Status: Haitus/REALLY slow updates

Her Unknown Lover

Nose To Nose

She spun quickly to find herself nose to nose with him; gazing up into his eyes she noticed that they were the same dazzling hazel brown colour as her own. Blushing, she turned and quickly continued down the stairs, hoping he’d leave. However, he kept two steps behind her, all the way to her room. It was here that she confronted him.

“What ARE you doing? I thought you’re room was up a floor?”

This was the first thing she had said to him, and the sharpness of it seemed almost cruel, but he grinned and her heart melted. When he smiled his eyes seemed to sparkle a flirtatious green colour, it was a warm, genuine smile, creasing the skin around his eyes and flashing his brilliant white teeth. His straight brown hair swept across his eyes, at its longest it reached the top his neck, gently flicking out at the edges – giving him a windswept look that made her want to just jump up and kiss him.

“Well I knew you were going to this teen thing so I thought I’d walk with you,”

The calm tone in his smooth, lightly Canadian accented voice told her that he wasn’t put off by the sharpness of her question,

‘Phew, not blown my first impression.’ she thought happily.

She slid the key card through the lock and pushed the door open. Flicking on the lights she revealed the tiny cabin. To her left was the door to the bathroom where you could barely fit one person, in front of her was the double bed her parents had and the sort, narrow ‘bed’ of a sofa that she had to sleep on. As she opened the wardrobe to get out her jeans and a t-shirt, which she preferred much more than skirts and sparkles, he blushed and turned towards the door,

“Oh, sorry, do you want me to stand outside?”

She paused. For a strange reason she panicked,

‘What if he gets bored of waiting and leaves without me?’ a voice inside her head cried.

“No, no – I’ll change in the bathroom, wait HERE’

She blurted out as she squeezed past him into the bathroom, she took in a breath as they passed and fell instantly for the smell that came off him – an addictive musky, sweet smell that pulled her closer to him, demanding that she held him in her embrace. Barely managing to drag herself from its grip, she stepped into the bathroom. A few moments she re-appeared, she smiled at him as his eyes moved over her new outfit,

“I think I prefer you dressed like this.”

He half muttered while he gazed into her eyes, she later noticed how his face brightened when she pulled a dirty pair of white Converse from the wardrobe, she laughed gently at him as he stood there, staring while she laced them up. As she was locking her room he looked back down at her feet and smiled;

“I approve.”

Before she could respond he began dragging her so she had to jog to keep up with him and heading for the lift to the 8th floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love this story lots.
Would appreciate it if you showed it some love =]