Canary and the Coal Mine

Terrible, Horrible, No Good-Very Bad Day

For the first time in a long time, I woke up feeling surprisingly rested. Which, given the events of last night, was nothing short of a miracle. Through absolutely no fault of my own – another miracle – Nikki had found out about John’s meeting with Hunter and Stephanie. The two of them had stopped our group on the way out to tell John that, instead of waiting for Monday, they needed him to fly out to the WWE headquarters in Connecticut right then.

Thankfully, Nikki had held in her fury just long enough for us to get outside, where Brie, Bryan, and I made a run for the car while Nikki ripped John about four new assholes. Though he’d offered to let us take his bus, Nikki and her pride left him in the parking lot and rode with us back to the hotel.

Our plan had originally been to ride with Brie and Bryan to Nashville last night, but Nikki’s knee had started to hurt (thanks to her self-righteous march away from John) and hadn’t wanted to spend all night cramped in the back of a car. And I mean, there was no way I was leaving my best friend alone after a fight with her boyfriend.

Which is how we ended up gorging on a large pizza, dirty infomercials blasting as the two of us traded off on ranting about men and their stupidity until almost 1am. As much as I hadn’t wanted to spend Saturday traveling – much having preferred getting to Nashville ASAP so we could just relax that weekend – taking a night off had been really nice.

Giving a luxurious stretch, I unburrowed from the blankets Nikki and I were buried under, blinking my eyes as I squinted at the unexpectedly bright room. I’d set my alarm for 6am, making sure we’d have plenty of time to get ready for the day and grab some breakfast, but it hadn’t gone off yet. How was it this sunny before six? How was I this awake after less than five hours of sleep?

Still frowning at the window, I reached out for my phone and my hand met with something unexpectedly wet the nightstand. Instantly I whipped around and a gasp ripped out of me. My phone was lying in a puddle beside an overturned water bottle.

“Oh no, oh no, no, no, no,” I chanted under my breath, yanking it off the table and desperately wiping it dry on my shirt as I jammed my thumb on the home button. It wasn’t turning on. As I held it up, water actually came dripping out of the speakers. “Shit.”

Wait. If my phone was dead… oh no. I scrambled around to look at the clock on the desk.

12:33 PM

NIKKI WAKE UP!” I shouted, hand flying out to grab the lump of sleeping diva to my right as I shook her vigorously. Her hands batted at me from under the blankets, and she made a noise of protest as I ripped them off her. “Nicole it’s 12:30!”

The scowl on her face burst into shock and now she was struggling to sit up in panic. “What? You set the alarm for –“

“My phone’s dead,” I cut in as I scrambled off the bed. “Shit, Enterprise was picking us up at eight! Where’s your phone? I gotta call them!”

Nikki was struggling to get out of bed with her brace, but she waved her hand towards the pile of our bags. “Um, it might be in my purse. I actually don’t remember seeing it last night…”

That’s right. She was gonna make the reservation but she couldn’t find her phone… shitshitshit. By the time Nikki was upright I’d already torn through her purse and was desperately dialing her number from the room phone. As it rang, I told her quickly,

“Knowing you it’s on vibrate. So you’ll need to listen for it buzzing –“


Complete surprise took over; I hadn’t been expecting her phone to be answered. Let alone, not by the man on the other end. “John?” I asked incredulously, and Nikki’s head snapped up. Confusion flitted over her face for half a second until embarrassed realization settled in. I groaned. “She left her phone with you, didn’t she?”

“That she did,” John said. “I tried calling you when I found it in my bag this morning but –“

“Phone’s dead,” I muttered, scrubbing a hand down my face. “Shit. And you’re up in Connecticut… is your bus still here?”

“The driver got it to the arena in Nashville last night,” he began, and then asked worriedly, “are you two okay?”

Biting back my rising frustration, I forced out, “Yeah, yeah. We’re just off to a late start. Hey, can you get me the number to Enterprise really quick?” I jotted down the digits and blew out a breath. “Thanks. We gotta go but we’ll call you when we get to the hotel.”

“Alright. Hey, if you two need anything just give me a call okay?” he pressed, concern still tight in his voice. “I don’t like the thought of you guys driving eight hours without a phone.”

“We’ll stop and call if anything comes up,” I promised, saying a quick goodbye as I hung up and turned to my best friend. She looked up at me dejectedly, feeling just as stuck as I did.

“No bus?”

I shook my head, racking my brain for ideas as I paced the hotel room. “Already in Nashville, like Brie and Bryan. I’m gonna call Enterprise and see if they can just come get us now. You get ready and get things together, okay?”

With a nod, Nikki hobbled to our pile of bags and hopped onto the desk, trying to control my mounting anxiety as best I could. We’ll figure it out. We can do this. It’s gonna be okay.


So far, things were not okay.

Apparently, Enterprise only held reservations for two hours, and with such short notice there wasn’t another vehicle for us to get instead. That was turning out to be the theme with car rental companies: everyone needed the reservation placed at least two hours in advance, and we didn’t have that kind of time. We’d booked a hotel for tonight and without a twenty-four hour cancellation notice, we’d still have to pay for the night regardless. If I was shelling out $125 for a room, we were gonna freakin’ use it.

Normally, we wouldn’t even have to pay for any of our traveling or amenities. If this had been planned out better, we could’ve had one of the guys with the company set us up with a ride and room at no charge. Except we were apparently pros at not doing things the right way, and it was slowly becoming more and more evident.

At just past 1:30 we found ourselves waiting in the lobby of a small, local rental company as the secretary frantically dug through her papers, looking for a spare vehicle for us at last minute. Nikki and I were in the middle of the heated debate we’d been in since leaving the hotel.

“You don’t need to pay for the car, Jellybean,” she huffed, shoving my arm away as I tugged my wallet out of my back pocket. “Besides, you can’t even legally rent the car.”

“No, but I can pay. It’s my fault we lost your deposit with Enterprise, so just let me –“

Nikki gave me a scowl, shoving my wallet down again as she said pointedly, “you paid for the hotel. It’s only fair I cover the car.”

Before we could get started in the same circle again, the secretary popped her head up and exclaimed, “Good news! It looks like we do have a vehicle that’s free this weekend!”

Argument forgotten, Nikki and I both let out laughs of relief. As Nikki pulled out her own wallet, I sat mine on the counter and took the papers to read over what we were getting. Chevy Spark. I gave our pile of bags – well, Nikki’s four suitcases and my duffel bag – a wary side-eye as I asked,

“Um, is there anything else? Anything a little bigger?”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, this is all we’ve got right now. We might have something else in another couple of hours –“

Nikki was signing the paperwork before the woman even finished speaking. “It’ll be fine, Jay. We can be cozy together for a few hours.”

“It’s an eight-hour drive,” I felt the need to point out, frowning up at my best friend. “And it’s not us I’m worried about. It’s you and the entire wardrobe you insist on carting around with us. Are we gonna be able to fit all our bags in a compact car?”

The secretary gave the pile of designer suitcases a wary frown and matched my skeptical look, but Nikki waved her hand dismissively. “We’ll figure it out. Come on, if we hurry we can still make that pizza place you were talking about!”

Well, my best friend knew the key to breaking my resilience. I’d been drooling almost nonstop over Joey’s House of Pizza since WWE had put out our travel schedule. A good slice of pizza was my ultimate weakness (besides a certain man’s delicious arms and pranking unsuspecting men in fluffy robes). It was rumored they were the best pizza in Nashville and I’d been dying to try them.

We’d be cutting it close, but if we hurried we might still make it before they closed at 9. I scampered to the bags and slung my duffel over my shoulder, grabbing two of Nikki’s suitcases and rushing after the secretary as she led us out back.

The tiny, black car sitting in the near empty lot was almost comical. All I could do was stare at the thing as Nikki twirled the keys and thanked the kind woman who was now eyeing us with even more skepticism than before.

“There’s no way we’re getting all of these bags in there,” I told my best friend, watching as she struggled to get the doors and trunk open. She threw me a look over her shoulder and gave a pout.

“Not with that attitude we’re not.”

Which is how I ended up jammed between the front and back seats, pulling on the handle of Nikki’s last suitcase, praying to any God with their ears open to just let this damn thing fit! With another desperate tug, my hands slipped off the handle and I slumped back against the door. The bag was too wide to slip past the other suitcase and the front seat – even with the seat pushed all the way up. Even if we got it to fit, not even I was small enough to fit behind the wheel like that…

“Nicole this isn’t gonna work,” I groaned, my worn arms feeling like jello as I tried to push myself up. After a few seconds of struggling I slumped back down. Nikki’s head popped up over the suitcase, frowning as she looked around the backseat.

“It’s gonna have to go on top of these three,” she decided, and again I shook my head. “Jamie, we don’t have a choice. There’s no more room in the trunk –“ if you could even call that little compartment a trunk, seeing as my single duffel bag had filled it up… “– so unless you want to put it in the passenger seat and fold yourself up back here…”

“But if we put it up top, the back window’s blocked,” I started, shuffling around on the floorboard to try and find a plausible way I could camp out back here for the whole trip. Except I was painfully uncomfortable after only a couple minutes, serving to prove I couldn’t sit here for eight freaking hours.

She saw the give in my expression and yanked the bag out of where we’d wedged it. She reached a hand out to me and helped get me onto my knees, and together we managed to maneuver the bag up onto the other two on the backseat. We shoved it as far to the side as we could, and that was gonna have to do.

I scrambled out of the back and Nikki slammed the door shut, both of us slumping against the car. My best friend winced and shifted her weight off her bad leg, and I held my hand out. She raised her brow in question and I prompted, “keys. You’re not gonna be able to drive with your leg that sore.”

“I’m gonna have to be. You’re not allowed to drive,” she told me, and at the incredulous look on my face she defended, “there was a big surcharge to add you as a driver since you’re under 25.”

With a groan, I pushed off the car and started back towards the building. “I’m gonna go get myself added on –“ Her hand caught my wrist and she hauled me back with surprising strength.

