Status: In progress

The Legendary Red String of Fate

I: Success vs Obsessed

~~The Legendary, Red String Of Fate~~ I: Success vs Obsessed.

~(The past, twenty two years ago)~

The Vietnamese girl's eyes widened, "Is that true? You like a senior? Which senior?" It felt silly and embarrassing, for the Japanese student admitting his feelings about a student to another student. 'Could he honestly feel love towards another male student?'

"Don't tell me it's 'Wang Yao'?" hearing the senior's name ring off like a siren, made his eyes widened in a non-verbal response. A minute passes after the realization shock, he responds in a confused like tone, "Wang Yao?"

He knew his crushes' name and face, but for someone guessing it at a first try, was what confused him. Was it that obvious? Luckily, the Vietnamese girl took it as a 'Who is Wang Yao?' and not, 'Yes, it is Wang Yao.'

"A lot of male students have a crush on him for his feminine features. Clearly he is not a girl, but his petite small frame and long black hair makes him irresistible. I believe, there was once a student that attended Yao's middle school, that stalked him! He surprisingly had the same last name, but no relation to him. What I heard, the boy became so obsessive, he was dragged away to a mental institution, never heard from again. The rumor is, Wang Yao could turn his admirers into obsessive maniacs because of his rare female-like beauty."

If that was true, then the Japanese student would be next, however, time would tell.


~~ My fall will be for you,
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever. ~~


Twenty two years later, that shy Japanese student became a very wealthy business man. His name was Kiku Honda and he is a very successful man. Before even moving to the United States to attend high school at World Academy, he was already arranged to marry an heiress of many Hot springs resorts throughout Japan. Kiku also was the grandson of the original founder of Honda automobiles, and was next in line to be the head of the main corporation's branch in Japan. After marrying his childhood bride after high school, Kiku and his wife was able to only have one child, their son and heir to their wealth, Misaki Honda.

No matter how much good fortune comes his way, Kiku could never let go over his unrequited first love. If it was meant to be or not, fate or a curse to tangle Kiku into. The heart does yearn for it's desires to have, but won't receive. Maybe that cruel reasoning is what brought Kiku far and wide to search for that individual from his past. Maybe they have something in common that the universe recognized and destined them together. Whatever the reason was, led him back to where it all started, twenty two years ago.


~~ Scent of the sea, before the waking of the world,
Brings me to thee,
Into the blue memory~~


The classroom is flagrantly familiar, like when Kiku sat in the mid-section of seating, to stare at the back of a certain student's ponytail. Deja vu, at least.
A tall blonde man with thick eyebrows, entered the classroom with a disappointed sigh. He straightened his posture and brought his hand into a handshake position.

"Hello, I do apologize for arriving late, unfortunately I also have a teenage son." Said the English teacher with a British accent as he entered the classroom. Kiku and his wife, Sakura, shook the teacher's hand and sat down in the first row.

The classroom was empty, since its an hour early before first period starts, and it was a parent teacher meeting over Misaki's participation in class. His teacher, Mr. Kirkland was concerned, and so was another staff member on a different subject. However, that person was much later than Mr. Kirkland.

"We were not waiting long, Mr. Kirkland, but thank you for your kindness." Sakura responded with a sweet smile.

"Yes, well, you see, I'm afraid that Mr. Wang is late, unfortunately. He also wanted to speak to you too about an incident that happened this week. I guess he's running late as usual." Mr. Kirkland rolled his eyes at the end of his sentence. Kiku felt that he met this British teacher before, and that other person's name sounded oddly familiar.

"Let me begin on my comments on Misaki's grades. They are very good, nothing to worry about there, but I am concerned over his, 'in class' participation."

"What do you mean? Isn't his 'in class participation' part of his grades?" Kiku didn't know how to respond to that comment, but he is concerned as well.

