
Welcome to the Mad House

“Well that went better than expected,” I said surveying the damage. Hide was out cold, a wrench on the ground after having deflected off of his helm. Ratchet was annoyed, surveying the weapons specialist and grumbling about how Prime had told them all to trust my instincts and all that. Casey was in his altmode. I was sitting on his hood, having been put there by Sides, who was standing defensively in front of us. The soldiers were all wound up though with none of them having a clue as to what the fuck was going on. Sunstreaker was in the doorway, pissed off. Slater was huffing and puffing near his ped. My guess was that he reacted to Sides, who was reacting to Hide, and she had chased after him.

I had expected Ratchet to lose his shit, when he saw that Sides and I had broken Casey out of the brig, but instead, it was Hide. Ratchet had actually defended us, trying to talk some sense into Hide, before ultimately wrenching the lug, before he could hurt me, Casey or more likely, Sideswipe.

I had rolled my eyes at everyone, settling back onto Casey’s hood and crossing my arms over my chest. “Are you done being obnoxious?” I asked everyone.

“Baby Girl, how do you manage to constantly make a mess?”

I shrugged. “It’s just how I roll.”

“Yeah, well the way you roll gives me headaches,” Lennox bitched.

Once again I shrugged. I was started though by the sound of metal clanking against metal.

“Frag!” Sides swore, servo going to pull the wrench out of his shoulder area.

“Don’t think that you’re getting out of this clean,” Ratchet said.

I rolled my eyes. “Really Hatchet?”

“None of you are authorized to release prisoners from the brig.”

His rant was cut short by Slater, who finally caught her breath.

“It’s really him?” she asked.

I looked over everyone else at her.

“You really should’ve planned this better,” Case said.

“Oh fuck all the way off,” I snipped. “You know long term planning isn’t my strong suit.”

“IT IS!” she screamed, pushing through the crowd over to us.

Case activated his holoform and managed to maneuver to catch Slater, when she launched herself at him.

I smiled at the scene. I looked up at Sides. Sunny had made his way over and was examining his twins shoulder. I reached over and placed a hand on Sides’ ped, channeling the All Spark energy to him.

I could tell her felt it, stiffening immediately, but quickly relaxing, when he registered what it was. Sunny watched on with a look that I could only describe as amazement as Sides’ shoulder repaired itself almost instantly.

I pulled my hand back just in time to be tackled by Case and Slate. Both were big fans of the group hug.

“Get off of me, you fat ass!” I hissed, shoving Slater.

“Nope,” she said, popping the ‘p’ and squeezing us both tighter.

I bit her.

“I’m gonna get mad bitch disease!” she crooned.

“You’re gonna get your teeth knocked down your fucking throat in a minute

I was plucked out of the fray by Sides, who lifted me up to his shoulder strut.

I smirked smugly down at them then affectionately patted Sides’ helm.

“I see you have recovered, Blake,” Optimus said.

I nodded. “Primus helped with that.”

His optics brightened in surprise.

There was just something about having one over on Prime. Slater and I knew everything about their world as it currently stood and still it always felt as if Optimus knew what was going on or what was going to happen before we did.

“Can someone please explain what the hell is going on?” Lennox asked.

“My dead brother has been resurrected as an autonomous robotic organism, and while his physiology is completely Cybertronian, he is completely and totally of this Earth.”

Casey’s holoform fizzled out and he transformed. I jumped off of Sides’ shoulder onto Casey’s, carefully grabbing a hold of his plating to keep myself steady. None of the soldiers really knew how to take any of this based on the looks on their faces. “Any questions? No? Good.”

“I have one,” Optimus spoke up.

“Casey, I know that you are new to this life and that you have a place with Blake and Slater, a family. I would like to add to this and offer you a place among the autobots. We would require that you go through intensive training, before you join us in an official capacity, but given these terms, Casey, DeVille, will you join us?”

Case looked at me.

I wasn’t going to force him into anything, but having him be a bot would make it easy to keep him on base.

“Hey Blake?”


“I’m gonna be an autobot.”

I rolled my eyes. “Hey Casey?”


“I’m the mother fucking All Spark.”

“I’m the Matrix!” Slater yelled from the floor.

“Shut up, whore!” I yelled down at her.

“I accept your offer Optimus.”

I squealed. “My brother is infinitely cooler now.”

“Awesome, now can we restore order?” Lennox asked.

“Never!” Slater pulled a paint filled water balloon seemingly out of now where and hurled it at Sunny and then running like hell.

I shook my head. “Welcome to the mad house.”