“No, Jay. Come on. It was like an extra fifty bucks and a bunch of paperwork. I’m not even using that leg on the pedals. We can stop for lunch halfway and I can rest. It’ll be fine.” As I went to argue and pull free, she added, “it’s already 2pm. We really need to get going.”

Startled, I turned and lifted her wrist to stare in surprise at her watch. Just past 2. Really?! We’d have to haul major ass to get there before 9pm now… I groaned again, scrubbing a hand down my face. This day was turning into a major headache. Fine, fine. We’d just go. The sooner we got to Nashville the sooner we could eat pizza and put this all behind us.

“Alright. Atlanta is about halfway, so we’ll break there. Just promise you’ll tell me if you start hurting, okay?”

Nikki nodded instantly, and with a final sigh I trudged around to the passenger side. After a few moments of adjusting the seats and getting Nikki situated comfortably with her brace, we were finally off.


My hand held the handle above the door so tight I’d lost feeling in my fingers. My other arm was braced against the center console and I was pretty sure I hadn’t actually taken a breath since Florida.

Nikki was a questionable driver on a good day, and today was certainly not one of those. Between the heavy rain, her aching leg, and the suitcase that kept sliding into the way of her rearview mirror, it was a miracle we hadn’t crashed yet.

Again she reached down to tug at her brace and the car started to swerve out of our lane. A horn blared and my hand on the console shot out to grab the wheel and jerk us back to our side. “Nicole keep both your hands on the wheel!”

My best friend gave a whine of annoyance and slapped my hand back down as she reluctantly took hold again. Not a minute later, though, she started to reach for her brace.

“Nicole I swear to God –“

“It hurts,” she snapped at me, completely taking her eyes off the road to scowl at me. I made a noise of alarm and pushed her face forward again. “Oh would you stop? You’re so dramatic! I know how to drive –“

“Really? You coulda fooled me,” I managed, shrinking back as she started to get a little too close to the car in front of us. “Nicole give them some space. The roads are slick and if you have to hit the brakes –“

“Jay stop bossing me around! You’re making me nervous!”

I’m making you nervous!?” I squeaked incredulously. “You’re the one –“

She’d reached up to adjust the rearview with one hand, and now the other fell to her brace again. The car started to swerve to the right, dangerously close to the traffic from the on-ramp. I grabbed the wheel again and snarled, “okay, that’s it, pull over!”

Nikki had the audacity to huff at me, swatting my hand back again. “You said no more stops until Atlanta!”

Yeah, because it was just past 6pm and we were still an hour from our halfway point because we’d had to stop three damn times already.

“Changed my mind. I want to actually make it to Nashville so we’re pulling over and you’re letting me drive!”

“You’re not allowed to –“

“I really don’t care! I’m driving. Pull over –“ Nikki stepped on the gas, going even faster. “Nicole come on, don’t be a brat about this. Just pull the damn car over!”

“No! You’re just being overdramatic! I’m doing perfectly fine!”

She’d turned to look at me again just as the car in front of us put their brakes on. I gave a squeak of terror and pointed ahead, bracing for the impact. Nikki whipped her head back and gasped, jerking the wheel to the right on instinct at the last second. We slid over the slick pavement, off onto the shoulder of the road. Both of us rattled around, jerking against the seatbelts and bumping into the door and console the whole way. Nikki went to overcorrect and sent us fishtailing for several terrifying moments before we skittered off onto the muddy strip of field along the side of the highway.

As we thunked to a heavy stop, the back left of the car sank ominously lower than the rest of the vehicle; we’d gotten a flat. For several long moments we sat in paralyzed silence, the sound of the drumming rain echoing around us. Finally, accepting the terrifying ride was over, I slowly looked over at my best friend and asked in a small voice,

“Are you okay?”

She was grimacing, a hand on her already-sore knee, but she gave a nod. “Are you? I’m so sorry Jamie. I just – it was slippery, and I didn’t think –“

“It’s fine, Nik. Really. We’re both okay, that’s what matters.”

“But the car,” she groaned, dropping her head back against the headrest. “I think we have a flat. And we don’t even have a phone to call for help.”

“It’s okay,” I assured, giving her leg a squeeze. “We’ve got a spare and Bryan taught me how to change a tire. It’ll just take me a couple minutes.”

Nikki looked up at me guiltily. “It’s pouring. You’re gonna get totally soaked –“

“I’m machine washable. I’ll be fine,” I promised with a smile. Unbuckling myself, I unzipped Dean’s hoodie and tucked it in the backseat, then pulled my hair up into a haphazard bun. With a bracing breath, I pushed the door open and scrambled out.

Almost instantly I sank into mud and nearly fell on my face. Slamming the door shut, I schlepped to the back of the car, grimacing as each stepped filled my shoes with fresh, cold mud. I was soaked and freezing before I even reached the trunk. All this meant was that I’d have to push the car back onto solid ground to get the tire changed, because honestly that made sense with how shitty today was.

As Nikki popped it open for me, I stifled another sigh. My duffel took up the entire width of the tiny trunk, covering the hatch the donut and jack were under. Better yet, I had nowhere to put my bag without it getting soaked. I could try and go around to put it in the passenger seat, but by the time I trudged around to the side of the car, the bag would be soaked anyways…

Just balance it on the bumper and lean over it, I rationalized, desperate to do something because I was already sick of being in the rain. Tugging it aside, I balanced it precariously against my legs and the bumper, and then bent over it to try and wrestle the hatch up.

Of course nothing could be easy today. The hatch didn’t want to budge, and every time I tried to get more leverage I had to stop and catch my bag. With an irritable snarl, I gripped the handle and ripped up as hard as I could. The hatch popped up with practically no resistance and I stumbled back.

Both my duffel and myself plopped back into the muddy field. For several moments I sat totally stunned, honestly unable to believe my day was this awful. And then I realized all of my clothes for the week were in the very-not-waterproof bag lying in the mud.

Scrambling over the grass, I snagged my bag and gave a groan as I lifted it up; water came dripping out of it. Just fucking fantastic. Might as well throw it in the car now. When I ripped the passenger door open I scared the life out of Nikki, and she did a doubletake between the bag and myself.

“What the hell happened –“

“Don’t ask,” I ground out. “I need you to turn the car on and help me get this up onto the shoulder. I can’t change the tire in the mud.”

She just gave a wide-eyed nod as I slammed the door and sulked to the back again. Keeping the trunk hatch up, I rested my hands on the bumper as Nikki started the car again. “Okay, give it a little gas!”

She did as instructed and instantly the front tires began to spin, not taking hold. Bracing as best I could in the mud, I shoved against the car and slowly but surely, it inched forward. It took almost ten minutes to get it up onto the road, but as soon as all four tires were on solid, flat ground Nikki shut the car off and I groaned, slumping over the trunk.

Maybe if I look pathetic enough someone will stop, I hoped as I began the struggle to pull the donut and jack out. Not a single person did. No one even slowed, or asked if I needed help. On any other day I’d see it as a compliment – I was doing such a good job I didn’t look like I needed assistance!... Today, it just pissed me off.

The only bright side to crouching in the freezing rain for fifteen minutes was that by the time I was collapsing back in the car, all the mud had worn off. I was just soaked, shivering, and grumpy. And when Nikki tried to turn on the heater and it didn’t even freakin’ work, all I could do was laugh angrily and slump against the door in defeat. For a moment I contemplated tugging Dean’s hoodie back on, but I didn’t want to get it wet and dirty.

Whatever. The tire was changed, and we were back on the road. I’d just freeze for a couple more hours and then take a nice, hot shower at the hotel. It was gonna be fine.


“I’m really sorry,” Nikki finally said again as she pulled us into the parking lot of Circle K. The irritation was completely gone from earlier, and both of us were too stressed and tired to hold a grudge right now. I didn’t answer her at first as I peeled my soaked self off the seat and circled the car to help her out. As soon as she was on her feet, I wrapped my arms tight around her waist and hugged her to me. My best friend engulfed me – not even minding the wet clothes, and we held onto each other for a few moments as we both took a few deep breaths.

“You’re freezing,” she murmured, pulling back and rubbing her hands up and down my arms. “Let’s find you some dry clothes.”

It took a bit of digging through her suitcases to find things that would actually fit me (and that weren’t overly revealing or crazy expensive) but finally she found a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt that would work until we got to Nashville.

“I’ll go change and you scrounge up some stuff we can eat in the car,” I told her as we stepped into the gas station convenience store. Though neither of us said it, we both knew that Joey’s House of Pizza was off the table now. As Nikki gave a nod and turned to head down an aisle, I realized the other reason she was being quiet n0w.

She wasn’t just upset – she was in pain. Her limp was much worse than it had been the last few days. If I was sore after running off the road, her leg had to be killing her now. On top of that, having to keep it in one position – not even a very comfortable position – was just gonna make it even worse.

Rules be damned. I didn’t care if we didn’t pay to let me drive, I was doing it anyways. I changed quickly, wringing out my soaked clothes in the sink before balling them up and hurrying out to find Nikki. She had a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in one hand and a small box of pizza in the other. My best friend knew me so damn well.

“So, new plan,” I announced to her as I started perusing the drink aisles with her. “I’m driving us to Nashville.”

Instantly Nikki was shaking her head. “No way. You’re not allowed to drive the car. I don’t want to get in trouble –“

“Nik, you and I both know it’s better if I drive the rest of the way,” I started gently. I didn’t want to make her feel worse about earlier, but I mean at this point my survival instincts outweighed my sensitivity; I didn’t want her behind the wheel anymore. “And besides, you’re hurting and you can’t take your medicine while you’re driving since it makes you drowsy. If I drive you can take your meds and then pass out for a few hours.”

She pressed her lips together, weighing the options silently as she studied the drinks. I saw the wince she gave as she stepped down wrong, and she let out a heavy sigh. “Okay… I guess you’re right.”

