Status: Work in Progress

Enemies of Comfort

Be Safe

“Ma’am? Are you okay? You’ve got blood all over your shirt.”

“It’s not real, do not worry.”

“You’re awfully nice to these humans.” Daniel’s arm slithered around my waist, pulling me into his side.

“We have to try to blend in, I don’t feel like moving towns again.”

I slightly cringed as his claws dug into my ribs. “Don’t bring up the past unless you wish to relive it.”

Endure another broken back and head injury?

It almost seems worth it.

“I’m going to the library, I’ll see you later.”

“You better stay away from that little bird.”

I’d rather be alone than with either of you.

I kept my eyes on the ground as I walked, avoiding the gaze of the other creatures.

Only when the chanting began did I lift my eyes, finding the source.


“Where is it? We need it’s fang.”

Beginners, they have no idea how to use their powers yet.

“You need a fang? From a vampire?” I smiled sweetly as they jumped. “What are you supposed to be? Witches? Don’t you know that shit’s all fake? Grow up.”

“Be on your way little human, we’re busy.”

If only I were human.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

Another lycan.

“You’re on my property witches, leave, before I use force.”


“The wolf!”

“Get him!”

Instantly my form altered, taking some features of the wolf.


Growling lightly I heeded his warning.

“Another? How?”

“How did we not notice?”

Terrified, they backed away, keeping a watchful eye.

“You’re in public, change back.”

“Brother, what are you doing here?” I asked, shaking my hair.

“Father told me to come check on you. You know how overboard he can be.”


“This neighborhood, is now ours.”

Oh for Pete sake.

Maybe I do need to move after all.

Wait, the library is in this neighborhood.

“Well, it was good to see you. I’m going to read now.”

“Be safe.”

“And you as well.”

He’s going to follow me wherever I go.

I will never be alone.

“Hello Savannah.”

“Hello Jess.”

A goblin.

No threat.

He’ll leave her be.

“Hello friend.”

My back tensed.

He’s watching, hidden in the shadows, waiting to pounce.

But I don’t sense him anywhere.

“What do you want?”

“Just a friendly conversation.”

He smiled a tooth grin, waving around a book.

“Is that Parasyte?”

“You read manga?”

We shared a moment of shocked silence.

“I read manga all the time.”

“Me too.”

The idea of ever having a civilized conversation with an angel had never crossed my mind.

Yet there I was, an hour later, talking to an angel about books of all things.

I watched as his shoulders tensed ever so slightly. “I think your boyfriend is here.”

“I need to go.” I jumped up quickly, running to the door. “Hi Daniel, I was just coming to find you.”

My head cracked against the brick wall in the alleyway as Daniel threw me.

The scenery whirled as my brother and mate fought.

The sudden yelp and whimper made me wince as Daniel fled, holding his now broken arm and shoulder.

“First an angel and now him!? What is wrong with you!? Are you mad!? Did your brain become injured the last time he nearly killed you!?”

The more he yelled, the closer he became to his full lycan form.

“Please calm down Adrian!”

The guttural growl that escaped his throat had my heart dropping to my stomach.

He’s going to tear someone apart!

What the hell am I going to do!?

Swiftly I threw him into a hug, trying to calm him down.

“Do not touch me!” He yelled, throwing me to the side. “Father is going to kill you when he finds out about this Savannah. You really fucked up this time.”

“I did nothing wrong Adrian! The angel, he wasn’t threatening me. He saved me, twice. I figured he at least deserved a slight friendly conversation. And Daniel is my mate, am I never supposed to see him again.

If father, if you, wish to disown me, than so be it.”

“I do not wish to disown you Savannah, but I will not sit here and watch you continue to ruin your life. Get rid of the winged creature.”


“For the love of god Savannah! Do not be defiant right now! If you’re not going to kill the angel, at least get rid of the mut.

He is a loaded gun, I do not wish to go to your funeral any time soon.” Adrian put his hands on my shoulders, looking me square in the eyes. “We have had our fights, but you are still my sister, and I love you.

Seeing you put yourself through such danger, hurts me. I want you to be safe, and you can’t do that if you’re still associating yourself with Daniel.

I’d rather your mate be the disgusting angel.”

“Adrian, I am sorry, really, but I don’t know what to do.

I won’t kill someone who doesn’t deserve it, and that angel, does not. Daniel, has been by my side ever since we were pups, I can’t leave him just like that. It will take some time, and I’m trying to distance myself. However, I will not go back home with you and father to do so.

Please understand, I have to live my life and fight my own battles.”

He let out a loud sigh and threw me into a hug, lightly caressing my hair. “I understand, I had the same foolish intent when I was your age.

