We Can Only Pretend for So Long

Time's Up!

“No bickering, no taunts, no threats, and no tricks.” Josh again.
“You’ll have to sleep in the same bed.”
“Bri!” I yelled at my ‘best friend’.
“You’re not doing that to my sister.”
Thank you Ry, I love you!
“Okay, let’s vote then, all against the dare raise your hand.”
Instantly Jacob and I raised our hands, along with Ry, and Nick.
“You two don’t get to vote.” Josh stated towards Jacob and I.
“Why the hell not?” We yelled in unison.
“Okay, votes in, looks like you two are going in the closet, unless you would rather, suffer the consequences.” Chase commented before Shaughn.
“Son of a bitch!” I stood from the bean bag chair and stormed to the closet, Jacob close behind.
“Have fun.” Monny cooed before shutting the door.
Stupid dare, what kind of shit is this?
I’m not kissing him.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s not ugly, far from it actually. If we weren’t enemies, I’d probably really like him, as much as I hate to say it.
Shaggy blonde hair that always falls into his bright blues eyes, usually having to flip it out with a sexy jerk of his head, the muscle of a football player, the ones toned, but not too toned, and that smile, that he never directs my way, could make any girl swoon.
But that doesn’t matter, what matters is he’s my enemy, and I am so never gong to kiss him.
This game is stupid, why force someone to kiss?
See, it’s not that this is my first kiss, no, I’ve had boyfriends, believe me, this isn’t my first kiss, but I don’t want to kiss him.
“Do they know they’re forcing their precious angel to give her first kiss to her enemy?”
Son of a bitch, how’d he know that!?
“How do you know that?”
“I have my ways.”
“Well it doesn’t matter anyways, cuz I’m not kissing you. Gah! This is all your fault.”
“How is this my fault?”
“If you weren’t here this wouldn’t have happened.”
“Oh right, if I wasn’t here you’d be in here with your little boyfriend sucking face right?”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
We stood in silence for a moment.
“I wish my brother would kick your ass again.”
“Again? He didn’t the first time.”
“Oh please, I could kick your ass.”
He laughed at this. “I’d like to see you try.”
“I can! And I will!”
“Then do it Kyle.” He sneered.
I hated it when he called me Kyle, it meant he was serious, it meant he was being overly confident.
My right hand soared toward his face, but he caught it.
Damn it all! I forgot how fast he was!
Not taking anymore time I sent my left hand to attack his jaw, only to have him catch that one as well.
“I thought you were going to kick my ass Kyle.”
I squirmed in his grip. He leaned a little closer to whisper something, but the door flew open, stopping both of us.
“Time’s up!” We stared at Shaughn as he stood in the doorway.
“Let go of me jackass.” I growled, stomping on his foot.
Immediately he let go, grumbling about the pain as he followed me out.
“Okay Ky, Jacob, I hope you’re ready to suffer the consequences.” Josh said as we stood before them.
“Can’t you shorten the sentence? Like just for the weekend or something? Please?” I begged.
“Nope, sorry.”
“Shaughn, a weekend is long enough.” Ry said sternly.
“Okay, okay. For this weekend only, you two will live together.”
“Share a bed.”
“And you cannot, for any reason, leave until we come to get you.” Chase added before Shaughn could end our game.
“And thus, ends our thrilling game of truth or dare. You may now leave.”
Jacob and I silently tried to escape.
“Ah ah ah, you two get back here.”
“Fuck.” Jacob grumbled.
“I’ve got the perfect place for you two to stay. Just a summer house my family owns. Though you will have to entertain yourselves, there’s no computer, phone or TV. Just a house.” He explained as he shoved us in the car.
“This is dumb.” I mumbled.
The ride to my house seemed way too short.
“I’m going to give you each five minutes to pack some clothes, we want to get you there before eight, now hurry Ky.”
I stormed from the car and ran into the house, up to my room.
Everything I thought I would need went into the bag.
Bras, boy cuts, shorts, tanks, t-shirts, pants, pajamas, shampoo, brush, and most importantly, kind of, my cell phone/mp3.
Now I could live without my cell, but my mp3, that’s my life, and since they’re 2 in 1, I need my cell.
A honk came from outside and I panicked, cowering in the corner.
“Come on Kyle, you gotta go.” Ryan said as he entered my room.
“I don’t want to.”
“Can I see your bag?”
I handed it to him cautiously, not knowing what to expect.
And let me tell you, I was not expecting him to drag me to the car.
“Traitor!” I yelled as he closed the door.
“Love you too.” He said with a wave.
And then we drove off, leaving my house behind, and the city for that matter.
“Don’t we have to get Jacob’s stuff?”
“I already got it, ran home.”
Oh yeah, Jacob lives on the same block as me.
The ride to the middle of nowhere took about an hour, an excruciatingly long hour.
When we finally made it, I was in awe.
The place is beyond beautiful, trees galore, lake out back, but, no neighbors.
“Alright kids, this is the last stop, have a great weekend and remember, try not to get any blood on the carpet.”
We opened our doors, ready to step out. “Oh! And one more thing, I’m gonna need your cell phones.”
“No contact to the outside world.”
I sighed and handed him my cell phone, watching as Jacob dug in his pocket.
“Here.” He grunted before slamming it into his hand.
“Be good.” Shaughn sang before racing away.
I turned my back towards his disappearing car and looked at the empty house.
“Well don’t just stand there, let’s go.”
“Asshole.” I grumble before following him to the house.
“Who the hell leaves their house open when they’re not home?”
“Apparently someone who doesn’t care about getting robbed.” I suggested as I turned on a light.
Yeah, this is a house alright, with nothing but furniture and cook ware.
Wandering through the house I noticed something. Every door was locked, except the master bedroom and the adjoining bathroom. It’s like they had planned this ahead of time. “This is crap!”
“What?” Jacob asked, appearing behind me.
“This is the only room not locked.”
“So this is the only bed in the house right now.”