Garden of Eden


It was so easy to not care. It was so easy to let go. It was so easy to seduce these men.

She liked to put on her performance at clubs. Eden knew her audience, she put on her show, and she relished the standing ovations she received. She wasn’t prepared when someone didn’t stand.

She was used to getting her way, the men fighting for her attention. She wasn’t used to disinterest. Suddenly she didn’t want easy.

“You don’t go out much, do you?” she stared at him. Stared at the way his hair curled around his ears, stared at the smirk that appeared on his face, stared at his fingers wrapped around a sweating glass, stared at his eyes as they met hers.

“I get out enough.”

He didn’t ask for her name, didn’t offer to buy her a drink. For the first time she was stumped. She had no clue how to get to him. Her church doors were open, but he wasn’t there to pray.