Status: Finished <3


Chapter Six

Eli hauled Mari all the way to his own suite, not even caring when her head smacked the doorframe.

"Hey!" she shouted.

"You said you liked pain," Eli retorted. He dropped her ankle and left her in a heap on the floor before walking into the kitchen and finding Reuben pulling a pizza from the oven. He looked a bit ridiculous with the apron he was wearing over his smart butler uniform but Eli was used to the android's quirks by now. He had specifically wanted Reuben programmed in such a way that he could evolve on his own instead of being completely customized by Eli.

"Just in time, Sir. I took the liberty of making your favorite deep dish, since that's usually what you prefer when you eat late. If you would like, I can order up a bit of Kung Pao chicken instead."

"No, the pizza will be fine. Thank you, Reuben."

"Pizza?" It seemed the smell of food had lured Mari from her place on the living room floor. "I've heard stories about it, but I've never actually tried a pizza," she said, peering around the corner. "Not a real, fresh pizza."

"You won't be tonight either," Eli informed her, getting a drink from the refrigerator and sitting at the table as Reuben placed the huge, cheesy pizza in front of him. "Since I'm sure you'll be too busy trying to escape again, surely you don't have the time to sit and eat."

He had the immense pleasure of seeing her look torn and uncertain. She stared at the pizza with wide eyes filled with longing. Eli resisted the urge to smirk, though he felt some pity for her. The food on the upper levels had wowed him too, when he first arrived. He'd stuffed himself sick on more than one occasion when he first made his way up here. Mari crept timidly into the kitchen one tiny step at a time.

"I could eat," she said.

"Unfortunately I don't dine in my own home with strangers," he said, taking a giant bite of pizza. He was positive that she didn't blink once the entire time he was chewing. "Now, if you were say, my personal assistant and therefore an associate of mine, that would be another story."

She scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. "That's low," she said. Eli shrugged, taking another bite.

"It's a shame, really. I can't eat this entire thing by myself. I may just have to throw some of it away."

Another lie. He never threw food away. He was a big believer in leftovers. He was probably one of the few on these levels who was. Mari looked horrified at the idea of throwing the pizza away.

"You can't just expect me to give in to this jail sentence of yours so easily," she said.

"I can and I do," he replied sternly. "It's a better deal than you'd get otherwise, Miss Gold. If you would prefer, I can track down your entire family and haul them in on charges too, since I know you're not the only one responsible for these breaches."

"I don't have any family."

"You're a terrible liar for a thief." Eli leaned back and studied her for a long moment. "Miss Gold, I think you need to carefully weigh your options here. You can spend some time living up here, running errands, and then quietly return to your home. Or you can continue to make my life difficult and I'll be forced to report you for your crimes."

"Why don't you report me?" She looked suddenly curious. "You could. Most Enforcers would. Why are you trying to spare me the dire consequences?"

Eli shook his head. "What I do and why I do it is none of your concern. All you need to worry about is whether you want to be locked in temporary confinement before being brought to Grelhurst, or whether you want to agree to do it my way and eat some pizza."

The silence stretched on for what felt like an age before Mari slowly sat down at the table across from him and snatched up a slice of pizza.

"Don't think this means I'm just going quietly," she warned him. "I'm just hungry and this is complete extortion."

She took a bite of the pizza and her eyes closed as she savored it. "Oh. My. God. This is the best thing I have ever tasted."

Eli's expression stayed blank but he felt the barest flicker of amusement. He was pretty sure that had been exactly what he said when he first tried pizza. He watched with some amazement as she scarfed down another three huge slices.

"Human waste disposal," he said. "I thought for a second you were going to eat right through the plate."

"I still might. It's got cheese all over it." She sat back with a contented sigh. Then she gave him a wary look.

"You know I'm still going to try and find a way out of this," she told him.

"Not gonna happen. But it should provide endless entertainment watching you try. Reuben, did you finish stocking and furnishing our...guest's....apartment?"

"Yes, Sir." Reuben appeared soundlessly in the doorway again, this time sans apron. "I gauged her measurements and filled the closet with clothes for every conceivable occasion, as well as putting some assorted food and beverage in the refrigerator."

"Thank you Reuben."

"You have an actual butler," Mari said, gawking at Reuben. He bowed slightly.

"It's very nice to meet you, Miss Gold. I will be happy to assist you while you remain in Mr. Beckstrom's employ."

"I'm not technically in his employ," Mari said, at the same time Eli said, "you don't really need to assist her."

They glared at each other for a moment.

"Will there be anything else, Sir?" Reuben asked and Eli could have sworn the old android's face was fighting off a smile.

"No, thank you. Good night Reuben."

"Good night, Sir." Reuben took his leave and Eli began cleaning up the pizza while Mari stared at him like a sullen child.

"How did he gauge my measurements?" Mari asked. "If you let him measure me while I was unconscious I swear to god-"

"He's an android, you dunce," Eli interrupted.

"Really?" Mari lost her annoyed expression, looking again curious and wowed. "Damn. I never would have guessed. He's very convincing."

"He's state of the art." Eli leaned against the counter and regarded her. "You do realize that you'll never be able to sneak out of here," he told her.

"Can't blame a girl for trying."

"Actually I can. Just make this easy on both of us and cooperate so I can send you back to the Ground in one piece."

"Look, I have a life down there. My family will be worried and-"

"I thought you didn't have a family?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Goddammit," Mari muttered.

"Life on the Ground isn't much of a life," Eli went on. "I'm sure whatever you have going on down there can wait for a time. Especially since it seems that what you had going on was robbery and security fraud."

"Even if I do anything you ask, I'm not going to be happy about it," she warned.

"I kind of figured. Now get out of my apartment, get some sleep, and when you report back in the morning please, for God's sake, wear some normal clothes instead of...whatever this is supposed to be." He gestured at her leather outfit with distaste.

"It's my breaking and entering outfit," Mari frowned, sticking her tongue out. "And I happen to like it."

"Well there's no accounting for taste, I suppose."

"You are exceedingly dickish."

"Thank you," Eli replied mildly. "Now get out."

"You're the one who quite literally dragged me here," Mari retorted. She stood and wandered back into his living room. Eli sighed and followed her. She was gazing out his picture window.

"This view is incredible," she murmured.

"You have a view from your window too." Eli grabbed her shoulder and steered her toward the door. "Go enjoy that view. See you in the morning. Eight AM sharp."

"Eight? In the morning?"

"That's generally what AM means," Eli said, practically shoving her out the door. "Pleasant dreams, Miss Gold."

He slammed the door behind her.