Status: Going 'til you tell me to stop!

In My Head

Chapter One: November 28

*November 28*
“I’m just not sure what I should do,” Olli confessed to fellow defensemen, Kris Letang. “I can’t just rush in, but –”

“Stop right there,” Kris interrupted, “she likes you just as much you like her. I guarantee that she is just as afraid to ask you as you are to her. Now, go in there and sugar-talk that woman.”

Tatum had been working for the Penguins for about two months now, establishing a strong bond with many of the players. Still, every time Olli was around her, he couldn’t help how hard his heart would beat at his chest walls. His whole brain focused right at her and nothing else, and a dopey smile would present itself right on his face. Tatum was like nothing he had ever seen before.

Now, after all this time, he felt a special connection had been formed amongst the two of them. They spent weekends together around the city, hung out after practices, and little stupid things like that. Nobody ever grew suspicious of this, however, because Tatum had a special connection for each friendship; Olli just so happened to be one of her closest. He couldn’t waste any more time just wait for this relationship to develop into love.

Olli looked down at his own feet and sighed, “Kris, I don’t know how to ask her. I’ve never done anything like this before…”

“Well,” Kris said with a reassuring smile on his face, “I’ll figure this out with you. I’ll see if there’s any way we can hook you guys up with as minimal talking as we can.” He placed his hand on Olli’s shoulder. “Don’t you worry, kid. I’ll keep this quiet, but I do have a plan that will involve a little reinforcement.”

Tatum typed away at her computer, filing some reports and checking emails from other members of the staff. Only one appointment for today. Tatum was never truly busy, neither was she completely free. Days were never truly long at the office, either; her life was content. Well, almost content.

What few know is that she had a troubled life prior to her hiring here. Her parents didn’t keep in touch after she went off to college; she was legally emancipated at the age of 16, a request sent directly from her own mother; and the cherry on top was her past love experience. God, it made her want to throw up just thinking about it.

A sudden knock on the door brought the young psychologist back to reality. She squealed in excitement at the head the stuck itself in. She hoped out of her chair, “Pascal! You’re here!” She clung onto the man, laughing. Pascal was like a father to her; he helped her most with dealing with players and learning the ropes of the industry. “Oh, Pascal, I’ve missed you so much. It’s been forever since you have stopped by. How are things?”

He smiled, “I’m doing well. Haven’t really been able to stop by in a while, you know, because of some business I have been needed to attend to. But, I finally made it to one of these appointments that coach keeps setting up, so why don’t we get started, eh?”

“Alright, take a seat right over here, and we can get started.”

Tatum addressed the elephant in the room first: Pascal’s status following his doctor’s appointments. She knew as well as he did that times were changing for him and that his doctors were hesitant to let him continue. This whole situation was awful, no doubt about it, but Tatum was here to show him the positives.

The two talked for about two hours before their session had come to a close. “Now, Pascal, if coach or you thinks that you need to come back here and talk more, do not be afraid to schedule an appointment. I’m at your full disposal whenever you need me, alright,” the petite woman asked with a big grin that made her bright white teeth noticeable.

“Actually,” Duper said as he made his way to the door, “there is something that I have done for you.” Tatum turned her head, laughing at him in confusion. “I have found a very, very nice boy that I want to set you up on a blind date with.”

“Pascal, thanks, but I’m not interested,” she said kindly as she made her way over to her desk. Her vision focused on her computer, but Pascal interrupted her train of thought once again.
“Why, Tatum, why can’t you go on this date,” Pascal asked with a laugh.

Sigh. “Just because, dude.”

“You’re gay,” Pascal said with no emotion. He had a sly smile on his face.

Tatum snorted in disbelief, “Excuse me? I am not gay!”

“Then you have no excuse as to why you cannot go on this date. You are single, young, beautiful, and straight, meaning that this date would be perfect for you. So, if you’d please accept this offer, ma’am.” Tatum just shook her head. “Come on, you are young. You deserve some true fun in your life.”

She sat there for a couple seconds before finally nodding her head. Duper clapped in excitement, giving the date, time, and location of the date. “Wear something sexy, dear. Stop dressing like you’re 40 years old. You are 20, and you need to act like it. And don’t forget: if you come back a virgin, don’t bother coming back at-“

“Duper, no!” Tatum cried in embarrassment, putting his face down on the desk and covering her ears with her hands. “Oh my God, please don’t ever say something like that to me again. Jesus, I’m officially traumatized for life.”

Dupuis headed out of her door, sauntering towards the locker room with a huge smile planted on his face. Checking to see if the coast was clear, he pulled out his phone and dialed up Kris Letang, one of his favorite team mates. He headed out towards the parking lot, waiting for a response. Finally, he heard his friend’s voice on the other end of the line.

“He’s in. She said yes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks Samilyn for your comment! Everybody keep those comments coming. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion!