Status: Ongoing

The Sky Dancer

Chapter 2

"Hey, wake up!" one of the bandits shook his companions arm while gazing upon the edge of the cliff.

"What?" His comrade opened his eyes lazily, replacing the fatigued stare with an irritated expression.

"Over there!" he pointed toward the open space, a wave of dust leaving the floor in the distance. A vast army with Egyptian banners marched in direction of the capital, the tired semblance of the thief disappearing at the sight of the impressive forces.

"So it begins." An icy voice in the background caught their faces in wonder. The man rested among the shadows, his gaze upon the army miles away. His body was toned and strong, muscles dressed by asperous sun-kissed skin. His simple tunic hanged lazily by his shoulder blade, exposing his impressive build. The snow-white tone of his hair contrasted perfectly with his frame, the bangs barely concealing the deep scar in his right eye.

"Master, if those are the Egyptians then they are headed for Kerma." He spoke with a surprised look, tearing his eyes from the horizon only for an instant.

"Then that's where we are heading." He whispered between the shades, a viper smirk displaying the sharp corners of his lecherous mouth. "Can't let the opportunity of a free meal go unnoticed."

Both thieves smiled at the suggestion of their new plan, indeed a perfect opportunity to steal anything of value from war victims.

The young Pharaoh gazed upon the capital with merciless conviction upon the fallen loyalists. The Millennium Puzzle gleamed proudly on his chest as the eye of Ra glazed upon his forehead. The aura of dark magic surrounded him as the shadow monsters bind under his command, loyal to their new god.

The horns and drums clashed in the air under the order of attack. Citizens fled in terror among the streets, cries of children and screams of pain joining the piercing chorus of the tragic ballad.

The creatures aided the troops among the capital, the enemy legions defending their homeland to their dying breath. Nubian fighters were unequal on strength, their soldiers bred for war with tall frames and brutish muscles aiding their cause. Their weapons clashed against iron and flesh, several achieving to bring down the shadow creatures as they faded in clouds of ash.

Although the Egyptian forces were greater in number, their intention to dominate the territory was becoming a more trying task than expected. Nubian generals growled their orders as the ground mixed with the falling blood of both groups. Rain of arrows and fire fell from the dark skies, followed by screams of pain and agony.

Seth's sapphire eyes were hard and unyielding as he noted their troops been pushed against an unmoving wall of Nubian legions. Their small group settled over a tall hill to scan the area, the party consisting of elite soldiers, Mahado and Seth protecting the pharaoh who fixed his strength on the titanic effort to control the shadows.

"We are not making any progress. This will hurt our troops unless we revise our strategy." His words were calm and collected, calculating the possibilities at hand. The pharaoh's calm gaze turned to his cousin before focusing on the battle again.

A few days before he lay over a table with his hands and feet firmly tied down, his mouth gagged by a rag preventing him from biting his own tongue. He endured the struggles and torture of the rite of awakening, synchronizing with the Millennium Puzzle leaving his loyal council perplexed by the results.

He calmly spoke from his spot at the head of the table two nights before the ceremony. "The power of the shadows must return under our command if we are to succeed in the capital's dominion."

All the commanders and priests opened their eyes in shock, Mahado's frame rising quickly along with Shada. Even Seth voiced his concern at the decision his radical cousin had announced.

"My lord, please reconsider! The ritual of synchronization is a complex procedure." Shada spoke as his hands supported his body over the wooden table. "Even with the appropriate conditions, there is no guarantee your soul and body will leave unscathed."

"If your body is able to handle the proceeding, it could take days, perhaps weeks to adapt to the changes. I would advise you, cousin, to take into consideration the time we have at our disposal to succeed in our strategy." Seth spoke calmly, looking straight into the pharaoh's eyes.

Atemu's elegant fingers rested over the table as he took everyone's reaction. He didn't expect his idea to be welcomed with open arms. It was true that the power of the Millennium Items was still unknown and had little precedents. Despite the blood of his father flowing through his veins, it didn't guarantee that he would be able to control the massive power of the shadows.

"Even if the risks are great, we are gambling our chances without the aid of the shadows." His grave voice raised the already concerned disadvantages everyone was well aware of. "Wasn't this power the reason we declared war in the first place?"

The council remained silent, no argument to counter such valid objection.

"Perhaps, but neither did we expect that such power alone would bring us to victory. Why otherwise risk the safety of the council?" Seth spoke as he intertwined his long and slender fingers.

Mahado remained silent as he watched his Millennium Ring with a shadow of dread in his usual calm eyes. His ritual of synchronization had left scars in his soul and it had pushed his limits, both mentally and physically. His procedure had almost cost his life after several failed attempts from past candidates. He alone had endured seventeen days surrounded by shadows, refusing to surrender in the struggle for dominance. He didn't aspire for his best friend to endure such torments.

