Status: Sorry for the wrong title. I fixed it.

Suicidal Boy

The next 12 months

"Come on Ruby. Come on." We're in her friend Rufu's house and she's trying to stand up. "Daddy." she says. She stands up, walks a few steps, then falls. "Good job Ruby!" I say. Cas sighs. "It is so amazing to see a human walk for the first time." "Dad. Look at me!" Cas looks at Ruby and she walks toward him. She goes to him and I feel so happy. Our daughter walked for the first time and she's only 9 months. "Come on Ruby time to eat." Ruby walks instead of crawling and I pick her up and put her in to her highchair. Cas got some babymush or whatever and since Ruby loves peas I chopped up a few in there. I feed it to her the airplane way. "Zoom." I say. She laughs and takes the spoon and starts feeding herself. She gets it all over her her clothes and her mouth. "Yummy." She tells me. I smile. "Yummy!" I take her to the bath room to wash her. So far nothing weird has been happening. The demon blood really didn't do much it only made her grow up faster like talking more early than the rest of the babies her age, and stuff like that. She throws her clothes on the floor. I began washing her. When I'm almost done she says "Guruba." and looks worried for about a second. "What?" She flings the shampoo bottle at me. "What?" I ask again. Then I see it. Red teeth marks on her waist. It's moving up, up, up towards her face. I put her in to a towel and dress her. Then I leave her in my room to talk to Cas. "Cas." "What?" "Red marks. Teeth marks." "Those are the demons trying to move inside of her." "No no no." I open the door to my room and she's flying in the air and the red marks keep going up, up, up. "Daddy!" she cries. I catch her and I hand her to Cas.
3 months later
She's 1 now. Her birthday just passed a week before and now she's doing all kinds of stuff. Cas tries to show her how to control her powers but she just runs and zaps people.