The D in Apartment 23

I Hate New Neighbours

Harry had been back in her apartment for about 30 minutes when she heard the knock at her door. Inwardly groaning she walked over to the door pulling her hoodie over the Iron Man v neck her best friend had gotten her one Christmas as a joke. Her hair was in a messy knot on the top of her head and her glasses were resting on the end of her nose as she swung the door open to reveal the towering man from across the hall. Her senses quickly picking up as she pulled the hoodie tighter around her body to hide the face on it as she looked up at him in surprise. "Bucky, hey, hi." She stuttered out as he smiled at her, desperately trying to keep his eyes on her face and not at her smooth tanned legs. "Is everything ok?" She asked quickly concerned that she'd caused damage to his arm.
"Yeah, I owed you coffee and noticed you normally come back at this time so here. Milk and four sugars." He smiled nervously holding the paper cup with the oh so familiar green logo on it. She smiled taking the warm offering, his cheeks hinting the softest shade of pink.
"Thanks. I was only joking though, I'm always happy to help." She laughed slightly before taking a gulp of happiness letting out a satisfied 'ahh' when she finished.
"My friend looked my arm over, he was impressed with your work." Bucky told her, again surprise filling her features.
"Really? Well it was by far the scariest thing I had ever done so please don't make a habit of it happening." She smiled up at him as he shook his head smiling.
"I should leave you to your evening anyway, I bet you're tired." He smiled at her as she stifled a yawn from him.
"Thanks for the coffee neighbour." She smiled holding it up like it was expensive scotch or something.
"You're welcome Harry." He smiled turning to go into his apartment. He waited until she'd closed the door to turn to look at Steve who had been leaning against her wall the whole time.
"I think she has a soft spot for you." He smiled as Bucky shook his head.
"She's polite that's all. Besides she was wearing a metal man top." Bucky mumbled, unbeknown to the two guys Harry was leaning on her door with a smile on her face as she listened to their 'guy talk'.

This had been happening over the course of a week now, after 30 minutes of Harry being back from her shift she'd get a knock on the door and there stood Bucky with a still steaming coffee for her. After the second day Harry decided to start wearing sweatpants in case it became a regular thing, thankfully it did. However, today was her day off and she had decided to surprise Bucky instead, grabbing his coffee and hers from the counter she quickly made the short distance back to the apartment block. She decided to take the stairs, the old creaky lift always gave her a panic with every little noise. She finally reached her floor, walking down the darkly decorated corridor past all the other rooms until she was level with his. Rasping her knuckles on the door she breathed out quickly, he didn't have visitors so she was doubtful that he would open the door. She heard some shuffling about from behind the wooden door until finally the click of the lock allowing the door to open slightly, just enough to reveal her neighbour. "Harry hey." He smiled at her as she held the coffee cup up.
"Surprise." She laughed as he opened the door wider and that's when she saw him; all in black. His thick side zipped military standard jacket hugging his chest nice and tight, his military style pants and boots that completed the terrifying look. The only colour on him was that of the metal arm that stood out dramatically from the dark colouring. Harry couldn't help but look him up and down for the longest of times, she had to admit he was so handsome; even in mission attire. Realising she'd been staring for far too long she shook her head to bring her back to reality. "You're busy, I'm sorry. I just wanted to give it to you." She fumbled about with her keys, "the coffee! I mean I just wanted to give you the coffee." She practically shouted, the amused grin on Bucky's face quickly disappearing when she smacked her head on the door that she hadn't realised she'd moved closer too when staring.
"Shit." She mumbled, closing her eye as an instant reaction.
"Are you ok?" He asked trying to hide the laugh from his voice as he gently swiped his thumb over it. "What do I need to put on it?" He asked, concern now filling his voice as she flinched.
"Well for starters not your thumb." She smiled up at him. "It's fine, I walk into at least five things a day so this is nothing." She blushed. "Anyway I'll leave you to whatever you was doing." She smiled sliding her key into the lock biting her lip.
"I'm going on a mission." He told her, biting his lip as she turned to look up at him. He noticed the worry cross her face before she masked it.
"Is it far?" She asked, biting her own lip.
"Chicago. I should be back by tomorrow afternoon." He smiled over at her to reassure her, but why he didn't know.
"I've never been there." She smiled, looking down. "Is it dangerous?" She asked her voice quieter this time.
"Not really." He watched her as she nodded her eyes finally reaching his.
"Stay safe." She echoed the words he'd said to her over a week ago as he nodded. Standing on her tip toes she planted her lips on his cheek softly. "I mean it. I hate new neighbours." She whispered letting herself into the apartment and waving him bye as he walked down the corridor, the gun and knife he used tucked securely in his waistband.