolf. The leaves and bark covering his body, jutting out of his glistening fur, looked as healthy as it had done the first time she saw him. She smiled.

'I've come to check on you for today.'

The god grunted as he collapsed onto the grass heavily, making the earth surge. 'I am well.'

Esme smiled. 'I can see that.' She said. 'Can I take some soil and sees? I'm going to grow a few different plants using your earth and foreign earth, to compare their growth. I want to see if your earth here grows plants just as well as it would in a pot on my windowsill.'

Everwood twitched his ears. 'You needn't ask.'

'It's your earth, Everwood. So I'm asking. You can say no.'

'Do what you will, Bloxham Sprite.'

Esme smiled, glad he gave her permission, and began to pull out an old tatty notepad, letting Absolon float through the air, still heavily asleep. 'I'm going to do the monthly check over today, to see if there's been any changes for the worse or better.'

Everwood grunted and yawned before abruptly changing the subject. 'I heard she wasn't executed.'

Esme hesitated. 'No. Lithgow has instead imprisoned her and Sodden deep within the Tower. Her Grimoire has been burned and his whistle have been melted down.'

She wasn't sure how she felt about it but she trusted Lithgow's judgement.

He smiled, baring his wide teeth. 'I say I should devour her.'

'I know, but this is human business, Everwood, and, while she had murdered a Grand Wizard and planned to destroy the Towers, Lithgow felt she shouldn't be put to death. She wanted change, she was just impatient and willing to kill and bully for it to happen. He wants to show her how she should've done it, to show her that Cassandra was her ally if she just spoke up and listened. He wants her to feel the full weight of her guilt and regret everything she felt justified doing.'

Everwood smiled wider, snapping his jaws hungrily. 'I still say I should eat her.'

'No, Everwood. No eating. It'll look bad for you. Lithgow and I are trying to keep you alive remember. He's even picked out an entire new Council who are looking for changes and are open minded. Don't ruin it.' Esme chided, making him sigh heavily in disappointment. She returned to digging out the pot she'd brought and stepped across the water to pile it up with earth. 'What do you think of the new Grand Wizard?'

'A sop.' Everwood said disapprovingly. 'The Everwood Spirit likes her but I do not like her dumpy, happy nature. I'd much rather you be Grand Wizard.'

'I'm not really a Wizard though, Everwood.' She reminded him.

'No. You are not, Witch.' He said, tilting his head at her when she flinched.

She still wasn't used to being called a Witch. Even the Tower had her on records as a Covenless Witch. The only reason she wasn't marked down as a Druid, her whistles melted or being forcible tossed into the midst of a Coven was simply because both Lithgow and Effie had insisted she was safe, to let her be. She knew the Ivory Tower was sceptical and that a lot of the Council members were still engrained with the thought she was the true killer, despite the blackmail, corruption and mind spells that had been infesting the Granite Tower's Council and residents having been found within the Ivory's. She was regularly checked on by Wizards, but hoped, over time, they'd begin to trust her again and leave her be. At least Grand Wizard Lowe was seemingly on her side and only allowed the checks to appease the Council.

Soon Esme finished up her job, walking about in the Everwood, passing between the Spirits Paths and reality to move about quickly. She bottled up earth, picked up seeds and checked the surrounding area. The fruit trees were rife with autumn fruit, the leaves vibrant in their death, the cries of rutting deer echoed through the trees and checked the bird list, noting that a specie that had been low in numbers was now flourishing. She needed to check when it happened and if it coincided with the birth of a god. If it did, that was another bit of evidence to use in the case for certain gods existing.

Eventually she came back to Everwood in his Spirit Path, now dozing as River Oak sang softly. The moment she stepped closer, they both looked up.

'I'm done for today.' She announced.

Everwood nodded and yawned, showing his jagged teeth well. 'Then goodbye, Bloxham Sprite.'

Esme nodded as she stepped back into River Oak's awaiting arms, smiling as she pulled Absolon towards her chest. He grumbled slightly. 'See you tomorrow.'

He grinned. 'I doubt it. I think you will be too busy.'

She hesitated. 'Too busy? I don't think I am.'

'You will be.' He said with certain, curling up into a ball in silence as River Oak sank back into the water, dragging Esme with her.

'What did he mean?' Esme asked curiously as she stepped onto the well-cared for earth of the picnic park. 'It's a weekend. Doe gives me those days off.'

River Oak pulled away, sinking slowly into her water until it covered her nose. Now only her piercing eyes stared up at her.

'Someone waits for Bloxham Sprite.' She said simply, before she ducked away and vanished from sight.

Esme frowned. She didn't know who was waiting for her or where, but she disliked it when the Spirits alluded to things and didn't go into detail, instead avoiding her questions. Lithgow was intending to visit her for the Winter Festival, but that wasn't for another four months, and Fox was away, delivering a procured item for the Doe, and wasn't due home for another five days. She couldn't think of who they were referring to.

