

Brendon was just driving home from the store, humming a song he heard on radio and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as the first drops splashed against the windshield.

Brendon looked up to the sky and saw the dark clouds in the sky. He grinned.
Brendon loved thunder. Or actually he just loved the lightning, but the thunder gave a nice feeling, and a soundtrack to the enjoyment.

He hurried to get home, turn off all the lights and snuggle in thick blankets with Ryan by the window. They could maybe also drink some hot chocolate.

Smiling at his thoughts Brendon drove past their apartment but realised after to more passed houses and ‘oh’ed, then turned in some random guys’ yard and then pulled up at his, their own drive.

Brendon smiled at the memory of them watching out for their own house, and just by seeing the front of the house Ryan had turned to Brendon and said ‘this is it, Bden’.
Brendon had smiled and nodded, he’d give Ryan anything he ever wanted, even though he liked the house with the swimming pool better. But Ryan had said they didn’t need one, ‘cause neither of them could really swim, and Brendon would get bored of it in a week. Which is probably true, but sometimes Brendon still misses his ‘could-had-swimming pool’.
Ryan had been so exited about their new house. He had started buying new furniture before the house was really theirs.
Ryan really did all the decorating, all Brendon insisted on having, was the Disney toaster that toasted a Mickey Mouse on his toasts.
Sometimes when Ryan woke up before Brendon (which is like, never) he would draw the Mickey Mouse a face and hair and other funny stuff with jam, and bring it up to Brendon in bed.

But, from a subject to the third, Brendon remembered all his plans for the night when the first lightning split the sky and made it go all white.
Brendon squealed in delight and hurry to get the hell out of the car where you could see nothing from.
He grabbed the grocery bags from the passenger seat and ran inside.
Brendon kicked off his shoes and shouted a clichéd ‘Honey I’m home’ he had insisted on doing from the first day they lived in the house.

He put the bags on the kitchen table and shouted for his lover again. “Ryan?” He asked as he put the milk in the fridge.
As he got no respond, he got a little worried and wondered into the living room.
No one there.
Brendon frowned and made for the stairs, asking for Ryan again.
“Ry? Ryro where’re you?” Brendon asked, knowing full well Ryan didn’t like the nickname ‘Ryro’, and kind of hoping he’d come out and start yelling at Brendon for using it.
As he still got no respond, he began to worry. Where was Ryan? What was up with him?

When Brendon had got the stairs up, he stepped towards the bedroom and peered in.
“Ry? Ryan? Are you here?” He asked and scanned the room.
He heard some rustling from the wardrobe, then the doors slammed open and a shaking Ryan Ross made it to Brendon’s arms.
He buried his face in Brendon’s neck and held onto him with all his might.

“Ryan? Sweety, what’s wrong?” Brendon asked and petted the other boy’s hair and stroked his back slowly.
He kissed the top of Ryan’s head reassuringly and started rocking him slightly from side to side and humming that song from earlier.
“I – I.. Bren. B, it’s.. there’s the.. thunder.” Ryan wailed and flinched when another growl of the thunder could be heard and the sky flashed white again.
And Brendon understood.
“Oh baby it’s alright. We’re safe inside. Come with me and we’ll watch in the living room!” Brendon said enthusiastically.
Ryan whimpered something like ‘nnh’ and balled Brendon’s lavender hoodie in his fists.
“Don’ wanna.” He whispered in Brendon’s neck and shook his head, flinching and shaking when another lightning lit the sky.
“Oh but, Ry! It’s so beautiful!” Brendon tried.
Ryan just shook his head in his neck and pulled at Brendon’s shirt a bit.
“Ya wanna go hide in the closet?” Brendon asked.
Ryan let out a warm breath in Brendon’s neck, making the hairs in his neck stand, and nodded. Brendon even felt something wet make contact with his skin.
“Okay then. We’ll hide in a closet. Just let me get a blanket and we can snuggle.” Brendon said, attempting to march to the bed and get the blanket, but Ryan wouldn’t let go of his shirt.
He looked dumbly at the slightly longer boy that was clinging to his shirt, and then grinned. He took Ryan’s hands and placed them around his waist, then turned around in Ryan’s arms and led them to the bed, like a train.
After gathering the blanket in his arms, he made for the wardrobe. He sat there first, making room for Ryan between his legs. Then he made welcoming gestures with his hands for Ryan.
“Get in Ry!” He grinned.
Ryan sat down between Brendon’s legs and laid his head on Brendon’s shoulder, nose nuzzling his neck.
Brendon pulled the doors closed and tucked the blanked on himself and his boyfriend.
“You afraid of the thunder?” Brendon asked when they were sat comfortably in the closet.
Ryan nodded, a blush creeping up to his cheeks, unnoticed in the dark.
“That’s cute.” Brendon said and turned his head to peck Ryan’s nose.
Just then Ryan decided to raise his head, and Brendon’s mouth was met with Ryan’s, though neither one was complaining.
The attempted peck had turned to a full blown French kiss with lots of teeth and tongue.
They kissed until Ryan’s nervous fearing had taken all of his energy and he fell into a thick slumber against one very warm Brendon Urie.
Brendon stroked Ryan’s silky hair for awhile more before yawning and going to sleep too.

When morning came, Brendon didn’t remember where he was. It was so dark and all his muscles ached. He tried to move but something heavy kept him right where he was. Slowly he started to remember everything from last night.
Then he grinned and pecked Ryan’s cheek, letting him sleep another ten minutes before he got bored and woke him up to get out himself.

Later that morning when Ryan was lazily sprawled over the couch, Brendon’s cell took off ringing in the kitchen where he’d left it last night after coming home.

“Brendon did you see the thunder and the lightnings last night! I swear, it was just awesome! We watched it all night with Spin! Oh my god, Bren, it was really worth all the tiredness I feel now. So, did you watch?”
Brendon pouted.
He’d missed the whole show.
So he just hung up on Jon.

“Who was it?” Ryan asked when Brendon came back to lazy around with him all day.

“Wrong number.” Brendon muttered, snuggling in between Ryan’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Concrit = pure love
thanks for reading anyway : )