Sequel: Crash Into Me
Status: Finished - Sequel Coming Soon

Safe Zone

Chapter Twelve

{Matt’s Point of View}

To say the least I was missing Katy. Brian and Michelle had brought the boys back home on Thursday instead of Friday since the weather had been bad, which I was glad about because I missed them, but Katy refused to come around if the boys were around. I understood where she was coming from, I just hated the idea.

Katy had let me know that her and Brett were going to marriage counselling. It made me livid, but once again I understood. She said she at least had to look like she was trying.

Val went on about her experience in Houston and at the casting call. And even though I tried my hardest to listen, I just couldn’t focus.

We were at the end of our hour drive from LAX, and as we pulled up to our house I noticed car after car parked by the curbs, “What’s going on?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

“You’ll see!” Val giggled. As we got closer I noticed the white Altima with the cop sticker on the back, sitting in front of our neighbor’s house. I would be lying if I didn’t get a little excited about seeing her car after five days.

“Did you plan something for my birthday?” I smiled, pulling into our driveway. My birthday was in four days, so that was the only option I couldn’t think of.

“Maybe,” She smirked unbuckling her seat belt, and jumping out of my truck and opening Cash’s door to retrieve him. Me doing the same for River.

“Is mommy a sneaker?” I laughed holding my four-year-old son as I walked around and grabbed Val’s suitcases out of the bed of my truck then pushed one while holding the other and River.

Val finally made it around my truck for me to hand her the smaller of the suitcases then follow her inside with the other.

As soon as we walked into the house, tons of people popped up and shouted surprise while the lights came on and showed off the decorations, “Wow!” I smiled, scanning all of them for Katy, finally finding her next to Michelle with Brett behind her.

“Daddy! Surprise!” River shouted grabbing my face and giving me a kiss. A wide spread aw filled the kitchen while I sat him down to start thanking and hugging people.

I said thank you about ten times in a row, until I came to Katy. Secretly I hugged her a little tighter and whispered, “hey babe,” in her ear. She smiled real big and nonchalantly hugged me back.

“Hey man, happy birthday!” Brett came from around her reaching his hand out to shake mine. I shook it extremely firm and stared into his eyes. Trying to be the alpha out of the two of us, but Katy had a type and we were almost similar in weight and height.

“Thanks man, glad you two can make it.” Lie, I just want your wife here I thought to myself as I made it to the next people to thank.


Thank God, it was super bright outside because I sat and watched Katy from behind my expensive non-see-through sunglasses. And they were definitely worth every penny.

Most of the people were in the pool, but some sat around me and then some sat out under our custom bar patio. Where Val had hired an actual bartender. Katy stood by Brett who sat at the bar completely ignoring her. She looked my way several times and smiled and I smiled back, but people kept coming by and talking to me so I would have to take my attention away from her.

There was one time when I ignored the guy talking to me, because I heard Brett raise his voice a little bit at Katy and push her slightly away from him. Every ounce of blood in my body was boiling, but I knew it would make a scene if I decided to say or do anything about it.


Even though it was my birthday party, I didn’t really drink as much as I usually would. My sons were there so I needed to be coherent for them and also I had watched as Brett and Katy kept arguing and him getting a little harsh with his hands.

There was only a handful of us. Zack and Meaghan had gone home early because their son was having a hard time. But pretty much the rest of the band plus two of our neighbors then Brett and Katy were the only ones left. We were sitting around small fire pit while it kept us warm.

“You ready to go home?” Katy asked Brett as she sat up her eyes looking extremely tired, “I should’ve taken a nap after they called me in this morning.” She laughed.

“No, shut up. If you ask me one more time if I’m ready, I’m going to lose it. Let me just have a good time without you constantly nagging,” Brett said through gritted teeth. Katy made a face and rubbed her arm looking down as I noticed Brett let go of her arm. You could see his large hand print imprinted and that was enough for me. Everyone was quiet and trying not to look over at them.

“What the hell man?” I stood up looking down at the tipsy Brett sitting in a patio chair.

“What do you mean?” he questioned sitting up.

“You just hurt her arm. She said she was tired, maybe you should listen to your wife from time to time and your marriage wouldn’t be failing miserably.” It came out like a sickness, but I was hot and ready to throw down. He wasn’t going to treat Katy like that.

“Did you tell him our marriage was failing?” he stood up pointing his finger in Katy’s face.

“No- I-I-didn’t-” Katy began but Brett interrupted her with a hand across her cheek, making me go blind in rage. Quickly I threw my fist back and met his face just as quick. Punching him in his temple, making him stumble on the concrete falling on top of Katy them both falling.

“Sanders,” I heard Brian from behind me trying to wrap me up and keep me from Brett, “It’s not worth it.”

Maybe it wasn’t to him, but I loved Katy and no one was going to hurt her. He stood back up straight staring me in the eyes. I reached for his shirt pulling him to me from where Brian had me anchored then grabbing his throat.

“You don’t deserve her you mother-”

“Kate!” Val screamed as she ran over to where Katy’s chair had fallen on the concrete when Brett fell on her. There was blood starting to come from the left side of her head, on the concrete. Katy laying there unconscious.

Brian didn’t have to hold me back anymore because I instantly fell to my knees next to her about to pick her head up.

“Don’t,” Brett choked, “you could make it worse. Call 911.”

I hated him, but he was a cop and probably knew more than I did about emergencies. All I wanted to do was keep Katy safe, but there she laid from my stupid mistake.