"Well he does his homework, his assignments, exams, and they are all straight A's. It's when we do group activities, or when a student has to stand up in front of the class to read their essay, well Misaki doesn't feel comfortable about participating in that part of daily class exercises." Mr. Kirkland says with empathy, "I understand if he feels uncomfortable because he is struggling on speaking English. I know he understands English, just not the speaking and pronunciation part. I also believe, he thinks the other students may not understand that. Although, most of our students are in the same state, where they understand English, but back home in their countries they don't practice speaking it."

"Thank you, for empathizing over Misaki's situation and bringing it to our attention. We will practice speaking English in front of him at home, to help him get confidence. Thank you for your time, Mr. Kirkland." Kiku said smiling a friendly smile, while helping Sakura out of her seat.

"Oh, your welcome. It's good to see you again, Kiku." The British man smiled.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" before Mr. Kirkland could respond, an angry Asian man rushed in the classroom, talking on the phone and is yelling in Chinese? It looked like he couldn't take the conversation anymore and rudely hit the 'End' button.

"Aiyah, Little siblings don't respect their elders! Especially, when they are at work!!" The man huffed.

"Finally you show up! Seriously, Yao, I'm not covering for you all the time!" Mr. Kirkland snapped. That's when Kiku remembered the British and the Asian men, they have met before.


"You must be Kiku Honda? Welcome aboard! My name is Arthur Kirkland, and I am the student council president. If you need anything just ask! Alrighty, mate?" Arthur said with a smile. He turned to see another Asian student entering the room. "Yao Wang, you're late again!!! How many times do I have to cover you??"

"Wei! You try taking care of a younger bratty sister all by yourself, and then you could yell at me!" Yao shouted.


Kiku stared at the two like it was their first official meeting, but it actually happened twenty two years ago. "Kiku?" His wife asked noticing his unusual staring.

"Well, Arthur, if you must know, your little brother was late for work again, at my sister's restaurant. Why on earth did I listen to you?? That boy is lazy! Just because he is Chinese and adopted, doesn't mean I could empathize on getting him a job at my sister's restaurant!! Mei is calling me non-stop to get his ass to work!" Yao shouted. At some point, Arthur had to point out there were parents in the room. Yao got the hint a little late.

"Aiyah! Where are my manners! Hello, my name is Mr. Wang and I work in the main office as a secretary for the dean, the counselors, and principal's offices. I got moved to work there last semester, actually. I do have a few questions to ask both of you before you leave." Yao's anger disappeared rather quickly.

"About the incident involving Misaki, correct?" Sakura asked, with Yao shaking his head. They sat back down in the first row, while Arthur grabbed two folding chairs for him and Yao.

"It seems during Misaki's lunch period, he got into a bit of trouble along with a Russian student. I will also be meeting up with the parents of that student as well after school today. However, on Misaki's portion of the situation, he wouldn't explain his side of the story. I think he believes if he tattles he'll get hurt or bullied from the Russian student, again it's only a theory."

"What was the incident?" Kiku asked.

"Misaki was caught with his phone filming the inside of the girl's restroom, in the European hallway. The Russian student was outside of the door keeping a lookout, until he was questioned enough to turn Misaki in."

"How indecent." Sakura looked she was going to sob like her son was arrested. However, Kiku kept calm, "Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will certainly discipline Misa--" he was interrupted by Yao.

"Hold on! Mr. Honda, I would like the honors of speaking to Misaki, one-on-one counseling style. I believe there is more to be said, before deciding a punishment. I want him to speak to someone he could trust, obviously there is more information hidden, if he couldn't speak to defend himself. Our counselor, Matthew Williams, is an expert on therapy and student confidentiality. Misaki will feel comfortable, if it was not a teacher."

"I see. I trust you know best." Kiku responded with a smile.

'Because I know you, and I always trusted you. I'll always will.'


~~My fall will be for you,
My love will be in you.
If you be the one to cut me,
I will bleed forever.~~


At the first lunch period of the day, Misaki Honda was told to bring his lunch to the counselor's office. Once he arrived with his lunch in hand, Mr. Williams greeted him inside his office, closing his door behind them. Yao watched to make sure Misaki did stop by, hoping his decision was better than simply disciplining the boy. He truly felt that Misaki was pressured into this incident by his peer, Alexander Braginsky.