“I always am, but thanks for acknowledging it this time,” I grinned, getting a giggle out of Nikki as she playfully leaned against me. Finally picking out a couple of sodas, the two of us trudged to the front counter and deposited our armfuls of snacks.

Nikki went for her wallet and this time I pushed her hand down. She rolled her eyes and sighed, “Jamie don’t start.”

“You bought the snacks the last two times,” I reminded her with a raised brow. “Let me get these.”

My hand fell to my back pocket and for a moment, alarm prickled down my spine when I didn’t feel my wallet. Until I realized these weren’t my pants. Rolling my eyes at myself, I unbundled my still-damp shorts and felt around for my wallet.


The alarm burst through me again as I frowned, fully shaking them out. Nikki caught the look on my face and stepped up, paying for the snacks as I scurried back to the bathroom. It wasn’t on the floor. Where the hell had it gone?

I didn’t stop at the counter when I raced back out, rushing straight for the car and circling it twice by the time Nikki reached me. I met her eyes in a panic and she quickly unlocked the car, letting me dive in and practically tear up the passenger seat looking for where it might’ve fallen out.

“Where’s the last place you remember seeing it?” she asked as she met my eyes over the roof of the car. I frowned and started backtracking in my head. Nikki paid at the last two stops we’d made, when’s the last time…


Oh no.

“Jacksonville,” I said quietly. “At the rental place. I had it out to pay, and I sat it down to look at the paperwork…”

Nikki and I both groaned in absolute disbelief; I slumped forward and dropped my head against the top of the car. This could not be happening. Without even lifting my head I mumbled irritably, “that means I can’t drive us.”

“I know,” Nikki sighed, just as dejected as I was. I heard her get into the car, and slowly I pushed myself back up and tipped my head back, taking a slow, deep breath. It was gonna be okay. It was. We were just a couple hours away now, and then this day would be over, and we’d never do anything like this again.

Except, somehow, things had become even more difficult. The universe was really out to teach me a lesson. Why? I had no idea, but it was relentless today. Nikki really was in a lot of pain and not even an hour later she was taking labored breathes through clenched teeth. I’d insisted twice we stop to rest, and she’d refused. When I saw the tears starting to gather with every strained breath, though, I put on my best Mama Brie voice and ordered her to stop at the next gas station.

“I’m borrowing a couple of quarters,” I told her, diving into her wallet as she finally shut the car off. She didn’t even protest, instantly throwing her door open to stick her leg out and stretch it like she needed to. As I tucked the wallet back in her purse, I caught sight of Dean’s hoodie lying on the suitcases.

On a whim, I grabbed it and then gave Nikki’s shoulder a gentle squeeze before I hopped out of the car and scampered across the parking lot. As soon as I tugged the hoodie on I felt a little better. It still had the soft smell of Dean; his cologne and detergent and even the little hint of cigarettes. It was familiar, and safe, and comfortable. Just like Dean was.

Breathing a little easier now, I slipped two quarters into the payphone and punched in one of the few numbers I had memorized. I was worried he might ignore an unknown number, but thankfully Bryan picked up on the second ring.


“Hey, it’s Jamie.”

“Jamie?” he parroted back; I heard my name a third time from Brie in the background. “Where are you calling from?”

“Um, I think the last sign we passed said Resaca, Georgia,” I started, and heard him make his telltale noise of confusion so I elaborated, “Nikki and I are on the road trip from hell, currently.”

Despite all the shit between us from the last few weeks, there was genuine concern in his voice as he asked quickly,

“Are you guys alright? Why aren’t you calling from your phone?”

“Mine had an unfortunate meeting with a glass of water and Nikki’s is in Connecticut with John,” I sighed, and for the first time I felt tears beginning to prick at my eyes. The last six hours of misfortune began to stack up in my mind and I felt the exhausting weight of frustration and sadness piling onto my shoulders.

“Are you okay?” he repeated, his brotherly tone striking against my worn nerves again and sending more tears to my eyes. I took a quick breath to make them settle back down.

“Yeah, yeah,” I dismissed. “Well, Nikki’s knee is killing her. And I can’t drive because my wallet is in Florida, and I have no idea how we’re gonna make it to Nashville at this rate, and I wanted to see if you and Brie might be able to come get us.”

I winced at how childish that had come out sounding. To be fair, though, I did feel like a little kid. Like I was a ten-year-old who wasn’t having fun at the sleepover anymore and I was calling my parents to pick me up.

“Jay, I’m really sorry,” he said slowly, and my heart sunk down into the pit of my stomach. “Brie and I had a lot to drink at dinner. We can’t drive right now.”

“Yeah, no, it’s okay,” I dismissed instantly, willing my voice not to break like I felt it was close to doing. “I just figured I’d check.”

I looked at the two remaining quarters in my palm: enough for one more call. I heard Bryan scrambling around on the other end as he said hurriedly, “you know what, give me a few and I’ll find someone. A lot of the roster’s here. I’m sure I can bribe Damien and Cody with immunity from you on Monday if they went and got you –“

“No, no,” I said quickly, already feeling bad enough for having bothered him and Brie. “It’s alright. Really. I’m gonna call John next, he already said to give him a call if we needed anything. He’ll get us sorted out.”

Bryan was quiet for a few moments, clearly weighing the options on the table. Finally he pressed, “are you sure? I don’t feel right just hanging up not knowing if you’ll be okay.”

His concern touched me again and this time it tugged out a smile. It was really nice, honestly, hearing he was worried. The last few weeks had me second-guessing everything in our friendship, but knowing he still cared made this shitty day just a smidge better.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine. Besides, I don’t want to give up harassing my favorite victims if I don’t need to,” I teased, and he gave a quiet chuckle.

“Alright. As long as you’re sure.” I heard Brie ask something on the other end, and then Bryan added, “Do you guys have a place to stay when you get in?”

“Yeah, we have a room at –“ my words cut off with alarm and I sucked in a breath. I hadn’t even thought about the hotel until this second.


“Um, yeah, shit. Our check-in was at 4. Can you – do you have a second to get the number for our hotel? I’ve gotta call them.”

As he and Brie looked up the number, I took another few deep, slow breaths, trying to keep my irritation and tears at bay. We’d been going through all this bullshit just to make sure we got to the hotel and didn’t waste my deposit and now it might not even matter.

“Thanks,” I murmured as Bryan read me off the number. “I gotta call them. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Hey, Jay?” he said quickly, just as I was about to hang up. “Be careful, okay? And call us if you need anything else.”

“Thanks, Bry,” I said softly, trying to smile so I didn’t sound as pathetic as I felt. For the first time since our fight, I added an uncertain, “Love you.”

“Love you too, JayJay.”

Thankfully he’d hung up before he heard the pathetic sniffle I gave, hurriedly blinking back the tears again before I slipped my last quarters in and dialed the number Bryan had given me. Only after the phone started ringing did I start to wonder if it’d been a better idea to just have called John…

“Thank you for calling Hilton Garden Inn,” a woman chirped before I could get too far down that road. “How can I help you?”

“Uh, hi, I had a reservation for tonight and our check-in was at four, but we’re running pretty late. I just – I wanted to see if there’s any chance we’ve still got our room.”

“Oh certainly,” the woman assured instantly. “We offer late check-ins. So long as you’re here by midnight, your room is secured.”

I could have cried, and almost actually did. It was just past 7pm, which meant we had a whole five hours for the rest of our trip. I gave a laugh of relief instead and slumped against the payphone as I breathed out, “Oh thank god. Thank you so much. We’ll be there in a few hours. Thank you!”

I was hanging up before she’d even finished speaking, racing back to the car. Nikki was stretched out horizontally, legs sticking out the door, her back arched awkwardly over the center console with her head hanging over the passenger seat.

“That can’t be comfortable,” I teased, nudging her foot gently with mine. She gave a groan but slowly say up.

“You’d be surprised. Why do you look happy? Did something good actually decide to happen today?”

I decidedly didn’t tell her about the call to Bryan – I didn’t want her getting upset at him or her sister that they couldn’t get us. “Our hotel reservation is still okay, as long as we’re there by midnight. It’s still about three hours out, but we’ve got time.”

The first full, genuine smile of the day spread over Nikki’s face and I mirrored it instantly. Without another word, Nikki resituated herself into the car and I hopped into my seat, buckling up as we tore out of the gas station parking lot. We were almost there. We could do this. We could push through the last few hours.


At this point I shouldn’t have been surprised things didn’t go as smoothly as I’d assumed they would. True, the drive was three hours. That was if we didn’t hit any traffic and we didn’t make any stops.

We’d done both numerous times, and it was just passing 11:15 by the time we finally pulled off the highway just inside Nashville. The last stop had been solely to have a nice hostess at iHop look up directions to the hotel we needed, but we’d lost precious time doing that alone. Thankfully, we were close. We paused at the stop sign and I glanced at the directions I’d scribbled on a napkin.

“Take a left here, then look for Tulip Poplar Drive,” I instructed, and as she took the turn, we could see the sign for the hotel up ahead. We both gave weary laughs as I rumpled up the napkin and shoved it in my pocket.

We were here. We were finally freakin’ here. Nikki parked us as close to the entrance as we could get and we both hit a new wave of energy that sent us scrambling out of the car. Even with her limp, Nikki still beat me inside.

“Good evening, welcome to the Hilton Garden Inn,” the woman behind the desk greeted. “Checking in, I presume?”

“Yes ma’am,” I said as the two of us leaned eagerly on the counter. “I was actually the one who called a few hours ago about extended check-in.”

“Oh, yes! I remember. What name is your reservation under, sweetheart?”

“It’s under my name. Westbrook.” She typed in my name, and her brow furrowed just a hint. My heart flickered. Oh, please tell me the reservation was still there…

“What’s the first name of the reservation?”

This wasn’t good. “Jeanette. J-e-a-n-e-t-t-e.”