The pharaoh closed his eyes as he returned to the present. His men were dying as well as the chances to bring the victory they had sacrificed so much to achieve. It would take a massive risk from his part to perform something he had considered as a last resource.

Since the awakening he was aware of the millions of voices surrounding his head, the ones he had pushed deep into his mind in order to retain his sanity. They were cold and frightening, seducing him to turn his soul into their grasps and accomplish his deepest desires.

His father had once warn him of how such demons could really dominate him if he were to surrender to their appeals. Suchlike power could never be used to their full potential unless he was willing to give up his entire being. He would never find rest nor pass into the afterlife as his soul was devoured by the shadows, a prisoner of their grasp for all eternity. The surrounding noise slowly died out as he was taken into the deepest corners of his subconscious, listening carefully to the whispers he had made a careful effort to avoid.

"They will not control me. I'm Pharaoh and they will abide to my command." He murmured, his cousin barely catching the sentence that escaped his lips.

A careful vibration under his fingers from the millennium rod caught his attention. Mahado also opened his eyes in surprise when the ring trembled over his chest, quickly turning his gaze toward his sovereign. The stallions felt something amiss as they moved their ears and eyeballs nervously, their legs shaking under the pressure to escape from danger.

"Atemu! What are you doing?" Seth asked with concern as the soldiers around them caught the oppressive aura surrounding their sovereign.

He opened his eyes slowly, the scarlet tint gleaming more brightly. Even the air had begun to blow sharply, the skies forecasting a terrifying storm. Mahado grasped his horse firmly as the animals rebelled under fear. He commanded the beast to approach the pharaoh, reaching his shoulders and stop the ritual he was performing. The black magic burned his skin at the contact, quickly retracting his injured hand. Atemu became unaware of his surroundings, deaf to the voices calling his name.

"Atemu you mustn't! The power is too strong to control it can destroy everything, even our own troops!" Seth screamed in the middle of the chaos and the sound of lightening, the wind too strong as it cut through his skin.

"I, heir of Osiris, command the descent of this mighty creature." His voice had a grave tone, accompanied by the sound of more wicked voices mimicking his sentence. Even the troops below took notice of the unusual weather patterns and their movements came to an abrupt stop. The shadow creatures also paused their tracks as they shook from the pressure of the ritual, their heads turned in direction of their god.

"Men fall back!" Seth ordered, the soldiers frozen as they watched their sovereign with full absorption.

"FALL BACK I SAY! NOW!" He repeated, this time more urgently as he commanded their small group to retreat. The soldiers obeyed without resistance, lastly aware of the danger.

"MAHADO!" Seth called after him as the man blocked the wind from his eyes. He was still too close to the pharaoh, numb from the astonishment of the complex magical ritual.

The pharaoh had struggled for years to control the shadow creatures, yet there was no precedent of a successful summoning of the most powerful deities. Thousands of years ago, they had almost destroyed the earth with their unlimited power.

"Let it be herald of burning winds and twisted lands, let those who draw breath know the coming of this horror and the true meaning of eternal slumber." The monarch whispered among the shadow voices, the storm more dangerous and threatening blowing mercilessly.

A lightening struck close to the pharaoh before a black force field emerged to protect him from harm, the explosion alone pushing the frozen priest backwards against the massive strength of the attack. He remained unharmed, only shaken as he struggled to raise his head in Atemu's direction. His cape floated behind him, his mount unmoving by the pressure of the conjuring.

Enemy forces held their ground as best they could against the dangerous storm manifesting around them. No one was spared the dread of the approaching danger that menaced the capital.

Seth closed the distance between the priest with major difficulty, helping him to his feet as both gasped heavily from the sharp air, too strong and painful to breath.

Every eye faced the obscure heavens, a titanic entity manifesting among the shape of ominous clouds. The creation, hardly distinguishable at first, began to acquire physical form, a terrifying sound coming from its menacing jaws.

Both priests noticed their items synchronize with the power of the millennium puzzle. Aware of how vulnerable everyone in the area found itself, their lives at the mercy of Atemu's control whose blood-like eyes aimed toward the heavens.

"Let the Gods have mercy on us." Shada whispered as the creature finished its terrifying decent among the earth.

"It can't be." Sulum watched frozen among the ranks of the palace, aware of the inedible defeat that awaited them.

Atemu watched the citadel from the high ground as his merciless eyes focused on the enemy ranks, victory now within his grasp.

"Obelisk the Tormentor, I command thee by the power of the Gods." The pharaoh whispered, his voice frightening and powerful as the God under his command, "OBLITERATE."

