We Can Only Pretend for So Long

A Pretty Big Deal

“No!” I woke startled, sitting up quickly in the bed.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jacob asked still half asleep lying next to me.
I looked down to my waist where a heavy object held me down.
Oh god.
“Get your arm off of me.” I snarled, ripping it away.
“Sorry, if I would’ve realized it was you I wouldn’t have done it.” Yeah, he’s awake now.
“Jack ass.”
We sat there silent for a moment.
“You had that dream again didn’t you?”
Okay, we might be enemies, but we still talk, sometimes.
We even converse casually, which is why he knows about my dream.
“I’m really sorry.”
“Jacob, you don’t have to be sorry.” I whispered, not sure if my voice would work.
“Yes I do Kyle, it wouldn’t have happened if I would’ve just kept my mouth shut.”
I grabbed his clenched fist in my hand.
A gasp escaped my throat as he pulled my hand back, causing my body to fly towards his.
He embraced me in a hug that I haven’t received since second grade, a true hug.
I felt myself hug him back as a tear rolled down my cheek.
Jacob buried his face in my hair and I buried mine in his chest.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t.” I said pulling away so I could see his face.
“No Kyle, you almost died because of me.”
“It’s not your fault Jacob, it was my stupid decision.”
“A stupid decision you made because of what I said.” He brushed the tear away as he spoke.
“But I didn’t get hurt, because you came back. I owe you one.”
See, we can be civilized, kind of.
“Yeah? I think I know what you can do for me.” He said with a smirk.
And just like that, the mood completely changed.
“Make me some breakfast.”
“Oh go make it yourself.”
“Aw, but you said you owe me.”
“You saved my life and all I have to do to repay you is make you breakfast?”
“Well, there is one thing, and we wouldn’t even have to get out of bed.”
“Yeah, you’re getting nothing.”
“Oh come on, you could be my first time, I hear that’s a pretty big deal.”
“Nope.” I said, walking out of the room.
As much as that little fact surprised me, I didn’t show it.
Jacob’s a virgin, who would’ve guessed?
The bacon sizzled in the pan and I readied an egg to be cracked.
“I think they planned this.” I said as Jacob walked into the kitchen.
“This is a summer house right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“So it’s late October, and all of the food is new, not to mention the only room not locked was the master bedroom. And the front door was open.”
He pondered the idea. “Fuck, why would they plan this?”
“Who the hell knows?”
“Maybe they did it to try and get us to stop fighting all the time.”
“We don’t fight all the time.”
“Yes we do.”
“No we don’t.”
“Yes we do Kylie.”
“No we don’t Jacob.” I retorted, throwing a piece of bacon at him.
“See! We do so.” He took a bite before throwing it back.
“What if-never mind.”
Breakfast finished, I began to make the plates.
“What if what?” He asked, leaning over me to get some food.
If anybody were to look in right now, they’d probably think we’re a couple.
“Hey, keep your grubby hands to yourself.”
I turned suddenly, Jacob a little too close for comfort.
“Calm down Angel.” He sneered the name, his face awfully close to mine.
Pushing him as hard as I could he staggered back, a little shocked.
I took the time to sit at the table with the food.
Let me tell you, it didn’t take him long to recover, because only seconds later he was sitting across from me, taking a bite of his food.
“So what if what?” He asked after he chewed some bacon.
At least he has the decency not to talk with his mouth full.
“It’s nothing.” Taking another bite I averted my eyes from his.
“Kyle, just tell me.”
“Well I was thinking, what if this actually makes us fight more?”
My stomach suddenly lurched, and I wasn’t so hungry anymore.
I looked up to see Jacob smiling. “Or, what if it does the opposite, what if it works exactly how they planned it, but a little too well?”
“What are you talking about Jacob?”
“What if we got along?”
“We do that sometimes.”
“But what if we got along so well, we started to like each other, and because we started to like each other, we became a couple?”
“A couple?”
“Yeah, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend, come on, keep up Ky.”
“No, in case you haven’t realized, I don’t like you like that.”
“That doesn’t matter Kylie.” Sometimes I think he just uses that name to butter me up. “You don’t have to like me to pull a joke on everyone.”
“But it’s gonna ruin my chances with N-” I slapped my hand over my mouth.
“Nick, yeah yeah.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ve known you since first grade Kyle, it’s pretty obvious when you like someone.” I was silent, and jealous, I couldn’t tell when he liked someone. “So, are you gonna do this or not?”
“Well, you owe me one anyways, so you have to.”
“But! I made you breakfast! That’s what you said you wanted!”
“As you stated before, it seems a little weak for what I did for you. So, in or not?” I bit my bottom lip. “Yes! This is gonna be great, I can already imagine the looks on their faces-”
“Wait! I didn’t say anything!” I yelled as he stood up.
He walked over and grabbed my chin, slightly pulling down my bottom lip. “You didn’t have to, you bit your lip, sure sign of giving in.”
Why does he know me so well?
“Stop touching me.” I groaned as I slapped his hand.
“Oh so now your boyfriend isn’t allowed to touch you?” Head, meet table. “Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?” He laughed.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?