The woman clicked away on the keys, and her brow furrowed more. She looked up and said slowly, “I’m so sorry, Ms. Westbrook, but I don’t see a reservation for you with us. I would normally offer to set one up for you now, but there’s a big event in town this weekend and we don’t have any availability.”

Monday Night Raw. It would make sense our own job would add another level of absolute fuckery to this night. Nikki and I exchanged a look of hopeless disbelief. This could not be happening. Well, honestly, at this point I shouldn’t have even been surprised. This made perfect sense for the day from hell.

“You know, let me check and see if we’ve got you at another location,” she offered. I knew she was just doing it to try and give a little bit of hope – having seen the distress on our faces – but I was so disheartened by the whole day I’d take anything she could offer. I just gave a small nod, listening to her click away again.

“Oh, yes! Here you are!” she exclaimed, sounding just as surprised as I felt. “It looks like your room is booked at Nashville Downtown. It’s only about half an hour from here.”

“Oh thank god,” Nikki groaned, slumping fully over the counter; I rubbed her back in comfort as I asked quickly,

“Could we get the directions?”

Nikki started her hobble out to the car as the woman scribbled them down for me. As she passed it to me she gave a kind smile. “Here you go, Ms. Westbrook. I hope your evening gets a little better.”

Her words hit me the same way Bryan’s had, and I felt myself choking up as the tears pricked my eyes again. If I started crying, I wouldn’t stop, and this poor woman didn’t need to deal with my hysterics.

“Thank you,” I managed, clearing my throat and giving her a quick smile before I raced out for the car. I nearly tripped over Nikki’s outstretched leg, barely catching myself on the arm of the bench she was sprawled on.

Her face was screwed up and both her hands were holding tight to her knee. My hand came to her shoulder and she looked up at me through tears, her lower lip trembling.

“I stepped down wrong and I tweaked my knee,” she grit out, dropping her head back against the brick and taking a slow breath to try and control the pain.

There was no way she could drive. Wordlessly, I rushed back to the car and grabbed her soda, returning and then reaching into the purse at her side. I pulled out her bottle of medicine and grabbed her hand, pouring two of the pills into her palm and then setting the soda in her lap.

She frowned, looking between her hand and my concerned gaze.

“Jay I can’t take it yet –“

“I’m gonna drive,” I said simply, nudging her hand pointedly. “You need a break and you need your medicine. It’s just thirty minutes, it’ll be fine.”

Though she looked doubtful, I could see the pain in her eyes outweighing the concern. Stifling a sigh, she popped the pills in her mouth and took a swig of her drink. I held out my hands to her and she took them gratefully. I practically lifted her to her feet, and then wrapped an arm around her waist so we could hobble to the car.


We skid to a stop in front of the correct hotel with ten minutes to spare. Speeding wasn’t the best idea without a license – or the permission to even legally drive the car – but I wasn’t playing around anymore.

I was ready to put this day away and never think about this ever again.

“Go check in for us,” I said quickly, unbuckling both of us and hopping out. “I’ll grab the bags and meet you in there.”

Nikki nodded and eased herself out of the car, limping slowly inside as I began to extract the suitcases. It was just as precarious pulling them out as it had been packing them in. Panting, sweaty, and seriously worn down to the bone, I finally got Nikki’s bags out and went around to grab my duffel.

“Jamie!” I lifted my head hearing the muffled sound of my name. It was so quiet, I thought I’d imagined it at first. But no, moments later I heard a much more distressed, “Jamie!”

At this point, I honestly couldn’t even begin to think of what could be going wrong. I slung my duffel and two of Nikki’s bags over my shoulders and grabbed the handles of her other two, pulling them after me as I trudged into the hotel.

“He won’t let me check us in,” Nikki huffed. My best friend was legitimately crying. I had no idea whether it was the pain, the exhaustion, or even just the medicine, but it still hurt my heart to see her at the end of her very-frayed rope.

Unceremoniously dumping the bags at the counter, I stepped up and frowned. “What’s the problem?”

“This reservation is for a Ms. Jeanette Westbrook,” the man said slowly, eyeing Nikki warily. “She told me that isn’t her –“

“It’s me, it’s me,” I sighed, scrubbing a hand down my face. “I just wanted her to get us checked in. I’m Jeanette.”

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll get you checked in now. Can I see your ID and the card you used to make the reservation with?”

Oh no.

“I… I don’t have my wallet,” I started slowly, and I saw the expression on his face that already told me the answer to my next question. “Is there any other way to do this without those?”

“I-I’m so sorry, Ms. Westbrook, but I need to confirm –“

“She is Jeanette Westbrook, what more do you want?!” Nikki snapped, slamming her hand on the counter and making both myself and the man jump. “We have been driving for ten hours. I am in pain. I don’t care if you have some bullshit rules you need to –“

“Nikki, hey,” I said quickly, resting a hand on her arm. “Hey. It’s not his fault. Okay? It’s fine.” I turned to the poor guy and gave an apologetic smile; he looked about ready to cry himself. “Is there any way we can just do a new reservation now?”

Again the same look crossed his face and I bit back a scream of frustration as he said nervously, “w-we don’t have anything open right now. There’s an event in –“

We are the event!” Nikki snarled; I caught her hand before she could slam it down again. “We lose our stupid reservation at midnight, so once it’s gone can’t we just book that room?!”

“I’m so sorry ma’am, but there’s a list of others who are waiting for rooms and I can’t just –“

“No, there’s no damn list, there’s no apologies, I want a room!” she half-screamed, half-sobbed. “You have no idea how shitty this day has been and I’m not leaving here without a fucking room –“

Nicole!” I hissed, squeezing the hand I was still gripping tight to. “It’s fine! It’s fine. This is my fault, not his. He’s just doing his job. You know what? We’ll just go to Brie and Bryan’s hotel. We can crash with them, okay?”

The anger had fizzled out and turned into tears, and she sobbed something incoherent to me before waving her hands dejectedly at our bags, and then out towards the car. Oddly enough I knew exactly what she was saying.

Giving the poor, startled man an apologetic smile, I gently wrapped an arm around Nikki and tugged her from the counter. “Go get in the car, I’ll get the bags. Just go sit down. Your medicine will be kicking in soon and I don’t want you on your feet when it does, okay?”

She just managed a nod, hobbling slowly back out to the car. As I began wrangling them all up onto my shoulders, the man came around the counter. He took two of Nikki’s bags for me, and when I turned to him in surprise he said softly, “It’s the least I could do. I really am sorry about the room.”

Oh god, the damn tears. No, no, no. No crying, I had to keep it together for Nikki’s sake.

“Thank you,” I told him, leading us out to the car. “I totally understand. Really. We’re just really tired. I’m so sorry we snapped at you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he assured, setting the bags down beside me as I pulled the back door open. “Have a good night.”

It took a little longer this time to push the tears away; I fought them the entire ten minutes it took to get the damn bags back in the backseat again. Nikki was truly exhausted, and the medicine had kicked in. She was snoring softly by the time I pulled into the parking lot of the third hotel of the night.

Letting her doze for now, I re-extracted the bags and repeated the process of hauling all of them into the lobby, dropping them heavily next to the couch against the far wall before turning right back around. I eased the passenger door open and gently shook Nikki awake.

“C’mon, Snickers. Let’s get up,” I said softly, undoing her belt as she began to stir. She mumbled something to me under her breath and then let her eyes flutter shut. “Uh-uh. Come on. You can sleep soon, but I need your help here.”

Begrudgingly, grumbling the whole time, Nikki sat up and sort of helped me get her up and out of the car. She leaned heavily on me all but asleep on her feet as I dragged us both into the hotel. I settled her on the couch, and then hurried to the counter.

“Is there a phone I could borrow?” I asked him tiredly. He looked a little hesitant so I added, “We have friends staying here but I don’t know their room. I’ve just gotta call them really quick.”

The man thankfully gave a nod and lifted the desk phone onto the counter. With a thankful, tired smile, I punched in Bryan’s number. It rang five times, and then I got his voicemail. Biting back a groan, I hung up and then quickly called Brie.

Same thing.

Don’t fucking do this to me, I begged the universe as I dialed Bryan’s number again. Five rings and the voicemail. It made sense. It was creeping up on 2am and they’d been drinking. They were out cold. I squeezed my eyes shut as I took a slow breath, trying to hold together the last shreds of my sanity. As I slid the phone back to the man, I asked in a small voice,

“Is there any way you can tell me what room Bryan Danielson is in?” I already knew he couldn’t. The WWE gave explicit instructions that hotel staff couldn’t give out our information. It made sense, it really did, but right now I hated how thoroughly impossible today had been.

“I’m sorry, miss, I can’t do that.”

“Right. Do you have any rooms, by chance?”

He gave an apologetic shake of his head. “I can add you to our waitlist, though. Just in case.”

I took a slow, deep breath, trying to keep my calm. Screaming and bursting into tears wouldn’t do me any good... probably. Maybe. I’d make that plan B. Right now all I could manage was a tired nod before I slid back off the counter and trudged back to Nikki.

Wasn’t there a limit on bad things? Didn’t karma reach a point of mercy and say, she’s not a terrible person, that’s enough shit for one day? Because I really couldn’t think of any way this day could’ve been any worse – and I really didn’t want to right now. Knowing my luck, it’d end up happening.

At the end of my rope now, I collapsed on the opposite side of the couch from Nikki. She was out cold. I’d debated wrangling her and the bags into the car again, driving around Tennessee until we found a damn hotel that wasn’t booked. Logically, I knew there was one somewhere, but honestly… I just couldn’t do any more tonight.

I was just so damn tired. So worn through. Physically and mentally, I was done for the day.

Accepting that I’d just surrendered to the universe and was done trying to fight, I shuffled down onto the couch, burrowing into Dean’s hoodie. I wrapped my arms tight around myself and hugged the fabric to my body.

