
Blake: Haleloo bitches! We're back!

Slater: And tmltml71_ fucked up

Blake: She did not fuck up. She simply created a new opportunity to create a new banner, so that the lovely readers could see yet another stunning image of moi.

Slater: No. She fucked up. She should've ended We're Slightly Less Screwed much earlier than she did, so she went back and did exactly that. That being said the first few chapter of this are the last chapters of that, so that each one (loosely) follows a film.

We Are So Screwed - Transformers
We're Slightly Less Screwed - Revenge of the Fallen
Nope - Dark of the Moon

Blake: Damn my hair looks good.

Slater: Anyways, if you read, We're Slightly Less Screwed and feel as if you're having dejavu, it's because you're reading the same part over. The new stuff starts at chapter 9.

Blake: And that dress. Oh if it wasn't last season.

Slater: Neither tmltml71_ or NikkixNik_ own transformers and all copyrights and trademarks go to their respective owners