Status: Haitus/REALLY slow updates

Her Unknown Lover

I Cannot Refuse Your Eyes

As she lay in her bed looking up at the ceiling, she thought of last night. When it got to about 10pm, a young woman had appeared in The Loft and introduced herself as Tina, who they found out was to be their ‘counsellor’ for the next week; she was about 5’ 7” with wavy, shoulder length coffee brown hair, icy blue eyes and thin glasses. The group soon learnt that Tina was as much of a kid as they were. Another girl had also appeared, Aimee, she was just a few months older than Lydia, relatively tall, with curly blonde hair, dark brown eyes and black framed glasses. Lydia had instantly connected with her, feeling like she had known her forever. At 11:30pm she and Nathan walked back to her room to find her parents still awake, she managed to bribe another half an hour out of them so they headed back up to The Oasis where she, Nathan and Tom had laid on one of the hammocks staring at the stars in the inky sky.

They’d talked about friends, family, where they’d come from and all the times they had been stupidly drunk. She cried with laughter as she watched Tom swinging Nathan on their hammock before ensuring that it threw him off across the Oasis. As he lay in a crumpled heap she slowly crept over to him and gently kicked his back – still trying to hold in her giggles, she nearly fell over backwards screaming when he suddenly flipped over and grabbed her ankle and made her hop towards him,

“Haha, it’s not so funny now I’ve got your ankle is it?”

He choked for air as she fell onto his slender chest and straddled his body,

“It’s not so funny now I’m sat on you is it?” she mimicked, lying back against his bent legs.

She watched the two of them for a while, Tom gently swinging in the hammock Nathan had just been thrown from; rubbing his evenly tanned face and his short, dark layer of hair with his large, wide hands. Nathan was staring at the sky, the gentle wind catching the ends of his fringe and sweeping it over his glistening hazel eyes that were reflecting the light coming from the lamps dotted around The Oasis. He had his hands on his chest, playing with the simple silver band wrapped around his middle finger – like he had something on his mind.

They both looked up when Tom began to speak.

“I need food, anyone want to join me?”

She felt her jaw drop,

“Tom it’s 11:45 and you want FOOD? Bloody strange Canadians.”

She mumbled a half apology as both Tom and Nathan glared at her.

“Fine, I’ll go alone, be back in a minute.”

Her eyes followed him until he vanished out of sight. Nathan’s voice brought her attention back to him.

“Lean over for a second.”

Although she was slightly confused, she did so. He stared deep into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity, his stunning eyes drawing her into a fantasy world that she never wanted to leave, they made her feel so perfect, so wanted. It was difficult for her to not lean and kiss him; she jumped back to reality at the sound of his voice,

“Your eyes are really pretty. Sorry if it’s random but I’ve been wondering what colour they were all night,” she blushed furiously and pulled away from him.

She was snapped out of her flashback at the blinking light of her phone, rubbing her eyes against the light she leant over and switched off her alarm. It took her a while to come to terms with why she was up so early, then she realised she had promised to meet everyone for breakfast at 10. It was now 9:30;


She cursed to herself as she jumped out of her bed, careful not to wake her parents. Shuffling towards their tiny bathroom she winced again against the even brighter light that lit up the narrow corridor behind the curtain that separated the room. Mumbling several curse words she stumbled into the light.

Once she was bright eyed and fresh, she practically bounced to The Loft, where she was meant to meet everyone. Opening the door she smiled as she saw Nathan, Minnie and Tom waiting for her, as soon as she walked in Minnie squealed and ran towards her;

“Lydiaaaaa! They’re being rude and man-ish while I’ve been all on my own – where HAVE you been?”

Minnie’s dark eyes were wide in mock fear; Lydia laughed as she linked her fingers with Minnie’s and walked with her towards the two grinning guys.

“I honestly don’t want to know what you’ve been saying to my poor Minnie because my therapy bill is high enough, so can we drop it and go get something to eat because I’m starving.”

She then leant over and pulled Nathan up by his hand, who grabbed Tom’s shirt on the way up. Minnie giggled to herself as they walked down the stairs to the food court, Lydia holding Minnie’s hand whilst dragging Tom and Nathan along like small children.

Sighing contentedly she nudged her empty plate away from herself. Looking up she saw the two guys staring at her,


Nathan dropped his gaze to her plate before looking up to meet her eyes again.

“You’ve just had 3 sausages, double portions of bacon, scrambled eggs, 3 slices of toast and 2 pancakes.”