More than anything, I’d wished I’d had my phone so I could’ve called Dean. Even if he couldn’t have come to get us, he would’ve made this better. He would’ve known what to do. At the very least, he could’ve helped keep my spirits up. Hell, I could’ve been talking to him now. Though it was nearing 2:30 now, he’d probably be awake.

I was honestly longing to hear his voice so much I was convinced I’d just imagined him calling out to me at first. But when I heard steps on the tile my head snapped up and I found exactly who I needed at that moment.

Dean was a few feet away, beer in his hand, observing our makeshift camp. He caught my gaze and raised a brow as he asked again,


“Hey,” I said softly, not even able to muster a smile. He heard the tone, even with as quiet as I’d been, and concern drew his face into a frown.

“You alright, darlin’?”

I felt the frustration welling up inside me at just the thought of having to relive the last twelve hours of hell, and those stupid tears started gathering again. All I could do was shrug my shoulders as I whispered, "It's been a really shitty day."

Dean’s face softened and he came forward, picking his way over the luggage. I tucked my legs to my chest and he dropped down next to me. He leaned back and gave my legs a pat. When I didn’t move, he offered,

“Stretch out if y’want.”

“You sure? I don’t wanna –”

Dean hooked his arms under my knees and tugged them out across his lap, resting his arms on them as he settled into the couch. The feeling of him holding even this little part of me was enough to make my aching heart settle for the first time all day. The hand not holding his beer was wrapped over my leg, his thumb absently rubbing soothingly against my shin.

“What’re you doing up?” I murmured, dropping my head back against the couch as I stared up at him. He shrugged and took a sip of his beer.

"Couldn't sleep," he said simply, and after a few moments he added, "never got a text back this mornin’. I was worried ‘bout you.”

That’s right. Last night I told him I’d text him when we were on our way so he knew when to check up on me, and it had left butterflies in my chest all night having him worry about me like that. Now there wasn’t even a flutter, just a dull ache as I remembered the useless brick sitting somewhere in my duffel bag. My water logged duffle bag.

“Sorry. My phone’s busted,” I sighed, more tears pricking my eyes. I felt the frustration of today rising up my throat and I swallowed hard, trying to keep myself under control.

“Got it,” he assured, squeezing my shin reassuringly. “Any reason you an’ Wonder Twin are hangin' out down here?"

"Well, um," I gave a humorous laugh and scrubbed a hand down my face, taking a breath. "Long story short, I’m an idiot. Plain and simple.”

I tried to give him a smile to play it off and sound light-hearted, but I felt my lower lip tremble just a bit. Dean's gaze softened even more as he turned to face me and I looked away, trying to keep it together. A tear slid down my cheek and I hurriedly wiped it away. The hand on my shin slid up to give my knee a squeeze.


"It's nothing. I just - it's been a really bad day, and literally everything has gone wrong, and I just wanted to eat pizza and take a shower and –" my voice broke and more tears ran down my cheek. I sniffed as my trembling fingers tried to brush them away, but they just kept coming. "A-and now I'm crying like the idiot I am, and I just –"

Wordlessly, Dean sat his beer on the floor and then reached over to pull me across the couch. He tucked me securely to his side, arms wrapping around me completely, and I buried my face into his shoulder.

Like I’d guessed, once I’d started I couldn’t stop. One of my hands tangled into his shirt and I held tight to him as I cried. He rested his cheek against the top of my head, hands running over my back slowly to comfort me silently. I lost track of how long we sat like that, but Dean never made to pull away from me until I started to myself.

Even when I sat back, his arms stayed securely around me. I rubbed pathetically at my eyes and sniffed, and as I did so he reached up and gently tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. Subtly I leaned against his touch, not ready for him to retract it. Instead of fully pulling away, his hand dropped to toy with the zipper of the hoodie I’d all commandeered from him.

“Wake up Wonder Twin,” he said softly, giving me a last comforting squeeze before he untangled himself from me to get up, snagging his beer on the way. “There’s plenty’a space for you two in our room.”

After polishing off his drink and tossing the bottle, he actually started gathering our bags; I made a noise of protest. When he glanced over at me I said quickly, “Dean, no, it’s okay. I don’t want to inconvenience you guys –“

"You ain't doin' anythin', Finch," he promised, slinging our bags over his shoulders much easier than I had done as he nodded to Nikki. "Can y’help her upstairs okay?"

"Yeah," I said slowly, getting to my feet as I gave him a guilty look. This was too much for him to do. "But I mean it, Dean. I don’t want to be a burden. Really."

Dean paused his bag-gathering to turn and reach out, cupping my chin and giving a small squeeze. "We got three rooms up there, an’ a fuckin' lounge with a couch. Plenty’a room for the cruiserweight division."

The smile he somehow pulled from me was unexpected, and he gave one back as he stepped away. It was clear he wasn’t taking no for an answer to this, so I sighed and swallowed down the rest of my objections. Instead, I focused on rousing my best friend. Gently shaking her shoulder, I leaned down and whispered,

“Hey, Snickers, time to get up.” She whined and batted my hand away, turning to curl against the corner of the couch. “I know, I know. C’mon, though. We’re not sleeping in the lobby. Let’s go, Nik.”

She mumbled something incoherent and finally peeled an eye open to glare at me. Reluctantly, she sat up and I was able to slip an arm around her waist as I hooked her arm over my shoulders.

“Ready? One, two, three,” I counted, and as she pushed up with her good leg I stood with her. Thankfully she wasn’t too much taller than me and it was easy enough to balance her against me. Giving Dean a nod, he turned and led us across the lobby to the elevator.

We piled inside and I leaned back against the wall as Dean hit the button. Nikki, a little more awake now, studied him with narrowed eyes. Feeling her gaze on him, he gave her a quirked smile and raised a brow.

“You’re not Bryan.”

“That I’m not,” he confirmed, bobbing his head as I snorted. Nikki turned her frown to me now and asked,

“You said we were crashing with them. Why is Dean here?”

“There was a change of plans,” I informed her, and before she could ask anything else I cut in with, “how’s your knee? Is your medicine helping?”

She just mumbled an mhmm and opted to lean against me, head pillowing onto of mine. By the time the elevator opened to the top floor she was starting to fall asleep again. Dean led the way down the hall and I all but dragged Nikki with me, ignoring her grumpy protesting.

He opened the door at the end of the hall, stepping inside and holding it open to let us follow him into the room. As he shut the door behind us I took a look around. This was definitely not the kind of rooms we got booked for us. To the left of the door was an in-suite kitchen, and straight ahead was indeed a small living room, complete with a large white couch, a few plush recliners, and a TV. There were two doors to the left, and a third to our right opposite them. Floor-to-ceiling windows made up the entire far wall, overlooking Nashville.

“Jeeze, you weren’t kidding. What is this, a penthouse suite?” I joked, but when I glanced back at him Dean just gave a simple nod. Okay, I’d been kidding. How the hell did the Shield swing a penthouse suite?!

“Yep. My room’s this way,” he said softly, not-so-subtly changing the subject as he jerked his head to the right. Again he stepped up to get the door, and then motioned to his bed. When I instantly gave him an argumentative look he said, “she needs it more than me. I’m used’ta couches.”

“No,” I objected softly. “You’re already letting us crash here. I’m not kicking you out of your bed.”

“You’re not. She is,” he pointed out; I gave him an unamused frown. “Finch, really. It’s one night an’ y’can’t tell me she’d be good sleepin’ on a couch tonight.”

“She’d be –“ I cut off, realizing he had a point. Damn it. “Okay. You’re not wrong.”

Dean gave me a teasing smirk and shrugged, setting our bags by the door. “I’m never wrong.”

Rolling my eyes as I gave him another small smile as I reluctantly shuffled us forward and eased Nikki onto the bed. She gave a groan and instantly flopped back, eyes shutting. I let her lie there for a moment as I retreated to her bags, stooping to dig through them for her pajamas. Dean stepped around me and said quietly,

“I’ll be out here if y’need me.”

I gave him a thankful nod as I finally managed to extract her pajamas, just grabbing the first top and bottom I came across. I lightly nudged her good knee with my hip as I came up to her.

“Just let me get you comfortable and you can sleep,” I promised when she gave me a one-eyed death glare. I grabbed her hand to pull her up and she whined again, trying to tug free. "Would you quit fighting me? Just let me undress you –“

“That’s scandalous. I have a boyfriend, you know,” she mumbled sleepily, giving a loopy giggle as she allowed me to get her upright, even helping me wrangle her dress off.

“Yeah, well, if you can produce John Cena out of one of those suitcases to help with this, I’m ready to tag out,” I huffed, and when she went to lay down again I groaned, “Nicole, no, come on. We’re not done. If I let you go to sleep in this ridiculous bra you'll get stabbed to death by this underwire.”

“John likes me sleeping in a bra. He says it’s kinky,” she informed me. I filed that in the bottomless drawer of things I never wanted to know. As I tossed her bra aside, I turned back to see she’d at least tugged the top of her pajamas on, but she held out the shorts with a dissatisfied frown.


‘These do not match. I can’t wear them.”

I stared at my friend for several moments, trying not keep my eye from twitching.

“Nicole. You’re just going to sleep. It’s not gonna hurt anything –“

“I don’t like when my clothes don’t match. I’m not you,” she pouted; I couldn’t stop the twitch that time. With a resigned sigh, I took the shorts and dropped by the suitcase, digging for several moments before hold up another pair.

“Here, they're both pink. Is that good enough for you, your majesty?”

Nikki didn’t answer, scowling sleepily at me instead. I gave her a small, playful smile and my own widened when she gave one back. I stood and paused in front of her, holding my hands out. She wasn’t any easier to get up, already starting to fall under the spell of her medicine. I managed to get her upright and had her hold my shoulders as I helped her step into the pajama bottoms.

As I stood, I felt her sway and barely caught her before she fell forward. Though I managed to get her onto the bed, I just didn’t have the strength left to manhandle her across the mattress to lay properly. With a heavy sigh I moved to the door and leaned out. Dean was lounging on the end of the couch but he looked up hearing the door squeak.