Yao sighed, it seems lately his past friendships and relationships from his high school years are bringing back old acquaintances. Not that was a bad thing, just oddly surprising. Especially, since the father of this Russian student, was his prom date twenty two years ago.

If Yao remembered correctly, Ivan was a freshmen bullying students left and right, until he laid eyes onto Yao, he wanted to woo the Chinese senior. At one point, Yao gave in and allowed the Russian to be his prom date. He actually enjoyed the attention Ivan gave him, until summer was over. Starting late august, Yao would have to attend college. Their relationship became very distant, and later Ivan had to return home to Russia.

He'll be seeing Ivan again later today, hoping it goes smoothly. It's ironic, Ivan use to bully Kiku back then, and now his son is bullying Kiku's son. Again, Yao has to interfere to stop the bullying, since he was the mature peace maker. However, he is not only seeing an old flame later, he is also meeting Ivan's wife.

To Yao, it doesn't matter anymore. Especially, after he graduated college with a degree in teaching high school education, which currently he isn't doing at the moment, he did settle down with a nice Chinese girl and they had three kids. Mostly because mama Wang, pushed Yao to get married to her best friend's daughter. Surprisingly, Lang Chun-Ye, his wife's maiden name, attended World Academy and was in his graduating class. They just took the same classes in different class periods, and didn't officially meet until Yao graduated college with a bachelor degree.

Yao looked over to his Iphone (with a cute panda phone cover) and noticed he received a text from his wife. 'Lao Gong, I am visiting my mother tonight, please, feed the kids! wo ai ni, Yao.' The funniest thing is, Yao could imagine her silly giggle. He loved her, he loved the fact their humor is similar, he loved her smile, and the fact they could tell each other anything. Well, almost anything. Chun-Ye, didn't know her husband's previous relationships. Even though it was his past he wasn't comfortable bringing it up. There were times, that Yao's sister joked about their marriage saying, "You two act like best friends, instead of husband and wife!" Honestly, Yao would admit that comment was too true. He loved his wife, maybe as his best female friend.

"Honestly, Yao, you could day dream all day!" Arthur said casually awaking Yao from his private thoughts.

"Aiyah! What do you want?!" Arthur lightly chuckled as Yao smirked. Their friendship is quite hard to figure out. In fact, only they could understand it, perhaps it's because they go way back from middle school. Maybe it's because they were members in their high school's student council, or maybe they attended the same college for four years, graduated together and were dormmates. Whatever it was, they were extremely close and hid that closeness by acting that they fought constantly.

Arthur divorced his wife last year, for personal problems in the marriage, mostly on his end. His son is currently in his rebel teenage punk phase, which is driving his ex-wife and him nuts. Yao on the other hand, has two twin fourteen year olds, and a toddler at home. His son, is extremely lazy, while his daughter, is the opposite of her twin brother. She is responsible and helps her parents out constantly. Yao is thankful he isn't going through the same parenting drama as Arthur.

"I called Leon, he told me he had to visit his therapist, but he forgot to call Mei and tell her that. He says he will work the late shift and makeup the time on his suppose to be, day off." Arthur sighed. Yao smiled in a mocking way, but fixed his expression quickly.

"Why is he seeing this therapist constantly?" Yao's been hearing about this therapist way before he got Leon the job at his sister's Chinese restaurant.

In fact, it was the therapist that suggested to Arthur, that he should help his adopted Chinese younger brother to find a job, to help Leon with his anxiety and depression. Once Arthur mentioned that to Yao, Yao turned around and told him that his younger sister runs a Chinese restaurant by herself and is looking to hire someone to take the orders and answer the phone.

Ever since then, it's been nine months and Yao thought the therapy was starting to be less visits. Guess he was wrong.

