We Can Only Pretend for So Long

Why Would I?

“Jacob, Shaughn just called about you guys freaking out, what should I tell him?” I groaned at the rude awakening. “That apparently you’re busy scoring with your girlfriend.”
“No! Jay! Get in here!” I yelled.
“I don’t kn-”
“Now.” I growled.
He did so hesitantly, still thinking that Jacob was, having sex with me. “You tell them that I will cut off your balls.”
“Okay okay, so what am I supposed to tell them?”
“Tell em you came and picked us up, something about family crap, but do NOT tell them about us-” Jacob’s husky voice came from behind me.
“Being together, yeah yeah.” Jay took the phone off of mute. “I got em, Jacob and I have a family thing today. I have my ways. Yeah, bye. Hurry up, I gotta take you home.”
“Yes sir.” I saluted tiredly before he left, closing the door behind him.
I sat up and stretched, trying to rid myself of sleep.
My eyes bore holes into the floor as I zoned out.
“Hm?” I didn’t look up to meet his gaze.
“We have one more thing to master before school tomorrow.”
His finger lifted my chin gently and my heart jumped to my throat as his face came closer to mine.
Do I really want Jacob to be my first kiss?
“No.” Well I didn’t mean to say it out loud.
He smirked but kept moving forward, only stopping when his lips were maybe a post it note away. “Why not?”
My breath caught in my throat as his breath tickled my skin.
I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t. The only thing I could do was stare into those beautiful blue eyes that seemed to sparkle, even in the dim lighting.
He closed his eyes and I knew he was going to do it, so, I moved my head to the side, letting his soft lips land on my cheek.
A husky chuckle escaped his throat. “I knew you’d do that.”
I pushed him back and stood, heading for the door. “I’m not doing this.”
“Don’t act like that.”
“I’m not doing this.” I repeated, hand on the doorknob.
He wrapped his arms around my waist to stop me. “Oh come on, please, it’ll be fun.” He whispered in my ear.
“You know you wanna get back at Shaughn, doing this might possibly give him a heart attack.”
He quickly pulled his arms away as I began to dig my nails into his skin.
“Fine, but don’t, touch me.”
“We have to.”
“Then don’t, kiss me, I don’t want you stealing my first kiss.”
“Okay, deal.” A smirk ticked his lips.
“What if you suddenly want me to kiss you?”
“Doubtful.” I sang before leaving his room.
He followed close behind, staring at the impatient Jay.
“Come on.”
We scurried outside to his car. “Well, I could walk, I only live around the corner.”
“I’ll drive.”
Jacob once again opened the door for me.
“Hurry up Jacob.” Jay snapped.
My ‘boyfriend’ growled before hopping in, taking my hand in his.
I could really get used to this, well, how nice he’s being, not him being my boyfriend.
About two seconds later we were parked outside my house. “See, that was kind of pointless.”
“Oh just get out.”
I giggled and hugged him, the seat between us. “Thank you Jay.”
When I released him I went to say goodbye to Jacob, only to find him pouting.
“Doesn’t your boyfriend get a hug?” A shy smile spread across my face before I leaned in, giving him a tight hug.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I grabbed my bag and ran inside. “Ry! I’m home!”
“Hey, sorry about your weekend.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” I said with a smirk before running up the stairs.
“Hey! What does that mean!?”
I slammed the door and turned on some music, letting Oh! The Humanity blare through the speakers.
“Kyle?” Ryan entered my room skeptically as I sanely put my clothes away.
“What did you mean by, ‘Oh, it’s fine’?” I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. The way he mimicked my voice was golden. “I’m serious Kyle.”
“I just meant it went better than I thought.”
“What’s that mean?”
“We didn’t fight as much as we usually do. We actually got along, it was a little friendly.”
“How friendly?”
“As friends! Not like that! Do you not trust me anymore Ryan?”
“It’s not you I don’t trust Ky, it’s him. The bastard.”
“Hey, calm down bro, I can handle myself.”
“Stop trying to be a guy Kyle, it’s not working for you.”
My shoulders slumped. I hadn’t even realized I was doing it.
When Ryan told me that mom wanted another boy, while he was extremely upset (seven year old version), I tried to be the best son I could be, to try and get her to love me.
It didn’t work.
“I’m not trying to be a guy, did you ever think that maybe that’s just the way I act?”
“You’re not trying to be a guy?”
“Is that why you’re wearing my khakis? Is that why you’re wearing dad’s shirt? Is that why you’re talking like a guy?”
“Shut up.”
“I’ve already told you she’s not coming back Kyle, she never will.”
“That’s great Ryan. You have anything else you wanna say? Anything else wrong with me that you wanna throw out there?”
“No, Ky-”
“Good, now go.”
I pushed him out of the room, locking the door behind him. “Ky come on. You know I didn’t mean it.”
“Go away.” I yelled, cranking my music.
His voice blended into the background, it was damn near three songs later before he gave up.