“Can you help me real quick?” He was up without hesitation, following me back into the room. “If I roll her, can you pull the covers back and help me get her under them?”

“’Course, darlin’,” he promised, getting another smile from me. I pulled Nikki towards me, and he shoved the covers aside, and then gently hooked her legs for me. We swung her around and finally settled her fully in the bed. She was out before I’d sat her head on the pillow.

Pulling the covers over her, I tucked her in tight and kissed her forehead. “Night, Nikki. Love you.”

Dean led me out of the room as he turned off the light, and as I pulled the door shut I let out another heavy sigh and leaned back against it. My eyes fell shut and I thunked my head against the door. I was so worn out, but there was no way I could go to sleep right now. The day was still running on repeat through my head, refusing to let me be.

"You like hot chocolate?" I opened my eyes to stare up at Dean in question. He scratched the back of his neck uncertainly and jerked his head towards the kitchenette. "I’d offer you’a beer, but I get the feelin’ you ain’t a drinker.”

“Correct,” I confirmed, pushing off the door to follow him across the room. “You know, considering the whole drinking under 21 is illegal thing and all…”

To my surprise, Dean gave a snort as stepped up to the counter, leaning over it as I watched him start to heat up some water in the coffee maker. When he glanced at me, I saw a teasing smile on his face. “Bein’ underage in CZW didn’t seem’ta bother ya, darlin’.”

I opened my mouth to object, but when he slowly raised his brows I scoffed and looked away. “That’s completely different.”

“Yeah? How?” he challenged, leaning on the counter across from me, his blue eyes sparking with amusement. We were so close our arms were nearly touching, and I could smell the hint of his cologne. Instead of letting myself get drawn in I skillfully changed the subject.

“Why does the ruthless, eccentric Dean Ambrose have hot chocolate? That’s not very tough and intimidating.”

Dean smirked, giving a chuckle as he tapped the container beside the coffee machine. “Sorry t’disappoint, darlin’, but it ain’t mine. Roman don’t drink either. He gets his fix with this shit.”

“You’re stealing Roman’s Swiss Miss for me? That’s very chivalrous,” I teased back as the coffee pot beeped. He gave a playful eyeroll as he stood up and busied himself making my drink. Once completed, he grabbed a beer out of the mini fridge behind him and jerked his head for me to follow him to the couch.

"So. Shitty day," he prompted, handing me the mug as we settled onto the cushions. Instantly the lightheartedness flickered out of the room and the weight of the day settled back onto my shoulders. I flicked my gaze away from him and swallowed hard, feeling my throat tighten as the tears threatened to well up again. When I didn’t speak he said gently, "it ain’t gonna get better holdin' it in, y'know."

I took a careful sip of the cocoa and let the warmth spread through me, doing my best to keep my composure. After another sip I managed, “I know. I just..." I huffed and ran a frustrated hand through my hair again. "I'm tired, and it'll probably make me cry, and I don't wanna look like a stupid little kid crying over dumb shit –"

"I don't look at you like that," Dean promised immediately, and I knew he saw the surprise on my face when I looked back up at him. The raw honesty in his eyes didn’t leave any room for me to doubt what he said. His gaze was unwavering, softening only a hint as he pressed, “I know y’pretty well. You ain’t one to cry over nothin’, an’ you’re the farthest from stupid you could get. If you’re this upset, there’s a reason, an’ I wanna hear it. So c’mon, little Finch. Talk t’me.”

Little Finch. The two words that cut me right down to the core. With a shaky breath, I gave him a nod and thought a moment about where to even begin. I went back to last night, about Nikki’s fight with John, and then launched into the day from hell.

Dean listened with unwavering attention. He nursed his beer, turning to sit sideways and scoot a little closer. I ended up doing the same thing at some point, crossing my legs onto the cushion and ending up so close to him one of my knees rested on top of his.

He didn’t interrupt, didn’t make any comments, and didn’t make any faces besides the ones of concern at hearing about running off the road, and then changing the tire on the side of the road. He didn’t laugh when I’d started crying. In fact, he’d reached out to rest his hand on the knee that was on top of his own, and he still hadn’t moved it away.

By the time we’d finished our drinks I’d reached the point where he found us in the lobby. I wiped the fresh tears from my cheeks as I finished with, “It was already like, the day from hell, but what really wore me down was just… feeling alone. I hate being alone. And I had Nikki, yeah, but the last couple of hours it felt like I was by myself. I was so tired and cold and just done and I still had to figure out what to do and how to do it all by myself…”

With a heavy sigh I finally slumped against the back of the couch, letting my rant finally taper off into the quiet hotel room. More tears started falling and irritably I rubbed them off with the back of my hand, giving a watery chuckle. “Sorry, I swear I’ll stop crying eventually.”

"I don't care if y’cry, Finch," he said softly, speaking for the first time in almost half an hour. "It ain't a bad thing. Everyone cries."

"Even you?" I sniffled, and Dean snorted.

"Nah. Not me. But Seth cries like a fuckin' baby. Believe that."

This time my laugh was a little less shaky. After a few deep breaths I said softly, "I'm really sorry to just dump all this on you. First I cry all over your shirt, then I kick you out of your own room, and now I’m giving you a literal sob story –"

"Hey, listen," he said, shifting to get just a little closer to me. "You ain't botherin' me. You ain't puttin' me out, an’ if I ask for you t’tell me somethin', don't apologize for it. Okay? You ain't doin' anythin' wrong."

Again, there was no wavering in his honest gaze. He left no room for argument and his genuine support of me venting to him brought the first full smile I’d had all day. My heart fluttered when he matched it with one of his own, managing to take my breath away.

For several long, silent moments we sat smiling together. I wanted more. Hell, I almost needed more right now, and it took all my self restraint to keep from launching into Dean’s arms, curling into his lap, having him hug me to him again…

Instead, I focused on the hand still resting on my knee, and I reached out to let my own rest on his for a moment. Finally, I gave it a gentle squeeze as I said softly, “You should smile more often. It looks good on you."

Thought it was dark in the room, I could’ve sworn I saw a blush dust over his cheeks. His smile somehow managed to widen, tongue pressing against his teeth as he chuckled and ducked his head. Patting his hand, I gently shifted away and pushed to my feet, giving a stretch as I tried to fight off a yawn. The clock hanging above the TV said it was just past 3am, and man did I feel it.

“Will if bother you or the boys if I take a shower?” I asked softly as Dean stood up with me. He shook his head, and then his hand came up to scratch the back of his neck again.

“’Course not. You, uh… you said your bag got wet. You got anythin’ you can wear tonight?”

For several moments all I could do was stare up at Dean. He’d genuinely listened to me. He’d listened, and he was concerned about something I hadn’t even thought of.

“I actually haven’t even checked,” I admitted with a sigh. Dean bobbed his head and rested his hand on my shoulder as he skirted past me, going to the room.

“I’ll grab y’some clothes just in case.”

Well now my face was a hundred shades of red. I’d already taken his hoodie, and now he was willing to give me more clothes so I could be comfortable tonight? Inside the room, Dean retrieved his duffel from the far side of the bed and knelt, digging for a few moments. When he stood back up he had a shirt and a pair of sweats.

“They’ll be big but the pants cinch up pretty well,” he offered, holding the clothes out to me. With a genuinely touched smile, I hugged them to me as he added, “I’ll let y’get some sleep. Roman’s usually up pretty early t’make breakfast an’ he won’t ask a lot’a questions. My phone’s on the dresser, you can call your friends an’ let ‘em know where you’re at in the mornin’. If y’need anythin’, just let me know, alright?”

I gave him a quick nod, the smile on my face so painful it hurt. It felt really good being taken care of after the day I’d had. Maybe Dean knew that, because I knew he wasn’t the kind of guy who was this gentle and considerate with everyone, but he was doing a damn good job making sure Nikki and I were okay.

Wordlessly I sat the clothes on the end of the bed and stepped up to him, reaching up and looping my arms around his neck. He bent down into the hug, delicious arms wrapping securely across my back, holding me tight to him.

My face buried against his neck and I took a slow, deep breath. Oaky, crisp cologne, soft mint, the faintest hint of shampoo and cigarettes. It was Dean, and it was exactly what I needed.

“Thank you. For everything,” I murmured into his shoulder. He gave a last tight squeeze before we both pulled back. My hands slowly slid down his arms and his own slid across my back, like we were prolonging the touch as long as we could.

“I’m always here for ya, darlin’.” My lips flicked up into another smile as he slipped past me for the door.

“Goodnight, Dean.”

He looked back over his shoulder, matching my soft smile with one of his own. He lingered in the doorway for another heartbeat, looking for just a moment like he wanted to come back, like he had something else to say – something else to do – but he just stepped into the hall as he told me softly,

“Sleep tight, little Finch.”

He pulled the door shut, and I let myself get lost to the giddiness that had risen up in me. Somehow, the last hour with Dean had negated the other twelve that had been nothing but awful. Again I grabbed the bundle of clothes and hugged them as I scampered into the en suite bathroom.

The shower felt marvelous, but it was nothing compared to how I’d felt talking with Dean. Never before had I felt the weight of something literally lift off my shoulders the way it had as he listened to me. Because I knew now that he’d really listened, and that meant a lot. He could’ve easily zoned out, could’ve just bobbed his head to play it off, but no. He’d listened to my whiny ramblings at 3am and he’d not only paid attention, but he’d cared.

Another perk to the night – showering in Dean’s room meant I got to use his body wash, and man did it smell good. It was the little things, okay? I could at least have that much. Finally clean and warm, I got out of the shower and eagerly dressed in Dean’s clothes, letting myself get swallowed up by the soft Dean-scented fabric. I’d have to learn how to make a candle out of this scent. It was enough to make me warm, cozy, and secure, which set me up perfectly to fall asleep after the longest day of my life.