"Actually, there's a new issue. He claims he is having nightmares every night. When I ask him, what are they about, he says its about someone he loves getting hurt. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much friends and definitely does not have a dating life, I honestly don't know who is this person he's in love with?"

"Maybe it's not romantic love. Maybe it's family relating type of love. Have you thought about finding out who his biological family is?" Arthur shook his head no. "Maybe you should start there."

"Right. Wait, Yao?" As Arthur turned to walk away he approaches again, "Could you stop by the restaurant during Leon's shift? It makes him happy to chat with you about stuff. He really looks up to you and all."

"Yeah, I have to feed the kids anyway, so sure. What's up?"

"Well, maybe you could ask his permission on finding out about his biological family. I mean, it's a sensitive topic to him. I had brought it up before many times in the past, and he never seems to excited about it."

"Yeah I guess I could slip that idea in our conversation. How old were you, when Leon was adopted?" Yao asked curiously.

"Let's see. He is now turning twenty two, I believe I was, well we both actually were twenty five at the time." Arthur laughed.

"That's correct, your mother was flying back from Hong Kong that summer, after adopting a boy from an orphanage from some program. We both waited at the airport to meet him as soon as they got off the plane." Yao explained.

"There's my mum with a seven year old Chinese boy, who only spoke mandarin, who took a liking to you right away. Mostly, since you spent your early childhood living in China, translating conversations for both of us. Mum turns to me saying, i'm naming him Leon!" Arthur and Yao laughed at Arthur's impression of his own mother.

"Haha, I remember!" the laughter died down, "Yeah, I'll definitely be there for free dinner for myself and the kids. I'll speak to my number one fan, don't you worry." Yao winked as Arthur snorted.

"If that's what you think he is to you, fine by me!" Arthur turned to leave waving his hand goodbye.


~~ Into the blue memory......
A siren from the deep came to me,
Sang my name my longing.
Still I write my songs about that dream of mine,
Worth everything I may ever be. ~~


Once the students were finding their transportation back to their homes, Yao waited in the classroom where the meeting of student, Alexander Braginsky, will take place. It shouldn't take so long to speak to the Braginsky's about the incident, and what measures they would need take to get Alexander to confess about bullying his classmate. Yao paced up and down the front of the classroom before hearing the door opening. He turned to see the Russian student and his mother, but not his father. It actually relaxed Yao to not seeing his old high school boyfriend face to face.

"Hello, my name Mr. Wang, i'm the secretary in the main office. Also, i'm in charge of this meeting, please sit, Mrs. Braginsky." Yao must admit, Ivan's wife is stunningly beautiful. She is tall, with long flowing platinum blonde hair, similar to Ivan's and their son's hair color. She is thin except for the obvious, double D's.

"Thank you, you must be Yao. Ivan's first love, da?" Yao froze even though she seemed polite and not angered by that fact.

"I don't believe I was. I believe he had a girlfriend back in Russia, before transferring to this high school, all we did was went to prom, afterwards we became distant and moved on." Technically it was half true.

"Once I found out the name of the staff member we were meeting with today, I asked my husband who attended here before, if he knew that name. Would you like to know his response?" She still smiled innocently, but her words weren't.

"No, not at the moment, we came to discus--"

"He said, Yao Wang works at World Academy? His eyes lit up with joy, but his face has fallen with despair. He then said, it's been twenty two years, he wouldn't want to see me. He explained you were his first love, and that he cheated on me by falling in love with you. He returned to Russia after he graduated so he could finally marry me. I do know during our marriage, he only thinks of a certain person instead of the wife who stood in front of him. Now, I finally found out who. It was you, da." Mrs. Braginsky answered.


~~ The Child will be born again,
That siren carried him to me.
First of them true loves,
Singing on the shoulders of an angel
Without care for love n' loss. ~~


Once that meeting was over, Anya Braginsky drove herself and her son home without a word. They went inside the 'millions of dollars worth' mansion, known as their home, and went into different rooms for the rest of the night. The Braginsky's were rich, like Russian Mafia rich. Thanks to Ivan, being the current head of the Russian mafia, and his wife, the beautiful Anya, was a famous Russian model.

