Status: Sorry for the wrong title. I fixed it.

Suicidal Boy


He grabs my wrist. "Dean? Is it really you?" He puts salt on me and whatever things. "Yeah. How old am I?" "You're 21. Right now it's August 2018." "Oh." So I was gone for a whole 2 years..
He hugs me. "I missed you so fucking much dude." "Bring me home. Teleport me." He looks at me in the eye. "I- I can't." "Why not?" I ask him. 'I'm not a angel anymore. I'm fallen. I'm like you guys now." "Ok. You really changed alot Cas." I tell him crying. He kisses me and we get in to his new car. "Don't cry Dean." "But.. what if you met someone new?" I ask. I was so scared of that. "Well... I met someone I would like to stay with. It's complicated." "Who is it!" I asked, angry. "Her name is Meg." "So you're leaving for a girl." "I told you I was bi!" he says. "Well fuck off." I told him. When I went home the home I lived with the woman I found my phone in a bag. She was sewing. She looked up at me and fell off the sofa. "Um.. hello?" "We all thought you were dead!" "I was. I got back from hell somehow." She hugged me tightly. "I missed you Dean." Her kids were outside playing a ball. "Can I see them?" I asked. She nodded. I sat down on the chair outside in the yard. First they didn't notice me. "Guys! It's Dean!" I shouted. They both looked at me. "Dean!!!!!" They came up to me and hugged me. "I thought you were dead!" the boy said. "Well I'm here and not dead." I said. "How's school?" "There's this boy that I like." the boy told me. "Who is he?" "He's older than me. He's 11 and in 5th grade." "Oh." "Wanna play soccer with us?" he asked. "Nah. I'm good." I told him smiling. Then someone called me. "Hello?" "Dean!Come here!" I drove to his house. He was holding a phone and his throat was slit. He was barely alive. "Come here." I told him. I carried him to the hospital. Then SHE came. "Who are you?" I asked. "Meg, or you can call me Cas's datemate." "Fuck off." I told her. "Yeah he keeps denying it. Saying that he has someone to get back to." "Yeah.." "Why don't you go slit your wrists you BITCH." She slapped me. I ran to the door and there was a demon. "What do you want?" I asked. "You have 15 years to live. If you want to live longer yiu have to kill Cas." I stabbed him in his throat then I held the knife and placed it on my wrist. I could hear her voice in my head. 'Cut your wrist' "Shut up, shut up." I told myself. Then I did it.