She looked over at Minnie, the two shrugging at each other,

“Lydia you are hardly there but you eat all of that!”

Tom seemed speechless as he compared her tiny figure to the food she had just consumed. She rolled her eyes and pushed her chair back,

“Well I think everyone will have made an appearance at The Loft by now.”

She turned and wandered off towards the right stairs. As she walked off she heard the scraping of chairs and hurried steps behind her, when she turned round to see the other three she accidentally crashed into someone behind her.

“Oh god I’m SO sorr- Aimee!”

She cut herself off when she saw the smiling face of her newest friend looking down at her,

“Hey Lydia, I’m sorry too, completely in my own world. You guys heading up to The Loft?”

She continued to smile as Lydia nodded and turned her in the direction of the stairs, Aimee’s blonde curls bouncing as she walked.

“Lydia, you’re female so you’ve got an opinion, don’t you think Clarke and Simon are HOT?”

She silently ‘oofft’ed as she thought of the two brothers; Clarke was the oldest – the same age as Lydia, he had gorgeous dirty blonde hair that fell just above the cutest chocolate eyes. She melted every time he smiled; his brother was practically his twin – if he wasn’t a year younger. Minnie giggled and she knew Nathan and Tom were rolling their eyes behind me.

“Here we go again, we don’t need to hear it Lydia!”

Minnie span round and stuck her tongue out at him;

“Don’t get like that with us, we all know you’d do them both if you were gay!” she giggled and jogged to catch up with Lydia and Aimee.

When they got back to the Loft, there was no one around but Tina who looked up from her book to see the five of them stood in the door looking quite confused.

“Did none of them tell you? Tut, well, for an hour today we’ve got free run in the arcade so go knock yourselves out.”

And with that she went back to her book. Lydia smiled and ran out of the door towards the arcade, until she nearly collided with Violet; her smile quickly faded and she gave no response to the grinning 13 year old. She knew that although Violet was nice to everyone, there was only one person she was really glad to see,

Nathan! You have to see this.”

She grabbed his hands and pulled him towards whatever game she was playing on. Lydia sighed painfully and twisted her hands together, she gently smiled when she felt Minnie wrap her arms round her waist and rest her head on her shoulder,

“I don’t know what he sees in her, what she sees in him I can definitely see.”

Minnie giggled and squeezed her into a hug before pulling her to play on a shooting game, as they progressed through the game she caught herself imagining Violet was her targets, blowing her head off with each shot – she cursed under her breath and had to look away to rid her mind of the images, she felt gentle hands on her shoulders and she looked up to meet Nathan’s eyes and she could see a flicker of genuine concern - she couldn’t help smiling,

“Hey are you OK?”

When she nodded, only to make him happy, he grinned and took her hand,

“Good, cause I want you to race me.”

And with that he sat her in a seat beside him and started up the game. She looked across at him as he slumped back into his chair; she had just beaten him 3 times in a row on the racing game and she could tell he wasn’t happy. Swinging herself out of her chair she walked over to him and took his hands in her own, pulling him round to look at her,

“Now Nathan, I know I completely kicked your ass, but you can’t sulk like this.”

She laughed as he pushed her back into her seat while he stands up to leave – the hour was up. Jogging slightly, she caught up with him and wrapped her arms around his waist and stopped, forcing him to drag her along while he walked,

“Come on Nathy, love me again, please?”

He simply carried on walking back into The Loft. On their way in they passed Violet, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat until she saw the girl hanging onto Nathan. Lydia just politely smiled and continued what she was doing.

“NATHAN!! Love me again!!”

She cried out as he dragged her through the door to the Loft, the amount of noise she was making drew the attention of everyone else in the room to them, Minnie and Tom sat there giggling as Nathan walked to the sofa, swung Lydia round and sat on her next to the pair. Lydia let out a gasp as his weight forced all the air out of her chest, she sat and pouted for a few minutes while she decided what to do next before gently poking his stomach with the hand she could actually move. Giggling as she felt each muscle tense up and his whole body jump slightly, she buried her face in his back,

“Face it Nath, you know you want to love me again – after all, have you SEEN how gorgeous I am?”

She fell back laughing when he turned his face towards her and she watched his eyes look over her. When he had done he moved his eyes back to her face and she saw a sparkle flash over his eyes, then he sat forward, shoved her to the side and sat back down – pulling her into a sideways hug against his chest. She used the opportunity to hold him close to her and take in his hypnotic musky smell.

“You’re right Lydia; I can’t stay mad at those eyes.”