

Summer was long drives on winding back roads. It was the way the wind blew through the leaves, the way the sun warmed your skin, the way the rain smelled in the evening. Summer was bare feet on freshly mowed grass, and floating in your pool or your friend’s pool until your fingers and toes resembled prunes. It was the smell of suntan lotion and sand between your toes. Summer was carefree and freedom. It felt endless and short all at once.

For Sasha, summer was all this and more. For Sasha, the summer was Aidan.

Summer was curling up together at the drive in, cotton candy on their tongues, walks at sunset, and summer breezes over exposed skin. It was their time. Summer was full of love.

Going to different colleges had proved difficult for their relationship, but they remained strong. Sasha was constantly waiting for summer, and when it finally arrived she knew it wouldn’t be long until she was reunited with Aidan.

As soon as she could, she was in her car, driving home. Driving towards summer vacation, toward Aidan.

She rolled the windows down, turned the music up loud and sang along. The drive home was always the easiest—she was heading toward something rather than away.

And she could picture him, waiting for her. Sitting under the tree in her front yard, pretending to read a book but unable to really concentrate, her mother bringing him lemonade or iced tea.

She smiled at the thought, her smile growing as the scenery around her became more and more familiar. She was almost there.

She didn’t really know what the future held for her and Aidan. How long they could make this work. But she didn’t really care. All she cared about was Aidan and summer and long nights.

She turned onto her street, the sun a blazing orange as it made it’s descent. And sure enough, she could just make out a figure leaning against the tree in her front yard.

She laughed, full of joy.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end!