But, if I knew him right, he’s going to get his lock set.
So I shove a door under the handle.
Phone, where’s my phone?
Shaughn! You jackass!
If I use the house phone Ryan might listen.
I got it! I’ll call Shaughn with the house phone, tell him to bring my cell phone, and call Jacob with that!
Come on Shaughn.
This sound is really annoying.
I’m going to kill you.
Be- “Hello?”
“Shaughn, I need my phone.”
“Hello to you too.”
“Hello, now I need my phone.”
“I shouldn’t even give it to you.”
“Why not!?”
“You left before I picked you up.”
“Just give her, her phone.”
Good thing I called Shaughn first.
“I can handle it Ryan.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
I hung up the phone before Ryan could say anything.
Boy, when he said a minute he wasn’t kidding.
“Thank you Shaughn.” I said, completely ignoring Ryan.
“Oo, what’s going on here?” Though Shaughn whispered it as I was walking away, I still heard him.
Half way up the stairs I heard the front door open and close.
H, I, J. Jacob.
My finger hit the send button as I close the door.
“What are we gonna do?”
“Hi to you too Sweetheart.”
Why do people keep doing that, obviously if I skip the greetings I skip the greetings. “Yeah, hi, whatever. So what are we gonna do?”
“What are you talking about?”
Peeking through my shades I watched as Ryan got in the car with Shaughn. “Last night we got to know each other right?”
“But we never discussed how we’re gonna make this work.”
“I’m sure we can make this relationship work, you just have to want it bad enough.”
“I don’t want this relationship, you do, now be serious, how are we supposed to make everyone believe this?”
“Sometimes the best ideas are ones that weren’t planned. I’ll meet you tomorrow at school, bye.” I opened my mouth to say something, but he hung up.
Questions to ask Jacob tomorrow, when did he become so smart, and why was he in such a hurry?
“So I was thinking of getting this new mini skirt at the mall today, you wanna come?” Monny asked as we stood at our usual hang out.
“Sure, why not.”
“Great. So, how did your weekend go? Oh no, let me guess. It went terrible, Jacob probably-” Oh my gosh, she hasn’t shut up since I got here.
Are you really that oblivious to the annoyed look I’m displaying at the moment?
A warm arm wrapped around my shoulder and a soft pair of lips caressed my cheek. “Hey babe.” I smiled ‘warmly’ at the idiot.
Well, that got her to shut up.
“Monny, are you okay?” I waved my hand in front of her face.
“Do you know who’s hanging on you right now?”
My left eyebrow arched before I glanced over at Jacob. “Yes.”
“Aren’t you going to, I don’t know, punch him or something?”
“No. Why would I?”
“Oh I don’t know, he’s been your enemy since what? First grade?”
“Things change.” I said with a smirk before dragging my ‘boyfriend’ off by his hand.
Okay, so it’s not much of a drag if he follows close behind, but still.
The stares we received as we walked to our first period were priceless. Shock, total shock.
I can’t wait to see our friends faces.
“That was great, I think we already got one of them down. Five more to go.”
His smirk was mirrored on my face.
Maybe this would work after all.
Lunch, finally. Dear god, could this day get any longer?
Let me explain, please.
That’s it. All the explaining I really need to give right?
I mean, people would not shut up about our relationship. It’s like, the talk of the whole school now.
‘Jacob and Kyle are together, like, oh my god. No way.’
Everybody was asking questions, and I mean everybody. Even some of my teachers were asking questions.
‘I thought you two hated each other. It used to be we couldn’t keep you two from wailing on each other, now we have to make sure you’re not macking on each other.’
Trust me, that will not be a problem. And since when do teachers use the term macking?
Locker, if you don’t work, I swear by all that is rockin’, I will hurt you. If not me, a crow bar, held by me, which would technically be me hurting you, but, ugh! Whatever! Just work!
“Need help babe?”
“If you don’t stop calling me babe, I will use you as the crow bar.”
“Stop calling me babe.”
“Alright, fine. Sorry, sweetheart.” I could just hear the smirk in his voice.
“Just open my locker.”
“What do you say?”
Turning slowly, as to not draw any unwanted attention, I shoved my elbow into his ribs. “Please?” I growled as he held his injured ribs.
He nodded before reaching around me and throwing in my combination, as if he did it everyday. “How do you know my combination?”
“Oh you know, I needed it to pin tricks on you.” He grabbed my textbook and threw it in my locker before closing it, and pinning me to the door.
“So it was you that poured tomato juice on my jacket.”
“Who else?” He smirked, his arms on either side of my head, his face close to mine.
“I knew you’d say that.”
“Stop acting like you know me so well.”
“Aw, but sweetheart, I do.” His eyes left mine for a moment before returning. “Now would be a really good time to act like a couple, the whole group is coming.”
“How do we do that?” The panic was obvious in my voice.
“Just, I don’t know, just don’t hurt me.”
“Why would I hur-?” That’s why.