Except as I stepped out of the bathroom, I paused on my way to the bed. Why? I was tired. I needed to get some sleep. I really just needed to go lay down with Nikki, shut my eyes, and let the night come to an end.

I should’ve just gone to bed. Should’ve just laid down. Should’ve just put the moment Dean and I had out of my mind, and let it be. Let it end there.

My heart had other ideas.

The soft click of the bedroom door echoed around the quiet hotel room. Dean was slumped on the end of the couch, scrubbing a hand down his face as I heard him give a heavy sigh. He hadn’t hear the door open; I could’ve turned and gone back in. Just gone to bed like the logical, exhausted part of me was begging. The rest of me refused to listen, my heart forcing me further into the living room with every beat. When the door clicked shut it caught his attention this time and he sat up in surprise, turning to look at me.

I’d had a whole monologue queued up as I stepped out of the room but as soon as his eyes met mine that all faded away. The look he was giving me sent my coherent thoughts out the window. For a moment I felt self-conscious and all of Randy’s insults about my trashy, tomboy appearance starting to surface. The old Deftones shirt was way too big, and even fully cinched the sweats totally engulfed me.

I had to look like a kid, but Dean was looking at me like I was all he wanted to see and it lit something inside of me. As I crossed towards him he stood, watching me approach with an unreadable expression in his eyes that burned into me. Just a couple feet from him, I came to a slow stop but I kept my eyes locked onto him. My heart was slamming against my chest like it was trying to break out and run to Dean. And if that’s what it wanted, who was I to stop it anymore?

“You said to let you know if there was anything I needed,” I said softly, voice so quiet it almost got swallowed by the heavy 3am shadows. Dean nodded slowly, swallowing hard as he whispered back,

“Anythin’, darlin’.”

Was I really so stupid I was gonna do this again? Put myself out there, practically throw myself at him just to see if I stuck this time? After all that had happened between us before?... Except, this wasn’t like the last time. This wasn’t rushed, and heated, and spur-of-the-moment. This was weeks of smiles and touches and stolen glances. Weeks of flirtatious jokes and longing stares and borrowed hoodies, weeks of hugs that lasted too long but never quite long enough.

Dean had time to stop me if he’d wanted. I moved slowly, stepping up until my feet bumped against his, until there were just inches between us. My head was tipped back, eyes unmoving from his as I looked for any single sign that he’d push me back again, anything that would tell me he didn’t want this. Silently I begged him, stop me now before I go too far.

The burning in his soft blue eyes told me – promised me – that this time I wouldn’t. Because this time, Dean was the one to move first.

He reached out slowly, tucking a strand of my damp hair behind an ear before trailing his fingers down my jaw, hand curling to cup my cheek. Gently, carefully – like he was afraid to break whatever this was between us – he tipped my head back and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine.

The kiss was soft and timid. Hesitant, like both of us expected the other to pull away and run the other direction. When neither of us did, though, we leaned further into each other. This time we were on the same page, and as his lips moved against mine I could feel how much he wanted this. Wanted me.

We pulled back from the kiss only a few inches, both breathless from what I’d wished had happened months ago. There was a handful of seconds we spent just looking at each other, identical goofy grins on our faces, both of us feeling the tension of dancing around each other melt away. It was clear in his eyes now: he wanted this as bad as I did.

The moment we realized that, all caution was thrown out the fuckin’ window.

Our lips met desperately this time, all teeth and tongue and desire. Dean let out a groan as I stepped up onto my tip-toes, arms wrapping tight around his neck as I pulled myself closer against him. The hand on my cheek slid back into my hair, holding me to him as his free arm wrapped tight around my waist.

Our lips parted at the same time and our tongues met instantly, brushing against one another again and again. As we pulled back again, I nipped gently at his bottom lip and Dean let out an actual growl, chasing me back and kissing me hard before I could pull away completely.

When I nipped at his lip again he gave a low groan that made my entire body short-circuit. We broke apart again and I dropped my head back, chest heaving with exhilaration as I fought to catch my breath. The hand in my hair fell to grip my hip roughly as his lips connected with my exposed neck, kissing sloppily up to my jaw. He sucked lightly against my pulse point and this time he drew out a moan out of me as I involuntarily arched against him. Keeping his arm tight around my waist, he walked us back roughly until my knees hit the edge of the couch and we both dropped onto the cushions.

One of Dean’s hand came up to hold himself above me, lips leaving my neck for just a heartbeat so he could drape himself over me. My body was on fire, burning to feel him against me. Though he was trying to keep from laying over me I wasn’t having it. I arched against him again and, taking the hint, the arm around my waist held me flush against him as he crashed his lips to mine again, tongue taking control of my mouth once more. I let out a whimper of pleasure and he swallowed it down greedily, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.

I kept one arm around his neck and, taking full advantage of the lines we’d cross tonight, I ran my other hand over the arm planted by my head, squeezing against the delicious muscles I felt straining beneath the skin. I swear he flexed a little more for me and, as pathetic as it was, I actually whimpered at the feeling.

The cocky bastard had the audacity to smirk against my lips, pleased he’d gotten the one-up on me. In retaliation I pulled out from our kiss and tugged him down roughly, flattening us both to the couch as I sealed my lips against his jaw this time. I felt his heart skip a beat as he dropped his head to my shoulder, letting my lips run down his neck. I paused at the junction of his neck and shoulder and nipped softly at the skin before running my tongue over the mark and sucking softly to soothe the sting. He actually freaking shuddered against me.

The hand next to my head slipped into my hair and he pulled me up to catch me in another searing kiss. My hands slid down his lean torso, making the taught muscles twitch beneath my touch until they came to rest at his hips, and slowly I slid them back up underneath his shirt. He groaned into the kiss as my fingers danced up his bare back, digging in to pull him impossibly closer to me

Fuck, Finch,” he breathed, only pulling away enough to rest his forehead against mine. “Y’drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy –“

A door clicked open and the two of us froze instantly, sharing a wide-eyed look for a heartbeat before we whipped our heads to the side. Both of us held our breaths as we watched Seth shuffle out of his room and into the kitchen. Mumbling to himself, still half asleep, he began to dig through one of the cupboards.

What the hell did he need at three thirty in the morning?! Finally, he pulled out a box of oreos, and I honestly debated giving Dean and I away just to tease him about it. As if he could feel my need to harass his friend, Dean lowered his lips to my ear and breathed,

“Don’t you fuckin’ dare.”

It almost got a giggle out of me, and to keep me quiet his lips brushed against mine for just a heartbeat before we went back to watching Seth. Totally oblivious to us on the couch, he popped a cookie in his mouth before tucking the box under his arm to shuffle back to his room.

The second the door clicked shut, the two of us dissolved into giggles. Dean’s head slid to rest on my shoulder and I buried my face into his neck, trying to stay as quiet as we could while we fought to control our laughter. Slowly, Dean shifted and rolled to lay on his side, maneuvering me in his arms so I was tucked to his chest, back against the couch. One of my arms came to rest against him as I brought the other one up to lay over his waist.

He smiled at the movement, somehow actually managing to look shy at that after what we’d just done. For a long time we studied one other, both content in the silence as we held the other close.

There were so many things I wanted to say, things I wanted to talk about, but in that moment all I could manage was,

“I’m really glad you kissed me back this time.” Regret instantly flashed in his gaze and for the first time in quite a while he looked away, lips pressing together.

“I should’a before,” was all he finally said, still not looking at me.

My eyes widened in surprise; that was not the answer I’d been expecting. “You… you wanted to kiss me before? I thought you stopped me because you didn’t like me like that –“

Instantly his eyes snapped down to me and the powerful gaze he fixed me with took my breath away. He slowly shook his head, a hand coming up to absently push my hair back from my face, fingers trailing lightly through the strands.

“It was never you, darlin’. Shit, if anythin’ I liked y’too much for your own good.” His lips flicked up into a small smile. “Still do.”

“Even with puffy, red eyes and messy hair, wearing giant sweats and a big t-shirt?” I laughed, expecting him to join in and poke fun at my appearance too. So when the hand in my hair slid down and cupped my face again, holding me in place for another kiss, I was so surprised I almost forgot to kiss back.

“Especially so,” he promised, and his honesty hit me so hard I couldn’t even think of what to say back to him. He’d liked me all along? He liked me right now? Me, the tiny little trash-gremlin tomboy that wore ratty clothes and usually looked like I’d just got thrown around by a tornado?

I searched his eyes for several moments, looking for any sign that he was joking, or lying, or being anything other than completely truthful with me. And when I didn’t find any of that, all I could ask him was, “why did you push me away, then?”

Dean leaned his head back and blew out a heavy breath, then pressed his lips together hard as I saw him trying to put together his thoughts. We stayed silent for so long I honestly thought he wasn’t gonna answer.

“I was tryin’ t’keep you outta all’a this shit. Thought I was doin’ the right thing,” he finally said quietly, shaking his head more to himself than to me. “Should’a fuckin’ known that every time I try, it just fucks me over more.”

“What shit were you trying to keep me out of?” I pressed; he still didn’t look back down at me, but his arms around me tightened just a bit. “Dean?”

At his name, he gave a heavy sigh and shifted us on the couch again. He settled onto his back and though I stayed at his side, he tucked me against him. I was flush between his side and the back of the couch, curled up against him. Our legs tangled together and I settled my head onto his shoulder, tipping it back to look up at him with a hand resting on his chest, waiting for his explanation. His own head rested against the arm of the couch, leaned back to let him stare out the windows at the early Nashville morning. The arm he still had wrapped around my back held me a little tighter and he ran his hand slowly up and down my arm as I felt him take a slow, deep breath.

“All the shit that comes with me. Shit I’m too caught up in that someone like you doesn’t need’a get involved with.”

It came to me slowly as we sat in the dark, my mind going back through the run-ins with the Shield, to the stuff that had just been exposed with Brad Maddox, and now to the high-end penthouse suite we were laying in.