Yugi broke into a sprint among the chaotic palace with a painful twist in his stomach, his nerves never allowing him a moment of peace as he watched the crowd of servants and nobles blitz between the halls.

He hadn't slept the night before when the troops of Khemet arrived to the outskirts of the city. The battalion charged without warning as their terrifying shadows launched into the walls of the city.

Everyone panicked and haste for their lives, the mass of confusion reaching even the palace's walls. No one gave him a moment notice as they escaped, stealing everything among the halls and chambers as they ran.

The long corridors only made his frail body feel heavier and clumsier. Between the tall pillars, the exposed skies began to darken as a heavy storm threatened the capital with an ominous presence. The scenery was quite fitting for the chaos that reign over their homeland.

He hastened his steps as the sound of thunder rang between his ears, finally arriving to the balcony by the front entrance. The wind cut through his skin as he pushed the doors with all his strength, his eyes opening in surprise as his pale complexion turned pasty.

"Ra, protect us." Yugi whispered in prayer, dreadful noises piercing the atmosphere as he spotted the dead faces of their army. Even civilians were among the corpses, the bodies soaked in pools of blood and crushed under fallen rubble.

The prince collapsed to his knees and sank his face between his fallen arms, his insides burning as he spilled his stomach over the floor. Tiny drops darkened the sandy ground as bitter tears of defeat and pain rushed though his cheeks, clenching his teeth with painful strength. The vile taste of betrayal filled Yugi's mouth as the Gods had abandoned the kingdom to its luck.

His harsh breathing turned agitated as the hysteria took over his body, a single image coming to his mind between the panic, the children of the orphanage.

He forced himself to his feet, hurrying back inside toward the exit of the palace. His legs were shaky and his steps lousy as he regained his common sense. He had to get the children to safety, away from the battle.

It took him long to reach the kitchens by the first floor of the building. He was familiar with the passages around him and that exit could take him directly to the streets.

The little one pushed the door open and the screams grew louder as he stepped into the trails. People didn't stop as they rushed away from the coming beasts, still out of view from his position. He didn't stop as he advanced through the panic to reach the west side of the city. It was difficult and painful journey, falling against the dirt several times as he smashed against people, his frame almost crushed under the masses. One had managed to hit him straight on the face, the blood quickly rushing out of his nose and making his vision blurry.

He crawled and found refuge among a vacant alleyway between two buildings. His injuries were not severe but he ached from head to toe. His forearm covered his bleeding nose to stop the flow, soaking the elegant fabric into a brownish color. The metallic scent filled him through his orifices as he tried to control the nausea.

Death would find him there on the streets, either by a soldier or a creature if he remained seated. The noises were confusing and he couldn't distinguish anything but the screams of terror. With difficulty he managed to stand and push his weight against the wall as his feet gain some steadiness. The orphanage was a few streets away from the palace, no signs of violence evident yet, giving the teen a moment of relief as he opened the door.

"Momo! Children!" he called after spotting an empty chamber. His voice was rasp from the heavy breathing. Yugi called again and he finally listened to the subtle noise of light steps approaching his way.

A heavy woman with nightshade skin appeared at once, eyes of relief displaying in her face as she spotted the sovereign.

"You are hurt child!" She mentioned as she saw the injuries around the tiny prince. Yugi's arms embraced her as he steadied himself, his strength back once he saw the woman unharmed.

"Momo, where are the children?" He asked hastily, his voice still hoarse.

"Yugi?" A sweet and tiny voice called for him from the joint room, the child afraid as well as his brothers and sisters behind her.

The ground under them began to shake making the prince almost loose his balance. A significant piece from the wall collapsed just outside, clouds of dust hurting their eyes and noses. The children screamed as they hanged tightly to the walls.

The monarch approached the children, his arm protecting his mouth from the heavy air. Regardless of the fear in their eyes, he smiled warmly reflecting nothing but kindness and security.

"It's all right everyone." He began, their tiny bodies quickly grabbing the fabric of his tunic.

His brain formulate a plan to get them out of the city. The palace had underground passages that could lead out of the capital, a much safer option than escaping among the streets.

A new wave threaten their hold and Yugi decided to go with the plan, something ominous was approaching and he couldn't shake the feeling away. "Everyone grab hands and follow me. No matter what just stick to each other and don't let go."

The children listened to his word unconditionally, their seniors taking the smallest between their arms while their free hands made a chain lead by Momo and the prince.

He carefully scanned the streets, everything still deserted from the chaos focused on the main avenues. The storm was picking up and they could hear the clashes of swords and screams. The wind pulled on his golden bangs as he scanned the roads, deciding to reach the palace by the same route he took to get there.

