Wolf Team

Prologue #2: Chains and Shackles Are My Life

“Grim way Maximum Security Prison section: Zero, inmate list processing… List received number of inmates: twenty-seven. Two human females and one Zead male in particular need a check up. Proceed with caution inmates marked as extremely dangerous. Inmates should not be moved without numerous armed guards, and power shackles. Guards should be ready to kill and shackle power level should be at max for Zead inmate. For the two females: guards should have weapons at highest stun level, but kill if necessary. Shackles should be set to seventh level of power. When and if there are visitors for these inmates then they must be separated by the cell wall, and should never be let out of their cells.” A man read from a holo pad to his other passengers.

“So what are they some type of super mutants or something?” the man next to him said sarcastically loading a fresh clip into this rifle. The rifle let out a beep as lights on the rifle began to glow a blue.

“Well the Zead is nine feet eleven inches tall, and his can basically bite through you like butter. One of women however can basically break your skull open with one punch, and the other can hack into anything. If it has a circuit board she can most definately hack it.” another man said pulling out his own rifle loading it.

The man who made the jest went silent a nervous sweat forming on his brow. He wiped it away immediately turning the stun setting off on his rifle his rifle turning orange. The elevator came to a screeching halt, and the doors opened slowly groaning in protest. The doors revealed a metal hallway lined with cells. This floor had fallen to it’s age as no one had bothered to clean it, nor fix it. Lights sputtered to life some even blowing out with a tick. The three men walked into the hallway their boots clanking against the grated metal floor. They walked to the last three cells. One man with a holopad looked inside the cell’s little window writing something on his halo pad. He repeated this action was repeated with the other two cells. When the man nodded to the others the lights went out drowning the men in darkness. Two crimson eyes glowed in a cell window. One of the men backed up to the cell a letting out a small yelp before he was immediately silenced. Now only wet gurgles escaping his mouth. The man fell to the floor clutching his throat. A dark pool of crimson collecting on the floor. The other guard raised his rifle, but he too was near a cell, and when he about to pull the trigger his head turn all the way left a loud snap echoed down the empty hall. The last guy bolted down the hall to his only exit. He dove into the elevator pressing the six button rapitally his heart was racing, and he trembled. The doors closed, and the elevator began to ascend into light.