Status: Sorry for the wrong title. I fixed it.

Suicidal Boy

A day

I'm eating lunch here. It's loud in here and the kids are separated by groups. Like me and the kids in my group are sitting together. What I didn't say was Cas is the angel I saw. I look at him. He looks at me and waves. "Come sit here!" He says. "Okay!" I walk over to him and I sit next to him. "So.. why are you here?" "I tried to kill myself." "Oh." We don't say anything. After lunch ends he says "Well bye!" I skip away from him. Right after lunch it's free time. We can do anything we want but one of the doctors have to let us. Like we can watch TV, colour, talk, I don't know. There's a room with a couch and a TV so I go there and I change the TV channel. There's a cute guy shooting ghosts or some dead thing. I watch it. I want to watch it again. But this place doesn't have netflix or anything so I have to wait