Yugi sang a lullaby to reassure the children who quickly became aware of their surroundings. His velvet voice caught their attention as they walked among the alleys with a quick but steady pace.

'Child of the sun, whom tears run through his face
don't cry for the souls that lay among the earth,
for soon they will reunite again.
The heart seeks out for you, calling for your name,
With sweet tones he sings to him
'Don't cry for you shall be King one day'.'

Yugi kept singing as the arch of the palace walls finally appeared between the buildings. The pace turned quicker, entering the danger zone as his voice pitched higher to drown the screams of terror. They were so close.

The sound of a battle horn rained over the city and calls for attack were heard close by. Yugi ran to the corner near the palace's gardens fearing the Egyptians had reached the main square. To his dread, it wasn't the army that took his breath away like a punch in the stomach.

A dreadful creature embodied though the skies, the earth trembling with its threatening power. He roared in rage, everyone covering their ears to protect them from the horrid noise. The slightest movements of his powerful limbs made the air blow strongly. The city turned to dust along with the people still inside with a swing of his arm, fire consuming the buildings and spreading quickly among the streets. Everything around was destroyed and Khemet's army rushed with renewed force against enemy ranks.

The prince hurried inside toward the palace with the petrified children, crushing among themselves frozen by fear. Some began to cry as they were pulled into the safety of the tall white structure.

The ground under them shook turbulently, a small girl from the back tripping straight to the dirt. Yugi stopped and returned, ordering Momo to take everyone inside which she didn't hesitate.

He headed for the child, barely escaping the hit from a huge piece from the wall collapsing in front of him. The small cry drew back his attention, easily picking her into his arms and running into the opposite direction.

The chaos caught another wall collapsing behind them, the force pushing them both over the dirt. Yugi protected the crying girl with his body as she desperately clanged to his neck.

The prince recovered as fast as he was able, dashing into a trot among the earthquake trying to find the back entrance. The heavy scent of smoke and fire made his vision cloudy and his lungs hurt. The flames reached the pillars by the garden, the structure dangerously fragile and the smoke too heavy for the prince to catch the threat on time. The stone broke and felt toward the teen and the girl, she screamed as Yugi protected her, unconsciously closing his eyes for the impact.

The pain never came as the little monarch felt his body embraced and floating between the air, the pillar crashing where he had been seconds ago. Soft white hair brushed his face, strong arms still embracing him.

"Ryou!" He yelled, his best friend taking the small girl from his master's arms.

"This way Yugi!" He instructed before speeding toward the palace's kitchen into the hidden underground passages.

The entrance was among the throne room, still intact of the danger. Momo and the children were already inside the open corridor, perhaps already used by members of the palace or councilors who knew of its existence. With Ryou's help, everyone managed to reach the room unscathed.

Both teens turned their heads sharply into the passages, soldiers’ screams reaching their ears as they broke the remaining lines of the palace's entrance. Their screaming orders echoed among the corridors and heavy steps approached the main chamber accompanied by sounds of pain and slaughter from those who tried to escape. Yugi almost fainted at the predicament of their situation, unsure if they would manage to escape without a distraction.

"Yugi, hurry inside!" Ryou screamed, the prince still by the entrance, his delicate face facing the opposite direction of the small corridor.

The monarch’s hesitation froze the pale servant as Momo took the child from his arms. He turned his face at him with a look of defeat, the pale complexion of the servant turned ghostly as he guessed his intentions a second too late.

"Please protect them Ryou." He whispered with a tone soaked in resignation as his hands pulled the lever that trapped them all inside, drowning the servant's screams aimed for the other side.

"YUGI!" he yelled while smashing the door, impossible to move and ignoring his desperate efforts. He had been careless, rage and bitterness flowing through his maddening screams as he punched the stone door with all his strength. Blood flooded from his hands as tears drowned his eyes. "NO!"

"I'm sorry." Yugi whispered as his forehead rested on the concealed wall of the locked corridor, brushing the tears that escaped from his eyes as his feet carried him to the center of the room, his body standing next to the empty throne.

The rushing march of the soldiers finally reached the room as they broke the door open. He had succeeded in the nick of time as they spotted the teen, turning his head as they called after him.

He took a deep breath as his unyielding eyes faced death with a calm heart, his purpose accomplished as he resigned himself to his fate.

With no resistance the soldiers quickly pushed him down into the polished floor, breaking his lip and cheek as they aimed a hilt of a sword to his face. The metallic taste filled his mouth as the light fled from his eyes, his consciousness leaving his body.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Is the property of Kazuki Takahashi, and are not Spellcraft Writings’ intellectual property. This is for entertainment purposes only. No financial gain was made from this nor will any be sought.