She huffed and lugged her heavy bag and sleeping Sprite back to the taxi, hauling herself into the back seat and asking the bored driver to take her home. She didn't pay much attention to the world outside as it was now mostly dark. All she could see clearly were the lights lining the road or the glow of shops and houses, especially when the rain began to come down hard, spraying down with fury. So when she finally reached her apartment block, climbed the stairs and meandered through the pale halls, she was ready to sleep and warm herself up.

Absolon shook himself awake as she closed the door behind her and drifted off into the main body of the apartment. Esme didn't pay much attention to him, simply locked her door, switched the lights on, stripped off her coat and began to head towards her fridge.

'Hey, Esme.'

Esme froze briefly then whirled about and found she wasn't alone. Sitting on her sofa, perfectly at home with Absolon singing next to him, was Fox.

She was stunned for a moment before she pulled off her hat slowly. 'I thought you were gone for another five days.'

'Went quicker than planned.' He said with a lazy shrug.

'Clearly.' She replied. 'I can make us dinner, if you're hungry.'

He wrinkled his nose. 'Will it kill me?'

She flushed, her eyes flashing. 'No! I've become a far better cook than I once was and you know it.'

He grinned at her, flashing that crooked smile she liked, so much so that her heart ached a little. It was strange. She loved that Fox was still around her and that her fear they'd drift apart never happened, but sometimes she wished it had. Pining after a man who had no interest in her and being reminded daily why she loved him hurt deeply, but she was incredibly happy to see him again. It had been three weeks since he left. She missed him.

'I have a better idea. I just got paid, I can take you out. Nowhere fancy mind.'

Esme stared at him, surprised. He'd never asked to take her out ever since they arrived home. Their only time together was when he was around Doe's shop or when he hung out in her home, either because he was bored or seeking out food he couldn't afford, and he most certainly never bought her anything. He knew she wasn't poor, in fact often tried to mooch off her, using how he had risked death itself as a reason for her to buy him a new hat or that brand of beer he loved so much.

'What's the occasion?'

'No occasion.' He grumbled, prodding Absolon softly to make him laugh. He was refusing to look at her now and his whole body was tense and guarded.

'Is Elenore not available?' Esme asked suspiciously. She wouldn't put it past him to only ask Esme out only because Elenore was busy.

'No! Never asked her.' He snapped, his cheeks reddening slightly. 'I just wanna take you out, okay?'

Esme wasn't at all settled with this statement. Suspicion grew. He needed her for something, maybe her opinion or advice. He wouldn't just take her out like this. He was still refusing to look at her too.

'Did something happen while you were away?' She asked as she came to sit next to him, perching herself on the edge of the sofa so she could lean forward, gazing at him. He was very focused on Absolon.

'Nuthin'.' Fox grumbled, his eyes flickering to her then darting away. His cheeks grew redder.

Esme sighed. 'Fine, but I can pay. You don't need to spend the money you've just earned on me. Buy yourself decent food for the month instead.'

'Hey, I just wanna treat you.' Fox snapped, clearly offended by how his gaze swivelled to her, hot and angry


Fox then stiffened and became guarded again. 'No reason.' He lied.

She didn't like how evasive he was being. Why wasn't he being open anymore? He was always honest when he was over, declaring the reason he was on her doorstep was for smoked bacon or just wanting to nap on her sofa, which was far more comfortable than his wreck of a bed.

'There must be.' Esme pressed.

He stood sharply, his shoulders rigid, as he took a few steps from the sofa, tossing Absolon into the air who twirled about, watching curiously with his little blue eyes. Fox glared at her, his eyes flashing over her face, before he strode forward, every step purposeful. She had no idea what was happening and she failed to process anything when his mouth sought out hers, kissing her gently and fleetingly. He pulled away sharply and took a few steps back to hunkered down onto the floor, burying his face in his arms.

Esme stared at him, then, very slowly, she registered that he'd kissed her. She felt the warmth of his kiss still on her lips and her face turned a vibrant pink.

'What...what did you do?'

'Kissed you, moron.' Fox growled then looked up her, his eyes bright with accusation. 'What'd you do to me?'

'Me?' Esme blustered, her voice cracking from nerves as her heart pummelled against her chest violently. 'You're the one who just kissed me!'

'Yeah, only because kissin' any other girl is just weird! It don't sit with me!' Fox snapped. 'Tried to with the pretty blond next door and the brunette at the bakery, and all I've got in my head is you! You and that bloody kiss you give me back then!'

She paused, her heart stopping and stomach flipping gently. 'I didn't think that mattered to you.'

'I didn't think so either! Not until I went away on this job. Being away from you felt...wrong.' He grumbled, unable to look at her again. 'Kept thinkin' about you. Kept wonderin' what you were doin', if you were okay and not bein' bothered by the Tower too much. Kept wantin' to nap on your sofa with you reading next to me or watchin' your attempts to cook. Kept thinkin' about kissin' you.' Fox rubbed at his mouth and shot her a glare. 'Hate how right it feels to be with you and kissin' you just now...' He trailed off.

