Sequel: Crash Into Me
Status: Finished - Sequel Coming Soon

Safe Zone

Chapter Twenty-One

{Katy’s Point of View}

All four of my windows were rolled down as I cruised down the highway jamming music from the 80’s thanks to Sirius XM. I loved the old pop/rock songs. Especially with California Beach air filling my nostrils and reliving memories in my head.

Santa Monica was my destination. It was where my Father’s parents lived for most of my life. They owned a beautiful piece of property off of the ocean and the large home just added to the breathtaking scenery.

It had been two days since I had last talked to Matt. I tried to call him once each day, and even sent him a text along with it. I hated to be playing the pathetic side chick, which was another reason why I was so excited to be getting away from everything for a week in beautiful Santa Monica.

The hour of driving was slowly closing in as I turned on to my grandparent’s road and drove down to the small gated community, letting myself with the newest passcode for this year.

I parked my car and turned off the ignition. My pop-pop came walking outside as I popped my trunk with my two large suitcases.

“Katheryn, more beautiful every time I see you!” Pop-pop exclaimed as he held his arms open and wrapping me in his old bear hug that hadn’t changed over the thirty plus years I had known him.

“My pop-pop more handsome than the last time,” I copied as I kissed his cheek, he was getting older looking every year.

“Here let’s get this up to your room,” I knew I should’ve taken my luggage from him since he was older, but I knew better than to carry my own luggage with a Reed male around.


My room at my grandparent’s looked exactly the same. Both my sister and I’s twin sized beds sat on the opposite side of the rooms, covered with stuff animals that had accumulated over the years of spending summers and holidays here.

I slowly sat down on the bed and laid back. This pregnancy exhaustion kept me tired 24/7. But I didn’t want to waste my whole vacay asleep.

My phone buzzed with a small chime, signaling that a text had come through. I reached over to the table where I had sat it plugged into the wall.

It was Matt, or as my phone read; Matthias.


Sighing I unlocked my phone to reply to the message, so much for clearing my mind this week.

Hey there!

Sorry I haven’t been in touch

All good I kept it short, because it wasn’t ‘all good’.

Can we meet up? I need to see you

I’m not in town, but I can text you when I get back into town.

The three small dots flashed for a minute before another reply came up.

When will you be home?

I wanted to type ‘never’, but that would be childish.

Next Saturday. It was a full week until I went home.


Grandparents in Santa Monica. Not going to lie the questions were getting annoying but it somewhat showed he cared.

ok can you call me later?

Yeah, I’ll try.

I locked my phone with the side button, then laid it back down on the table and closed my eyes for a moment eventually falling asleep.


Junior Year…

Liz and I had just been in a major fight. She called me a weirdo because I had just finished dying the top of my hair royal blue and bleach blonde on the bottom.

In return I called her a slut, which of course resulted in us having a yelling match in the living room of my grandparent’s home.

The beach was my comfort spot, so of course I ended up walking down to the water and digging my toes into the sand.

Fidgeting with my piercing, I wish I had a cell phone to call one of my friends. We would probably be laughing at the ugly things we would say about my sister.

“Marie!” I heard from where the sand met the rocks up by my grandparent’s home. It sounded like Matt because he always used my middle name to catch my attention, but he should be an hour away in Huntington, “I know I shouldn’t be here.”

I smiled from ear to ear as I knew for sure it was Matt. Eagerly, I walked to where he was, sticking my hands in my hoodie pocket.

“How in the world did you get here?” My smile was now larger if that was even possible.

“Bribed Michael,” Matt’s eyebrows were raised waiting for me to applaud him for bribing my sister’s boyfriend which happened to be our next door neighbor between Matt and I’s house.

“Good job,” I chuckled as I took my hands out of my old hoodie and rubbed my hands on my jeans, “You came by yourself?”

“Yeah,” He laughed stepping in closer to me.

“Cool,” I nodded. He stepped once again closing the gap between us and then leaned down kissing my cheek. He did it a second time, but I moved my face making our lips connect. We had been secretly seeing each other for about month, like actually having feelings on both ends. Before we would only hook up because we were horny teenagers. But lately there had been a magical connection when we were together.


It always seemed like I was more confused when I woke up from small naps than when I would use to blackout from partying. My pop-pop stood on the side of my bed, lightly trying to get me to wake up.

“Cupkate,” he whispered, “There’s someone here for you.”

Lightly I stretched, not too quick, because that always seemed to get me nauseous. I started to think about who would be here for me, unless it was one of my elderly grandparents with their cute shenanigans.

“Who is it?” I asked sitting up then eventually standing up after wiping my eyes and pushing my hair back.

“Matt, he brought the bag you accidently left. I didn’t know you two still talked. I was expecting Brett,” My pop-pop exclaimed leading me out of the room.

“I’ll fill you all in after dinner tonight,” I smiled as he went back to the family room and I went to the foyer to meet Matt.

“Matthew, what are you doing here?” I asked folding my arms keeping my distance from him.

Matt shrugged his shoulders as a bag that I had never seen hung by his side from his hand, “I had to see you.”

“Outside,” I motioned pointing to the door. Matt hung his head and walked, probably thinking I was making him leave but really I was following so we could talk in private. Lord knows my nosey Lolli was listening to every word.