Jacob brought his lips to my neck and his hands to my waist, pulling me close.
This is really really REALLY weird.
My eyes scanned to the left. Yeah, they’re getting closer alright.
I brought my hands to his hair, entangling my fingers in his blonde locks to encourage him to continue.
To any passer by, it might seem as though I’m enjoying this.
And truth be told, I kinda am.
His teeth nibbled slightly on a piece of my skin, causing me to gasp.
Slowly, his lips traveled up my neck and to my jaw line, making their way to my mouth.
“Okay you guys are making me sick, knock it off.” Thank you Josh, for once your annoying voice is welcomed.
Jacob removed himself from my face, only centimeters away from my lips.
“Sorry.” He chuckled nervously.
My fingers slid from his hair and onto his strong shoulders. “H-hey guys.” I whispered.
“Kyle, come with me, now.” Ryan dragged me away from our group of friends.
“I thought you said it was just a friendly friend thing.”
Okay, so Ryan’s pissed. “Well, it was, with a little more friendliness than I thought you needed to know about.”
“Kyle, did you two-”
“No Ryan. I swear on my life we didn’t. Still pure, and will be until marriage.”
“You guys coming!?” Shaughn yelled a little too loud.
“Yeah.” We ran back to our group, back into our normal spots.
With one little difference, Jacob has his arm wrapped around my waist, and we’re actually getting along.
“So how’d you guys figure out that you really like each other?” Bri asked casually as we sat at our table.
“Um, I guess the whole staying together for the weekend made us finally realize it.”
“Right, I got that, but what happened that made it obvious?”
“Well, mine was when I saw her out in the lake, with the moon shining on her hair, she looked beautiful.” My cheeks burned as bright as Rudolph’s little red nose.
“Because I never look beautiful any other time.” I joked, trying to calm down.
“You know what I mean.” Jacob smiled, bumping his shoulder into mine.
He threw his arm around me and pulled me into his side.
We just sat talking to our friends like that, forever, and let me just say, Jacob is comfortable.
It’s been a whole week since Jacob and I started this stupid dating thing. And boy can he act. I would totally pick him as an acting partner in drama, but of course the pansy didn’t take it.
“How is everybody believing this?” I sighed as we walked hand in hand down the hall.
“I have no idea, some people will believe anything I guess.”
Stopping at my locker I threw in my combo, hoping it worked on the first try.
“Here, I’ll get it.” Stupid locker, stupid Jacob for being able to open the stupid locker.
Jacob’s chest rest against my back as he reached around me to open my soon to be dead locker.
He’s so warm, great for cold days.
Aw, he left. “There.”
“Thanks.” Quickly I grabbed my things and shut it, turning towards him.
A shiver ran down my spine and caused goose bumps to rise on my skin.
“No, not at all.” I sneered.
“You should really be nicer to your boyfriend, he was gonna give you his jacket to wear, but now he’s getting second thoughts.”
“Can’t you just be a loving boyfriend and let me have your jacket anyways?”
“I would, if I were really your boyfriend.”
“You’re such a jerk.”
Why is this school so damn cold!? Oh, probably because someone has the door open.
Shivering, I stood behind Jacob, to try and use him as a blockade.
“Oh just take it.” I smiled giddily as he handed me his warm jacket.
“Thank you.”
The warmth seeped into my bones and the scent filled my senses.
So he’s warm, good looking, and smells good. Stupid bastard.
“Come on, let’s go to class.” Again his arm snaked around my waist as he led me to our classroom.
“Okay, this has been bothering me for a while now.”
“You guys do all this couple crap, like giving her your jacket, walking her to class, sucking her face,” I opened my mouth to correct him, but didn’t get the chance. “and all that other stuff, but have you guys ever been out on a date?” Josh’s eyes moved from Jacob over to me.
“Do we really need to?” I probably shouldn’t have said that so whiny.
“Are you guys even really a couple?” Monny shot.
“No, we’re just being nice to each other and holding hands for no reason, what the hell do you think Mon?”
“No need to get snippy, geez, I was just asking.”
“Anyways, Josh has a point Ky, you’ve never once told me about a date.” Bri cut in.
“We’ve only been going out for like a week.”
“That should’ve been enough time for you two to have at least one date.” Shaughn, I hate you.
“Do you go on dates with your girlfriend?” I retorted.
“Yes, actually. I went on a date with her last night.”
Bell, for once, I love you.
“Don’t go yet.” Jacob stopped me from moving. He didn’t start speaking again until everybody was gone from the table. “Maybe, if you wanted to, you know, make it more believable, we should go on a date tonight.”
Why does he have to look so cute when he’s asking, even if it is just for a prank? “Um, yeah, that could work.”
“But, what will we do?”
“I don’t know, we could go, out. I’m not sure.”
“Okay, whatever. Pick me up at my house at six then.”
“Okay. I’ll see you at six.” And then we parted, going our separate ways.
I’m going on a date tonight, with Jacob Pelter.