Esme stared at him, her whole body alive with anxious butterflies, her skin pink, her eyes glimmering with shock and joy. 'What are you saying, Fox?'

He sighed and stood sharply and boxed her against the sofa, his arms caging her in. He was so close to her and she shook slightly from nerves, her breath coming out in short little puffs.

'Denver told me you were in love with me. It's why she wanted me dead. When I was with you, you fought back against the mind spell, to the point you were liftin' it.'

Esme's eyes widened in embarrassment and shock. 'She did? She really wanted you dead because I loved you?' She squeaked.

He didn't seem to care about that right now. 'What about now?'


'Do you love me now? Despite me not havin' a penny to my name, not bein' some stand-up guy who can sweep you off your feet and bein' way too short?' He murmured, his mouth close to hers. 'Despite me bein' a thief?'

She didn't answer, she couldn't bring herself to say anything, her throat was closed up, dry from joy and confusion. Instead she nodded very slightly.

His mouth locked her hers within a heartbeat, kissing her deeply and hungrily, his hands slipping into her thick hair, cradling her head and ensuring she couldn't wiggled free. Not that she wanted to. Her eyes swept closed and she opened herself to his kiss, her whole body signing with numb happiness.

He pulled away gently, kissing her briefly. 'That's the kiss I've been missin'.'

Esme didn't say a word, only stared, her mouth warm and humming. He grinned at her and stepped back, sweeping up her coat.

'Now, I'm goin' to take you to dinner!' He said loudly.

'Why?' Esme stammered, her mind still not quite grasping the situation and its meaning.

'You're some rich girl right?' He ignored her hostile scowl that snapped across her face. 'Then I've gotta court you properly. Takin' a lady out for dinner someplace is what you people do, right?'

'Court me?'

'Yeah, Esme.' He said, laughing. 'And just cause I'm poor don't mean I can't try to live up to your standards Just don't go tellin' Elenore yet. She's goin' to be pissy that I have someone more important than her now.' He said firmly and stuffed her coat in her arms. 'Now, come on.'

She stood, slipping on her coat nervously, as she came to stand in front of him. Her heart was a jittery mess as she stared down at him. His face was flushed, his green eyes shining merrily, his mouth smiling wide.

'You are in love with me, aren't you?' She murmured softly.

He gazed up at her then looked away sharply, shoving a hand through his tufty red hair. 'Yeah.'

'And you don't mind me being a snobby rich girl?' She asked.

'Do you mind me bein' a poor-ass thief?' He shot back.

She smiled warmly. 'No.' She murmured.

'Well then.' He shrugged and slipped his hand into hers.

Her eyes hummed with the desire to cry with joy and relief. She never thought he'd love her. He never gave any hint, never treated her differently since they came back and they continued to bicker and annoy each other, but here he was, stating he wanted to take her out to dinner. That he missed her kiss.

'Don't you go cryin'.' Fox warned

She sniffed heavily, rubbing at her eyes roughly. 'It's just, I've been waiting for so long. I'm really happy right now.'

Fox sighed and reached up to stroke her cheek and hold her face gently. She liked his hand. She forgot how warm it felt, how large and strong.

'I know.' He murmured apologetically then returned his hand to hers. 'So let's go. I wanna treat you.' He glared up at Absolon who swirled with joy, clearly enjoying the scene. 'And you ain't comin' either!'

'He can come.' Esme corrected, reaching out to touch the Sprite softly.


'He needs to. River Oak told me he needs to be close to me. He'll cocoon soon, then he'll regrow into a Spirit so he needs nutrients. As I'm essentially the source, he has to stay close.'

Fox looked aghast. 'And he'll turn into that bloody cat Spirit?'


Fox clearly wasn't happy with the news and shot a commanding look at Absolon. 'You stay here. I want Esme to myself tonight.'

While Esme turned pink and felt herself melting with pure joy at the bold statement, Absolon seemed to not care and latched onto her shoulder.

'Fine.' Fox growled and slipped his strong fingers between hers, holding her hand tightly in his strong grip. 'Let's go.'

She flushed, realising she was in muddy clothes she'd worked all day in. 'I can get changed.'

'No. You're not a fox and you're not pretending to be a man. You look like you. That's all I need.' He said, flashing her a smile, as he dragged her from her home.

Esme found herself grinning timidly, overjoyed as Fox dragged her off into the night, hands still entwined and kisses being snuck in here and there. She felt happy and hoped that Cassandra was watching from above, proud of the steps she made, proud she was continuing her research into gods, proud of the love she'd found.

Because Esme was most certainly happy with the outcome of her hellish and very nearly fatal summer of murder and running for her life.

Incredibly happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
And it's over! Thank you to those who read through it! Hope you liked the silly thing.