Status: Sorry for the wrong title. I fixed it.

Suicidal Boy


"And how old are you now?" He smiles and says "12 in a month." "Oh." The doctor comes out. He tells me and Riley that he has 5 broken bones and ripped something BLA BLA bla. "Oh no." Riley says and they try to go in. "No. Not yet." He says. Riley frowns. Later after waiting for 3 hours we can finally go in. Riley runs in and hugs their boyfriend. "I love you Finn." Riley tells him. "I love you too Rile." I look away.This kid is better at boyfriends than me and Cas and we are way older. "Come in." Riley tells me. "That's my boyfriend Finn. He's transgender too. Like me." Finn passes really well actually. He's about 5'4 and has dark brown hair and eyes. Riley is a bit shorter. Alot shorter.
Out of the hospital I call Cas. "Cas. I need you." he teleports here. I hug him. Well I'm squeezing him now though. We walk to the park and sit down. "It's like we never even broke up." I tell him. He's silent. "The show supernatural is very interesting." "Shut up." I say. He holds my hand. He hugs me. "You're my boyfriend Dean."