Anya entered their master bedroom to see Ivan watching a Russian horror movie. He notices her and smiles, while she pouts.

"I guess it did not go well, da?" He asks.

"Da, Alexander threatened a student to film images of the female student's bathrooms. He's at risk of being expelled." She sat on their bed beside Ivan, leaning her head on his shoulder, "Do you still love him?"

Ivan didn't need to respond to make her aware that he still did. In fact, why else would the head of the Russian mob move back to the United States, making his son attend the high school that he once attended, also is where his first love is currently working at? Ivan done his research years ago, more like decades ago.

Ever since Yao graduated high school, he still had connections to find out everything during Yao's college years. Even when he had to return back to Russia, he still researched about Yao's up to date life. When Yao got married, Ivan burned a printed out wedding pictures of her, he stole from facebook. If Yao moved on, so should he. At least he thought he did, he still continued tracking, stalking, and researching his first love.

"So what are you going to do now?" She asked.

"I'm going to get him to fall in love with me again. I don't care how long it takes, or how much money to spend, or whom to eliminate, I will have him."


~~ Bring me home or leave me be,
My love in the dark heart of the night.
I have lost the path before me,
The one behind will lead me. ~~


"What about, if he puts up a struggle?" Anya doesn't feel confident that Yao is the type that won't resist. Ivan ponders the question before answering with a smile.

"My love for him will make him understand, that he won't survive without it."


~~ Take me, Cure me, Kill me, Bring me home,
Every way, Every day, Just another loop in the hangman's noose.
Take me, cure me, kill me, bring me home,
Every way, every day, I keep on watching us sleep,
Relive the old sin of Adam and Eve, Of you and me,
Forgive the adoring beast.~~


"Ivan, dorogoy, you are starting to sound like a very obsessive man, da." Anya continued, "Just like Natalia.."

Ivan jumped up, grabbing to shake her, "DON'T EVER PUT ME IN THE SAME CATEGORY AS HER!!!!"


~~ Redeem me into childhood,
Show me myself without the shell.
Like the advent of May,
I'll be there when you say,
Time to never hold our love. ~~


After closing hours, in a small Chinese takeout joint, Yao sits down with his teenage son and daughter, with his sister holding his toddler daughter. The Wang family just finished eating an getting ready to leave. However, Yao thinks it's a good time to mention to Leon, who is finishing sweeping up the floor, about finding out about his biological family.

"Leon, I was wondering, maybe you would like to research your roots. Find out who your family is or family linage---"

"I know who they are, Lao shi." Leon responded too quickly, he knew where this conversation was heading.

"That's wonderful! Would you like to meet them?"

"I already have."


"Yep. Although, I never even told them that i'm related to them, I just know who they are since the orphanage back in Hong Kong gave me their information."

"That's amazing! You should tell them. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to--"

"No. That would ruin our current relationship. Leave things the way they are! I hate if them knowing, changes how great our relationship is at moment."

"Leon, that's a little.." Yao honestly didn't know how to phrase it.

"I'm happy right now, Lao Shi." Leon smiled.

"That's all that matters then." Yao smiled back.


~~ My fall will be for you,
My love will be in you.
You were the one to cut me,
So I'll bleed forever. ~~



-To Be Continued....

Song: Ghost Love Score
Artist: Nightwish
♠ ♠ ♠
The inspiration behind these chapters are many BL's and Hetalia characters.
Junjou Romantica, and, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi inspired the many different couples' and separate love stories.

This chapter, was about two characters falling back in love with their first love from twenty two years ago. It featured NiChu (Japan and China), and RoChu (Russia and China), Nyo-Japan, Nyo-Russia, and mentions of Nyo-China. Their mentioned children, are my OC's from previous fan fictions.

Song: Ghost Love Score
Artist: NightWish

Hetalia Creator: Hidekaz Himaruya
Fanfiction writer: Myself.

More pairings and continuations on pairings, to come soon!