
The King and His Queen

He burst into her life in an explosion of color. The shimmering copper of his hair, the glint of amber eyes, and the brilliant white aura that haloed him overpowered everything else she knew. Sunshine smiles danced on lips that promised a love, a life, a joy that she had never known.

His arms were heaven, his chest the most magnificent of thrones. He was King in a kingdom of safety and protection. His eyes were his armies, his mouth his militia. His thundering fists drove away any who would forsake her. When the soldiers of sadness bombarded her with cruelty, he was always there to fend them off. With sword, tooth, and nail he fought for her happiness.

In his kingdom, happiness was not a rule, but a way of life. It was a part of his every day. Even when he couldn't supply his own, he spent his life attempting to bring smiles and joy and laughter to the kingdom. Above all, he did this for her.

So delicately did he treat her, she was able to transform from the being of sadness, which was etched into her very skin. She became Joy, for he brought it to her, and she was his own.

In one another's presence, all evil and destruction in the world took pause. They only knew love and light and elated smiles (these they couldn't have hidden from one another if they had wanted to). So much so, that eventually the rest of the kingdom wore away, until nothing was left of the world before.

The world that came after was changed. It was brighter, and gladder, and song filled the air always. The people who looked on them for leadership were transformed; any who came into contact with the King and his Queen Joy morphed in their presence, transfiguring into creatures of delight. Before the King had labored hard days and nights for the satisfaction of his people, but now it was not necessary. A single visit to the kingdom of the King and his Queen would allow a person joy unknown for the rest of their days.

But soon his people became unsatisfied with all that now lay before them. Though the fields were overflowing with fruits and the people danced daily in the streets for want of anything else, they began to demand more of him and his Queen. Joy was no longer enough for their greed. With hollow eyes and outstretched palms they demanded more, more, more.

So the King and the Queen fled the kingdom, leaving behind the soul-sucking monsters that had once been their subjects. They rode on horseback, the Queen's arms wrapped round the King's waist tightly, her face buried in the soft, familiar scent of his neck. For days, Joy and her King raced away from all that they had ever known, searching for a new place to call home.

When finally they reached the sea, their mount stopped at the water's edge and they knew they were home. They built a house on the cliffside and resided in it, alone together in happiness, for the rest of their days.