I won’t leave you alone, I’m staying here in town to keep an eye on you.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less brother.” I laughed, pushing him away.

“Until later than my dear sister.”

“Until later.”

I had made it halfway down the alleyway before Adrian called back, making me stop in my tracks. “Beware Savannah, we are not the only lycans in this hellish town, tread carefully.”

We are not the only lycans?

That doesn’t bother me.

What bothers me, is the fact that I haven’t noticed his presence.


“I will kill your brother!”

It took all that I am to keep from laughing as I watched the injured wolf hobble around our place.

“You don’t think you asked for it Daniel? You’ve already threatened my family and I once. You nearly killed me. He was just protecting his own. You would do the same.”

“If you don’t bite your tongue, I’ll kill you first.”

I barked out a laugh, walking back into the alley. “You plan to kill me while you’re injured? Dream on.”


“You’re a feisty little pup aren’t you?”

Daniel growled menacingly as an arm flung around my shoulders.

All I could do was stand there in shock.

“Tell me pup, what’s your name?”

My eyes scanned up, meeting the gaze of a man, tall in stature, and much larger than Daniel could ever hope to be.

“You are on my property, I do not recall inviting you.”

He smirked, sending chills down my spine. “There you go again little one.”

“Get your hands off of her.”

His eyes left me for a moment to glance at Daniel.

“Is he your mate?”

“He is.”

I watched as his face hardened slightly. “And your mate threatens to kill you? You dishonor the lycan bloodline mongrel.”

Every organ in my body went on hiatus as I awaited Daniel and the newcomer to rip each other to shreds.

“Your ass is mine dog.”

“I do not wish to fight in front of a lady, even if she is a feisty little wolf.

Take another step and your blood will be painting these bricks.”

My heart dropped to my stomach as Daniel backed away, tail between his legs.

Again my eyes met his.

“Be safe pup.” His smile showed his pearly whites, blinding me momentarily.

“Savannah, explain yourself.”

“Come again Daniel?”

“Explain yourself. Who is that mut, and why did he have his arm around you?”

The psychotic look in his eyes had me panicking.

“I do not know who he is.” I backed away slowly, getting ready to run. “I don’t know why he had his arm around me.”

“Why did you not stop him? Am I not your mate!? Are you not faithful!?”

“Uh oh, looks like it’s time to go.”

Never did I think I would be happy to see the angel, but when he flashed us out of there, I hugged him.

“So that man is your mate? But isn’t that the same guy who tried to kill you the first time we met?”

“Listen nerd, mind your own business.”

“I just saved your life! That’s all that you can say to me!?”

My interests perked as his anger rose.

“I never asked you to save me.”

“You could have died! Normal people would have thanked me! You’re an ungrateful-” By now his face was mere inches from mine.

“Ungrateful what bird, say it.”

“Woman. You’re an ungrateful woman.” He calmed, stepping back. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to get so ill tempered. I do not know what came over me.”

“Aw, go back to being mad little birdie, that was fun.”

“You seem to have a death wish feisty one. First a deranged mongrel and now a feathered being.”

“You? Are you following me?”

“Is this your friend Savannah?” The angel smiled and stuck out his hand. “I’m Jareth, nice to meet you.”

“Is he serious?” His bewildered look only had me nodding my head. “Listen, Jareth, I’m a lycan, a werewolf. Apparently you missed the memo about being enemies.”

“Nope!” He smiled brightly. “I just disregarded it. I have no need to fight anyone. I never quite understood it anyways, angels are supposed to be heavenly, good, yet we kill anything that’s not our own kind.

Sounds rather judgmental.”

“It’s just how it’s been for years kid, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“I wouldn’t call me a kid, I’m 526. I don’t think I ever caught your name friend.”

“That’s because I never gave it to you.”

“Wait wait wait.” My mind reeled from the news. “You’re 526? You look like you’re maybe 25.”

“He’s an angel, it’s kind of how things work for them. You don’t know very much do you?”

“Well you’re rude.”

“Don’t be an asshole! This is my first time ever talking to an angel, I usually kill them.”

I glared at the lycan standing next to me, hoping he would just disappear.

“Oh Savannah.” He smirked, starting to walk away. “Why don’t you waste your time catching up on your history rather than reading manga?”


“Was he at the library with us?”

“Jareth, can you do me a favor?”

“Of course! Anything!”

You’re a little too eager pal.

Please don’t tell me this angel has a crush on me. That’s going to cause some problems.

“Can you follow him please? Just for a little bit, figure out some things about him.”

“Yeah, sure. You think he’s dangerous?”

“I honestly don’t know.”