“Heyman,” I realized, and finally Dean leaned his head down to meet my gaze as he gave a single nod in confirmation. “You guys aren’t working with him because you want to. He’s got things on you.”

“It’s a little more complicated than that,” he said simply, trying to end it there. When he saw the questions in my eyes he instantly started to shake his head. “Finch, I really shouldn’t bring y’into all this –“

The hand on his chest moved to grab the back of his head, pulling him down to meet me as I leaned up and kissed him again. My lips were gentle and feather light against his, doing just enough to silence him like he’d done to me earlier before I let him go and sank back down into his hold.

“I’m already in, Ambrose,” I told him simply. “You don’t have to tell me everything, I know it’s personal. I just want to understand why you’re stuck answering to Heyman and Punk.”

Dean bobbed his head in a small nod, lifting his eyes to the window again as he took a deep breath.

“I had nothin’ when I started in the indies. No money, no gear, no direction, ‘cept I knew I wanted t’wrestle. I was good so it wasn’t hard t’find a lot’a people t’put a lot’a money into me. Got myself my gear, signed contracts, pretty much sold myself t’the highest payer t’get whatever I wanted. I ended up goin’ where the money sent me, an’ I got myself in real deep. An’ of course when I started makin’ my own money, everyone wanted theirs back. Soon as I’d get paid for a match I’d have’ta turn around an’ give it away. An’ of course I still needed t’pay for my shit, so I had to borrow more. It never fuckin’ ended.”

The helplessness in his voice cut into me. I could just imagine him, young and stuck and desperate for anything to keep his head above water. It was clear he’d been willing to do whatever he need to in order to keep himself going, and I was scared for him thinking of all that had to entail.

“2011, I was at my worst. Owed so much shit to so many people, there was no way I was gettin’ myself out,” he admitted bitterly, shaking his head. “No idea what I was gonna do. I was stuck. I had nothin’ goin’ for me. An’ then Paul fuckin’ Heyman showed up.”

The pieces were falling into place now, and honestly I didn’t like them any better than the thought of the Shield just being henchmen for the hell of it. “He bought you out.”

“More like he had an offer from The Authority.”

A frown came onto my face and I asked in surprise, “what, Stephanie and Hunter?”

Dean nodded and explained, “they wanted t’pay off all my debt an’ set me up on the FCW roster right then an’ there. Said they needed my talents an’ they were willin’ t’do whatever it took to get me with ‘em. All I had’ta do was sign on his dotted line. An’ I did it without even readin’ the contract. Didn’t even ask what they really wanted. There was no way they’d shell out all that money just’ta get some new talent. But I didn’t care then. I just wanted out.”

Stephanie and Hunter had contracted The Shield? “They… they brought you guys into the WWE? They set up the attack at Survivor Series?”

“Not quite. It’s a little more complicated ,” Dean said with a sigh. “See… they bought all of us out. Roman was goin’ through a lot’a shit at the time with his health. Dug himself in deep with gamblin’ an’ bettin’. Hell, he owed more than me. Seth was in hot water with some big wig from Ring of Honor. Somethin’ about a car accident an’ damaged property. Shit he couldn’t afford. The Authority… they’d been watchin’ for people like us. People stupid enough t’get themselves backed into a corner so lost an’ desperate they’d take help without thinkin’ twice. An’ we didn’t care at first. Said we were even with ‘em, we’d just be on the roster ‘till we did enough t’pay ‘em back. ‘Cept, we really didn’t like owin’ anyone money.”

“You made a deal with Heyman,” I realized suddenly, sitting up a bit to meet his gaze. He glanced at me, nodded, and looked away. “You’d keep Punk holding the title and make Heyman’s job as his advocate easier. And with what he’s been paying you, you’ve been trying to pay back the Authority.”

“See? Told’ya yer smart,” he teased lightly, but the humor died out almost instantly as he muttered, “’course it ain’t that easy. Heyman’s been holdin’ out on us, Punk’s gettin’ too fuckin’ cocky for his own good, an’ now the Authority’s startin’ t’get upset with our involvement. If they find out we’re doin’ it as contract work for Heyman... They haven’t told us t’stop, but they got that power if they want it. They control us. Till we pay back what we owe, we’re theirs.”

The silence that settled over us was heavy and cold, and I shivered against Dean. His arm tightened around me and I tipped my head back. Feeling the movement, he looked down at me and I said softly, “I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, though, I’m happy this proves that you guys aren’t assholes just for the hell of it.”

“Well, it don’t make us good people,” he countered. When I realized he was being fully honest and serious, I propped myself up on his chest, frowning down at him. He studied me curiously, not understanding the look on my face.

I think you guys are good,” I told him earnestly. For a heartbeat, his face softened into a smile, and one of his hands came up to rest over mine on his chest. I could tell he didn’t fully believe me, but instead of refuting it genuinely, he teased me with,

“Yeah. You also think you own my hoodie now. I know I can’t trust your opinions, darlin’.”

With a scoff, I flopped back down beside him, moodily burrowing into his side as I argued, “it is mine. I’ll fight you for it.”

“That’ll be more intimidatin’ the day you’re tall enough t’look over the ring ropes,” he snickered, and I pulled my hand out from under his to smack his chest. The two of us dissolved into quiet chuckles. As the heaviness from the last few conversations on the couch drifted away, I felt sleep beginning to tug at my eyes.

I should’ve gotten up, should’ve gone to lay down with Nikki, but I couldn’t make myself pull out of Dean’s hold. I was warm, content, safe, and happy. It was rare I ever felt even half those things at once, and I had it all in Dean’s arms.

He didn’t object when he felt me nuzzle closer, yawning as I let myself fully relax and shut my eyes. His hand came to rest on mine again, and he gave a gentle squeeze as he murmured,

“G’night, darlin’.”

“Night, Dean,” I mumbled. Just as I felt myself slipping fully into sleep, Dean leaned down and brushed his lips against my forehead; I smiled into his shoulder as I drifted off to sleep.



The smell’a bacon and eggs pulled Dean outta the best damn dream he’d had his whole life. For several moments he laid perfectly still, hopin’ he could go right back in. Back t’where he’d kissed the girl’a his dreams, told her his shitty secrets, an’ still had her layin’ in his arms after all was said an’ done.

Even with how eager he was to get back into sleep, hunger quickly won out and he yawned, slowly peelin’ his eyes open. At first he couldn’t figure out why he was sprawled on the couch, and he started to sit up with a frown.

That is, till he felt the warmth curled beside him. He looked down in disbelief, an’ sure enough. Finch was layin’ with him. Holy shit. It wasn’t a dream. It’d really fuckin’ happened.

He’d kissed Finch. Holy fuck had he kissed Finch… a smile took over his face as he stared down at her. He reached up with the hand not wrapped around her small body so he could gently push her hair back from her face. She was really here. She was here with him.

He grinned down at her for a loss’a words. Shit, he coulda stayed like that for hours… that is, till he heard a throat clear from across the room. The bacon an’ eggs sure weren’t makin’ themselves. They weren’t alone; Dean slowly turned to look back at the kitchen. Roman was standin’ at the stove, idly pushin’ the eggs around in the pan as he grinned at Dean.

“Mornin’,” he said quietly, cheeky grin takin’ over his face. Dean’s entire fuckin’ face was on fire. Slowly, he slipped his arm out from under Finch an’ then rolled outta her hold, gently settlin’ her on the couch.

He didn’t speak until he was leanin’ on the counter across from Roman. He cleared his throat and mumbled back, “uh, mornin’. Hope y’don’t mind, they uh… Finch an’ her friend didn’t have a room –“

“Ay, the more the merrier,” Roman dismissed, still givin’ Dean a pleased smirk as he nodded t’the couch. “You wanna tell me what that was about?”

Dean cleared his throat an’ looked away, tryin’ t’keep his smile back, but he just fuckin’ couldn’t. He kissed his girl. After all the shit they’d been through, he’d kissed her. He got t’make up for the shit he pulled with the last kiss. He got t’explain why he had’ta go against her friends. Things were fuckin’ right in life for once.

“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” Dean dismissed, shruggin’ his shoulders. Roman snorted and when he glanced at his brother he just shook his head.

“Yeah, sure. ‘Bout as believable as Seth sayin’ he doesn’t eat all the goddamn cookies.”

Dean frowned, thoughts goin’ back t’earlier that mornin’. “Y’know, about that –“

His words cut off when he heard movement from the livin’ room and instantly he was lookin’ to his girl. Finch stretched and slowly sat up, his heart skipped a whole two beats. His favorite shirt pooled over her frame an’ as she rubbed at her eyes and ran a hand through her long, messy hair, Dean couldn’t help but stare. Finch was the most beautiful girl he’d ever fuckin’ seen, an’ he’d gotten t’actually fuckin’ kiss her. She looked around sleepily an’ her soft green eyes landed on him. The moment they did, a huge grin came over her face that got Dean smilin’ like a fuckin’ idiot.

Yeah, the shit with Heyman and the Authority, it sucked. It really fuckin’ sucked. It’d been a shitty couple’a years, that was for sure. But in that moment Dean knew he’d never take any of it back. Hell, he’d go through it all again.

All the shit he’d been through was worth is as long as he ended up right where he was at that moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy 4 years, everyone! I still can't believe it's been that long since I first posted (and that I'm only on Chapter 26...)! I wanted to thank all of you for your feedback on what to do to celebrate, and I'm happy to announce the giveaway!

To enter please complete this survey! Be sure to read the information at the beginning, and feel free to message me with any questions!

As well, I posted a fun "10 Things You Didn't Know About CATCM" on []Tumblr[/url] and I've linked to the Spotify playlist I have for the story as a little extra something for you all.

Regarding the story, I hope you guys loved this as much as I did! I've had this chapter planned for the better part of two years and I know y'all were dying for this moment, so I hope it lived up to your expectations!

PLEASE leave comments and let me know your thoughts! I'm dying to know what you thought of their big moment together!

Thank you all so much for reading, and for all your support! I love you guys!